Yes, home euthanasia is the best (after the sedative, of course). It can be way better to euthanize than to wait too long. Of the four pets I had that needed to die but were not euthanized, only one or two died peacefully. The other two or three were very, very traumatic for everyone, them, other pets, and me.
The two that I had euthanized actually enjoyed most of the process, and were too far sedated to even know about the ending process. The initial.sedative is such a pain killer that the at-home doc pet the cat and let him enjoy 20 minutes of pain free cuddling for the first time in weeks. I hadn't realized he was in pain until the sedative changed his breathing. He had been much tenser than I knew. I wonder what pained him, must have been internal then.
Most of my pets have been neutered very young, before they knew what they were missing. I did have one tom cat neutered, and it was a wreck. He knew exactly what the vet did to him, and he glared hatefully at me for over a year. He would look at his wee wee area, then up and me, and get tears in his eyes. It was one of the top ten mistakes of my life.
It would have been 100% more humane if the vet had put him on hormone adjustment gradually for a few months first, to reduce his desire and gradually make him and his thoughts decline. Prior to castration. It is barbaric to cut off experienced tested without first treating the mind.
I don't think branding is used much anymore, but plenty of other horid, greedy, inhumane practises are. Can we talk about something else. I wish we had more family farms and less Big Agra. When things go wrong in Big Agra, sometimes the consequences are devastating. But when a family farm has a leak or whatever, towns don't have to evacuate.