@juanTake a look here to see if it's worth it for you to even try to install QB under wine.
https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=120I'm looking into a couple of different applications for accounting software under Linux for you.
I've written off xTuple for the plain and simple fact that the PosgreSQL server has to be configured prior to use. I have a couple more that I'm looking into.
Some of the requirements I'm following are:
1. Freeware, or reasonable price.
2. Minimum requirements met to accomplish the solution.
3. Ease of installation.
4. Avoidance of Wine and Java if possible.
5. Ease of use and good, supporting documentation.
I need some info from you though...
1. Do you require a personal accounting solution or an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) solution ?
2. If personal, what dot -3 file format do you send it to the tax man in. (*.csv, *.aif, *.qbb, *.qxf, *.mny, ...etc.)
And also, what format does the accountant prefer so he can automatically import it instead of entering it by hand ?
Or, is this just for your personal use ?
3. Pretty much, I need to know all the functionality that you require to be happy with the solution and to have it satisfactorily
meet all your requirements.
(I'm assuming you are looking for a personal accounting software Pkg to make things easier for yourself come April)
3. Do you require budgeting, and / or vehicle (for business write-off), functionality ?
4. Do you need to export the files from QB and use them for this years' filing ?
5. Will you ever be going online with the computer this will be installed on, and do you need real-time access to your bank accounts to
automatically update (pull into your book-keeping software), or need to access your accounting software from a mobile device - or will
this be a 'thick-client' (runs stand-alone on the machine with no cloud or network interaction.) ?
6. How much RAM and what cpu are you using ? (This will make a difference for the Basic Minimum Requirements needed to run QB.)
Run ' inxi -CMfSxI ' sans quotes. <--
Do NOT Post This Info To This Forum ! ! !
visitors can't see pics , please
register or
login Pm it to me instead. (You'll see why when you run the command.
(To install inxi if it's not extant on your system -->
https://www.tecmint.com/inxi-command-to-find-linux-system-information/ )
Note: to copy and paste from the terminal, Highlight the text to be copied > RIGHT click > select copy, and paste it into the PM.
Ctrl + C won't copy from the terminal, but it will terminate any processes that are running in that terminal.
(If you want to decode the CPU flags, a good listing is
here. )
Those are just some of the basics I'll need to know.
If you can live with the limitations for your version of QB (running on Linux),
and you won't be going online (NOTE: the data in that webpage is old), then I'd recommend just installing wine and loading QB. That way you can import all your old records and have the functionality you are used to.
If your version of QB is 'garbage' on wine, but you want to try it anyway (old webpage - functionality may have improved,) I'd suggest you write down all the dependencies that wine pulls in with it when it installs, that way, if it doesn't work, you can remove them too, when you remove wine. No need to leave all that cruft on the system.
Play On Linux doesn't officially support Quickbooks, probably because it's such a P.I.T.A. to get it working acceptably.
If we can't get QB running under Linux, what I'd like you to do is grab a pen and paper, fire up QB (from Doze,) and go through the program - marking down all the functions you regularly use (reports, export, graphing, budgeting, etc.,) and the ones you use occasionally, in two separate lists. Plus, add all the functionality you'd like to incorporate that QB doesn't offer - stuff that'd be nice to have - in a 3rd list. Then send them to me, either posting them here, or PM me - if you would prefer not to air that on a public forum.
This will make it much easier for me to tailor the solution to your needs.