That's a great post, and I disagree with just one thing, and that's extremely depressing. I'll be even more pessimistic and say that Generation Z is no more conservative and/or traditional than Millennials. Keep in mind that the oldest Millennials are well into their thirties now. Those blue-haired college kids, who embrace socialism while they eschew Martin Luther King Jr. as a White supremacist, are in Generation Z.
You brought up a pet peeve of mine. I hate those commercials from pharmaceutical companies, and they make me actually miss the juvenile ads of our youth. These commercials seem to be set in the same parallel universe, one that has a soap opera fake vibe, where the citizens happily pop pills to cope with various disorders that few individuals actually have, and the "medicine" has *way* more costs (hemophilia, lymphoma, hallucinations, suicide) than benefits, and you need a new pill to counteract the first pill. I actually saw a commercial for a pill to help sufferers who cry or laugh uncontrollably, and I first thought that it was an ad for a new comedy!
After starting blood pressure medicines, one caused "oral allergy syndrome" (even long after stopping the drug) and I also have to take something daily for side effects. I have some side effects which are bearable, but others that concern me & aren't treated yet.
However, at this point it seems to be well worth the risk. I just don't understand why manufacturers don't isolate out the negative components, or build-in antidotes for common side effects. Consumers should have a choice between the straight pill or the side-effect modified pill.
Just like consumers should be able to open their own vaccine packages, read the label, and find that manufacturers have eliminated mercury (thirmesol), camphor, and egg. We should be able to get allergen free immunizations and TB tests.
Just like we should be able to purchase a contraceptive from which the abortifascients are removed. Some couples would be willing to accept a 10% risk of pregnancy if that eliminated the chance of an unwitting abortion. Besides, those couples could use a combination of that pill with a barrier contraceptive method such as a condom or spermicide.