Ok finally caught up...wow. I think a washed up has been from the 80s should play heather. Kathy Bates for Lasha. As far as the newly found name.....Im sure a little more digging we can find out its her stripper/hooker/porn name. Im sure posting an ad on craigs list maybe might get some hits. I have seen it work before. I still think miss thang is about to bounce. She has no options left. As far as an intimate relationship and Art....he liked certain kinds of woman.From what one can get from his MO. Philippine/Asian/Pacific Islander, dark eyes, no tattoos, innocent looking. He didnt go for the strung out druggie type.
If you look at the bdsm pictures that she has posted , she looks like she is tweaking. Also her queen of the night picture, i would say more than likely a combo of cocaine and probably speed. Her body is rigid, not loose. I maybe off base but I do not think too far.