Well, the clock is ticking on the days that the
relatively sane Windows 7 will work safely for us all, so its never too early to dive into the world of Linux. The neighbor gave me his old box with Linux and a bunch of other goodies on it and I have no idea what distro it is or anything about it, as I need to get spare monitor before I can boot it up.
I know absolutely zero on the topic of Linux outside of it has an unusual file formatting that seems to hate spaces, but likes underscores "another_file" and that it has the reputation of having a steep learning curve. And of course, the variations of it are called distros. I fret at the thought of losing the ability to play my favorite Tetris game. Will it work with various file types? (ttf, otf, jpg, pdf, mp3) So, its not the big thing, but the millions of little things I worry about.
So in the next week or so, I plan on getting the box out of mothballs and seeing what damage I can do...I will probably at first use Linux for online work and keep the Win machines air-gapped after 2020. I'll let you know how it goes and what I learn