Author Topic: The Kingdom of Nyet with Heather Wade  (Read 12562980 times)

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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #63151 on: December 11, 2018, 01:32:06 AM »
Gold scrotum are you going soft flaccid?


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #63152 on: December 11, 2018, 01:36:19 AM »
Tell her to peel back the gold and enjoy some delicious chocolate!

BANG!!  That's karma, baby.


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #63153 on: December 11, 2018, 01:38:54 AM »
Journey, I hope your Mother bounces back soon.


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #63154 on: December 11, 2018, 01:40:22 AM »


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #63155 on: December 11, 2018, 01:41:55 AM »
This is a mundane thought...but hear me out.....did Art have a removable bridge in his mouth, or anything false for teeth?   Is it possible that HW has that and is weird enough to have kept it, and puts it in her OWN mouth to do the shows, trying more to sound like him?   or I have I listened to "The Wall" one too many times?

Next thing you'll say, she's taking chicken skin and fashioning an ART mask for when she's on the air.


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #63156 on: December 11, 2018, 01:42:06 AM »
I am amazed at how well she navigates the tediousness of it all without losing her patience and more amazed at the callers doing this that don't have the self awareness to realize they are being a bore to the audience.

I'm expecting new calls will get to the point of talking about gout, bladder stones and toenail fungus, divorce proceedings, and admissions about how they cheated on their taxes in 1987 and asking Heather more personal questions about what toothpaste she uses and various toilet habits.

BTW, thanks for the gif. Since Dyna was adopted, I don't have any pictures of her at that age and so I make regular double takes at any cat that looks like it could be her.

I have wondered if that is a common thing to do while milking a cow and there are cats around  ;D
 :) it looks adorable.

It is rare now that her regular callers actually add anything to the program when it is Open Lines.
At least when they call in when a guest is on they may have a question to contribute to the show.
But with Open Lines you got her regular callers ringing up Heather to update her on their lives and talk about the boxes of goodies they've sent her. Ridiculous.

Her show is transforming into some strange variety show or agony aunt call-in show.
Her regular callers should be, lovingly, known as the Simpletons of Nye.

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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #63157 on: December 11, 2018, 01:44:10 AM »
He's still talking about ascension, Pleadian starseeds, the Annunaki's gold mining slaves etc. He seems stuck in 2010. I wouldn't take him too seriously.
Planet X being a second sun? 3,657 year orbit? Nope nope nope....

I'll bet he has had his star seeded.


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #63158 on: December 11, 2018, 01:45:50 AM »
I'll listen to heather even if she talks to a cat all night. Eat that haters

yeah.  That's telling us.


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #63159 on: December 11, 2018, 01:46:29 AM »
As much as I love ALF, I'm not eating any cats!

They're all dark meat and look just like bunnies when you yank the skin off.


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #63160 on: December 11, 2018, 01:47:40 AM »
She's mentioning BellGab an awful lot lately.
It is strange when once upon a time, not too long ago, it was strictly verboten.

I think she's going to start posting again and she's greasing the wheels.

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  She's blowing a lot of pussy fog.  She wants the 'gabbers to support her.


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #63161 on: December 11, 2018, 01:47:56 AM »
I'll bet he has had his star brown eye seeded.
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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #63162 on: December 11, 2018, 01:52:39 AM »
I have wondered if that is a common thing to do while milking a cow and there are cats around  ;D
 :) it looks adorable.

It is rare now that her regular callers actually add anything to the program when it is Open Lines.
At least when they call in when a guest is on they may have a question to contribute to the show.
But with Open Lines you got her regular callers ringing up Heather to update her on their lives and talk about the boxes of goodies they've sent her. Ridiculous.

Her show is transforming into some strange variety show or agony aunt call-in show.
Her regular callers should be, lovingly, known as the Simpletons of Nye.

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Some have already been sending her drawings.
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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #63163 on: December 11, 2018, 01:52:48 AM »
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AAAHHHHHHH!  I'll draw it's attention.  Somebody shoot it before it gets away!


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #63164 on: December 11, 2018, 01:55:06 AM »
I'll listen to heather even if she talks to a cat all night. Eat that haters
Ok @Jedimiller , are you going to pee on them too?