The quantity, quality and all out availability from food banks and churches vary. The one near me took days to finally get an appointment. I had made a meal from some of the assortment and dutifully figured the mixed vegetables from a can (generic and probably expired) would have nutrition, right? Well something wasn't right because I yakked up the entire meal afterwards. I can still taste the can in my mind to this day. Some of the offerings were terrible enough that you are lucky enough to get the basic caloric input and keep it in.
*On the intestine, I had a coworker that had this same issue. She came down with severe abdominal pain to the point she was sweating. Same operation and so forth. She was about 30 at the time, ate health food, was well groomed and so forth. I don't recall that she even drank. So its not necessarily neglect. So some kind of disease or malformity.
Too bad about the colon! I agree with you about food banks. They do not do anyone any favors when they distribute rotten produce or cans that are five years past expired. How, how, how can they stand there and expect me to take fully rotten produce? You can't really cook major rot out!! Of course I don't take unsalvageable food! Canned food is harder to tell. I'm glad you lived, even though you are one of those cigarette smokers in the world! Food banks also don't do anyone any favors when they distribute a lot of pastries at one time, either, which seems to be common.