It’s showtime!
Dead Air Audience Interpretive Participation Bonus! Listeners are required to bring their own headphones/earbuds for this special unscheduled event. Participants are encouraged to post what they hear during a time limit set of 4 hours! Some special guest may or may not include Elvis, John Lennon, Buddy Holly, EVP’s.
Free dance lessons! Do you want to learn how to dance live on the air? Then lets dance. Bring it! Note: This event may be combined with the Unscreened Open Lines events and is for entertainments purposes only. Cannot be held responsible for rolled ankles, tipped over furniture, or broken coffee pots.
Unscreened Open Lines! Regular callers are required to call ahead to ensure they get a spot on the air. Note: There is no time limit set for your calls. Yes, you read that right. You can call in and go completely off subject and talk about the same thing you called in about on the last show and the show before that and the show before that. Your friends are sure to be impressed and think the you are a famous radio personality or that you are very very import because of the number of times you call in and monopolize the phone board! Unscreened Open Lines is also know as the Mutual Admiration Society Hotline.
Be an honorary Program Director for a day. Is it a live broadcast or a repeat? No info available for the next upcoming show? Test your skills as you try to decide if it’s live or a replay?
Stressed out? Free Transcendental Mediation Channel Stream. Helps clear your mind and turn your grey matter, well, grey. Note. Listeners must bring their own listening devices and a friend if you are prone to bouts of uncontrolled levitation. For entertainment purposes only.
Join the Fan Club Admin Honors Program: Weed out undesirables with the click of the No Free Speech Dump Button just like Darth Vader! Search out members with any negative comments, POV, or questions and have the power to kick them to the curb in the wink of an eye. This position gives you the ability to not have to answer uncomfortable questions from the general public and have a constant sense of superiority over others in the world of the internet. Great program for those who have never held a high position or supervisory title at any work place in the past or were not popular at school. Note: You must be a recognized hypocrite as you may be required to call out members for things they do or say even though you do the same thing online to others. The beauty of this program is that you are never ever wrong and can feel like you are a close friend of an entertainer when you are, well, not. Helps fill in your day when there is nothing good on TV or you have had a lackluster day.