That's slaves, not servants. Sick bastard
Certainly some peasants were treated much worse than the best house-slave (not that slavery is to be minimized in any way) because both peasants and slaves sometimes lived relatively well (as sickening as that sounds) when they managed to curry favor with their it was most certainly the situation with Elizabeth Bathory, or in the case of the mistresses and master slave owners; BOTH of whom who were so-totally in control that their disenfranchised chattel often snitched out their fellow "others". Often, rape, disfigurement (a favorite of Bathory was to have the nubile breasts lopped off of young girls) or the more popular sacrifices in times of winter of being frozen in cold water just to see how long they could survive outside in the bitter night...or to even be set upon by the ever-waiting wolves (most certainly a quicker exit from a horrible death i should think) Yeah, those halcyon days of Elizabeth Bathory were to be envied by those, who in reality, had no other choice but to survive their utter deprivation by any means necessary. How lucky! Of course, this often meant working under her whimsical and inhuman "employment" by selling out their fellow human beings in more provocative ways than by just being a simple toadie or sniveling sycophant...all in the name of survival.
If you're still with me, what I'm saying is it ain't a contest. No one is saying slavery was cool. Slaves endured and even did the same shit too! Both of these existed and these types of lives existed for different people for different reasons for most of existence. Mainly, it was by whatever means available to the individual that some managed to make it work for them...depending often upon whatever the whims of their mistress or master may have been. Shitty? Certainly, that's quite an understatement and it could be hell on earth either way, but that should have been obvious. ksm is not wrong for pointing that out because you come across as a bit sanctimonious.
p.s. the purple is growing on me