Hey 'Bitch, and I mean that affectionately, your FIL is 20 years older than me, but I know that I've got another fight left in me. will it be my last? I dunno. But I do hope to go out in one last gunfight. So, if your FIL says he has one more fight in him, I don't think he's bluffing.
Well you are 50 and he is 70, the only fight he has left in him is the fight to wake up tomorrow, I don't mean to sound cruel but the facts are the facts, he is an old man and if he wants to die by an act of violence that is his problem but I am not going to have it, I will not have my husbands father,,OMG, I am sorry, it just hit me, I did not mean for this thread to be a vent for me I made it because he says funny and stupid things and I thought it would be nice for others to see what he says but it seems that I am just trying to justify it to myself