Well. Its from experience. When i used to drink tequila, scotch, vodka. I would pass out, puke, lose memory, almost die. Once i passed out on a dancefloor and woke up on the street floor at 4am.
Coors light doesnt do that to me.
Do u see the difference?
I understand how you can be comforted by that. I also have seen that a person can slowly damage their liver, and there is a point of no return. If you exceed that point, you can stop drinking entirely yet your liver will continue to fail and you die.
Have you considered this - if you have a physician, see him/her. If you don't, then get one. Discuss your history and current habits and request they draw your liver enzymes. Then you can work with your doctor and be certain that what you think you are doing is in actuality what you are doing.