Yes the 44:40 mark
WR thinks it says “This is unfairâ€
Your brother is a double synaesthete! Colours and smells!
Mine is nice, but can be rather limiting. Hearing new music can be difficult as it can be overwhelming, so I have to slowly expand the range of what I listen to.
It’s very useful and interesting to hear how some composers use thematic stuff as that appears very similar to me perhaps in ways other people don’t notice.
I have a terrible memory for band names and song names, but my synaesthesia gives me almost perfect recollection of songs and lyrics - when a song comes on the radio I can identify it within one or two notes, but couldn’t tell you the name of the song - so a rubbish talent in quizzes!
I can’t listen to music to go to sleep, it is far too immersive for me, which is possibly why I like to listen to woo radio at night while I go to sleep/am asleep.
I found your discussion of synesthesia very interesting,
@DynamoHum. I do not associate colors with music, but I have always sensed music as moving in space, in a flow of motion. I can "listen" to full orchestrations in my head, even to individual instruments, but it's most often with a sense of movement in space. My uncle, who taught me the patterns conductors use to lead the orchestra when I was around 8 or so, seemed to understand that, and encouraged me to follow what I sensed and "sculpt" the music the way I experienced it, not only in the traditional conducting patterns. I have always been grateful to him for that.
It was such a pleasure to do the podcast with you, you're really good at it, and you ask really good questions and raise the most interesting points. Thank you so much for the chance to do that with you, it was REALLY fun!
And of course Maureen, as always, was a hoot. And smart. And interesting. I won't go on, but you all get the idea.
+1 to you.