I know this can sound condescending but many folks have been in a bad place income-wise. Or just during times, school, camping, etc where stores are far between. And there, providing mobility, you find much more value in cheap stuff with nutrition. BEANS, RICE, SARDINES. Cheap, portable. Fiber, protein, and filling. And you can buy in bulk cheaper, if one has place, even a cheap studio apt or dorm room or campsite, to soak beans overnight before boiling them up. Ramen, pasta, etc is, sorta worthless, except for salt or "filling" naturet. Though I've known some that swore by sacks of potatoes. But really, much of the world SURVIVES on some staples. No reason why someone can't do for some years, in a pinch here. And if supplemented with good protein like sardines? You'll be good. More importantly though is clean water and lots of it. And don't ignore hygiene. Teeth/Mouth firstly and body second.
Sounds about right. I don't find it condescending. Lots of good advice there. Legumes are a staple, but interspersing them can be nicer than making a meal with them, because beans are very high carb for people with blood sugar issues or nighttime female hormone flashes. Important to balance the meal with produce, too. Greens (and bananas and sardines) have calcium. Dandelions can be cleaned and fried (not the poisonous milk though). In some parts, apples grow everywhere, or berries. What is not eaten should be frozen while still in good shape.