The Little Podcast That Did is doing a very special show this Saturday 13th April 2019. For the first anniversary of Art Bell’s passing we are having Karen Jackson on the show to talk about her long time friend and share some very special memories.
As part of the show we’d love it if you could either be around to listen to the show and call in with your own best memory of Art and what made him and his show so special OR if you are feeling shy you can record a short audio clip with your special memory and send it in to us at (remember to include in the clip your name/handle and whether you are east of the Rockies, West of the Rockies or an International caller!).
We’d love to be able to share this very special show with all of you and look forward to seeing you in the chat or hearing from you from 8pm easter on the 13th. As a special bonus extra we have got permission to air a special interview with Art you may not have heard before, which will start at around 6pm eastern on the stream. It’s going to be a great night and we really hope you can be a part of it! Let’s celebrate Art!
When: Saturday 13th April
6pm est for the Art Interview
8pm LPTD with Karen Jackson
@DynamoHum and
@wr250 , I look forward to your podcast this weekend. I would like to submit one of my memories of Art Bell. However, there is a problem. I do not have any tech skills. I have not submitted my comment to any other "show". I was wondering, if it was possible if I sent my memory of Art Bell to your email address, would someone
record or read my little story?