Author Topic: The Kingdom of Nyet with Heather Wade  (Read 12582847 times)

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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #70365 on: December 30, 2018, 07:40:12 PM »

Huh? Actually no. You see i am beyond this body. My OOBE allowed me to see my past lives and explained everything to .me.  my soul is ready to transcend back to the original creation.  When you reach this level you stop worrying about friends  or things like that. Its just you and god.  Nobody else.  You die alone and you will be sent back alone. Im on my last levels

This sounds like Whitley after a good weebering


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #70366 on: December 30, 2018, 07:48:46 PM »
I agree, well stated Angie. I have had so much fun here. I feel a friendship here although virtual in the respect of our avatars however we are real people behind them and have forned a real bond. I’m looking forward to the new year and to wherever we go with this forum.

I feel this way, too, @Journey. I like getting to know people here a lot! The personalities shine through the avatars and screen names very distinctly, which I enjoy tremendously.

I am very grateful to know you all and to be here on this forum. This has consistently been a delightful and interesting part of my day for much of this past year. I look forward to many more great posts, funny comments, insights, and gifs in the new year.

My best to all for our brand new about-t0-be-born 2019!  ;D
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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #70367 on: December 30, 2018, 07:54:40 PM »
This is how it works--if they ask for money, give what you can. And do NOT expect to be paid back. Actually you tell them not to pay you back. Those are the rules...

I'd add one more rule which a mentor of mine taught me years back. it's worked really well for me the few times I've invoked it, closed off unfinished unhappy business. If you have lent money to someone and they aren't paying you back as they promised, if it has gone on long enough and you find yourself resentful and angry about it, send them a note which says:

"With this note I forgive the debt of $xxx which you borrowed from me and have not paid back per our agreement. If at some time in the future you have the funds available, I request that you donate it to the non-profit charity of your choice in my name.

I now declare this transaction completed."

You'd be amazed how much better you'll feel taking that resentment off your unfinished business list! And it holds the borrower morally accountable at the same time as you are disconnecting from them. As I said, it has worked really well for me in a very few instances in the past, before I learned not to lend money to "friends."  ;)
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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #70368 on: December 30, 2018, 07:56:31 PM »
@DynamoHum, I saw the revelations from Pete Eberhardt yesterday. While has a voice that can contribute to solving these mysteries, it is imperative to realize the information they provide are going to have a slant. The key is to listen for things that are corroborated and tell "the rest of the story" as they say.

An example, we had always heard that it was Heather who fired Pete and this didn't make sense. It was Keith that did the official firing and Heather who called him later. The reasons make more sense here in that he wasn't shocked about this as he was already redundant as the show numbers probably didn't even warrant keeping him around in an advertising sales capacity even in Art's last couple of months on the show unless he could double up or take on some other duties as there was already a decline from the July and August excitement.

For whatever reasons, Art was already branded as a "has been" by national advertisers. Midnight in the Desert in December 2015 was supported only by his strongest fans as his casual fans had already fallen away since the blitz and July 20 launch. I think Art knew inside that his last chance of making a comeback on the scale of his golden era died when the Sirius XM Dark Matter deal fell apart in October 2013. That was why he was so distraught about that. Heather was the siren call among the Bellgab community at that point. "No Art, you are not washed up, please come back. Please send Art cat pictures! You have my number please call me."  Midnight in the Desert was a last ditch effort, but by the time it was underway the COPD had a grip on him. It was not to the point even close to gravely ill and gasping for breath, but that it made doing a 3 hour show, 5 days a week uncomfortable and short of what he knew was his best.  His back issues were still there as well. Combining these factors he looked for an external reason, any way to leave the show. While the origin of stalker is still debated (I think he was real and somewhat known by Art and Karen), he certainly wasn't going to let that excuse go to waste, so he maxed out the potential drama on this.

Art's suggestion of Heather was going to carry weight mostly because there were no takers on Keith's side that could step in on such short order. Keith would have not had any particular reason to be loyal to any candidate, he would want who was best for the network as long as they could work with him. He had already decided to shut down the network an set that into motion when Art called him and persuaded him to continue with Heather as host. I think he would have felt guilty to a degree that without his presence, Heather and Keith would have been out of work without him, so he was going to do everything possible to support them in continuing. This included plugs and moving Heather to the Pahrump studio. The audio quality of Heather's California studio was dreadful in comparison, so renting her the unused guest house was to Art a no-brainer and cheaper to him than buying another ten grand in equipment when he had no financial incentive. Plus renting her the house, he could even make some money.

Heather announced her move by stating "new phone lines and equipment were on their way" several weeks earlier. She was telling the truth in that she was on her way to the equipment and not the other way around to keep her location disguised.

Why he sold the guest house to her is somewhat banal. The entire reason he bought it in the first place was to have a studio that would not disturb Asia when she was young during the Dark Matters days and provide a place for visitors and friendly radio business associates to stay as a courtesy. Being that he didn't intend on coming back into radio and was settled into family life again, he didn't really care about the guest house at that point and selling it would provide another revenue stream for the family once he was gone as his health was still in steady decline. Plus it would take away distractions of needing to fix things on both the house and studio (of which Heather probably had complaints meant more as an excuse to try to get Art to look at them) and put those problems back in her hands as he was probably tired of hearing about these and calling and paying for service workers.

I don't think there was ever an affair. Heather was obviously smitten with Art it was never reciprocated. He was attracted at very least to her voice and did think she had some degree of talent and did want the best for her and for Keith radio career wise. I don't think he had any idea of her temper or instability until months after she had moved there in February 2016 and chalked most of that up to being a typical radio show biz personality. If he later gained any idea that her issues ran deeper than that, he probably did his best to cover for her as a means of saving face and not looking the fool to Karen or his fan base. I think his regular phone calls and advice kept her on track.

What an awesome summary! I think you're probably spot on, @Dyna-X! +1
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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #70369 on: December 30, 2018, 07:58:40 PM »
As usual this is a fantastic break down of things.

I do realise that Pete’s Version is going to be slanted, but I do note that there are correlations to be made from all the sources we have.

I also think any type of relationship more than a friendship was purely one sided - remember Karen said Heather was totally in love with Art. I am guessing he enjoyed that type of worship.

Agree also that Heather hid the crazy successfully for a long while and by then Art had no choice but to push the product no matter how much it probably stuck in his craw to do so. Guessing that the house sale was planned a while before it was finalised in Feb 2018, and by then he’d pulled away far enough that he didn;t care how crazy she was.

I think you're right, @DynamoHum, and between you and Dyna-X and some others here we're really starting to get more of the pieces of the timeline to fit... fascinating! I just wish she was worth it all, in the sense that I wish she was growing and getting better doing her show... which seems rather to be going the other way (down).  ::)
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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #70370 on: December 30, 2018, 08:01:54 PM »

You probably do.  But when u reach ur final lifetime. You won't seek friends in animals or people.  Only the energy of the universes
I could almost find your words comforting if I knew you were from another star system. Makes me wonder though what the universe is ultimately about. What did they pass on about this to you?

Linda Moulton Howe suggests its a negative entropy reduction trainer for souls.


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #70371 on: December 30, 2018, 08:02:57 PM »
Indeed, she doesn’t have anyone to pay her bail. I think this idea will be scrapped. She may talk about it knowing she won’t be on air long enough to have to actually do it. She will milk the cow as long as her sycophantic fans will allow. When that well is dry she will move on. I’m shocked at the stuff people are still sending her.

My bet is that she actually doesn't think that way. I think she has deluded herself into living from inside her little narcissistic bubble, and she thinks she will just be able to find a way to keep going... and in fact I think she is still thinking she will create a big, successful radio career as a "star." That was what she asked for when she was talking with the caller who said she could manifest anything she wanted in one of her meltdowns a couple of weeks back... "Can I have 600 terrestrial stations please?" And he instantly and confidently said, "Oh, I think you'll be bigger than that." And she said, "Really?" very happily.

Just because you're in the real world and its reality, Journey, doesn't mean HW is. She's not.  :P
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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #70372 on: December 30, 2018, 08:04:14 PM »
As you get older and you are on your last human lifetime. You start cutting down on human relationships as you dont require them anymore. You move away from it.  I've cut off my family, exes and many friends. Negative energies do not help you transcend.  Dont get me wrong. I do socialize. In the end, you have to look for urself. When you die. You have to be ready. 


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #70373 on: December 30, 2018, 08:06:08 PM »
I really do think there was a note, just that it was probably taken out of context by Heather that alluded to an event on Saturday (a discussion? family dinner event to which she was invited?). Art had a tone that could be melodramatic at times. While I think he knew he wasn't long for this Earth, he planned on being around another year or more at least.

The Sheriff/Coroner may taken this just in case and so she did in fact "read the note" before handing it to them.  If it were a email address - these were reassigned so she didn't have a copy by the time she started telling folks about this. In context with the families reports ,they may have dismissed it. There may have been more than one with similar content from the days before lamenting his old age ailments, who knows.

Until anything else surfaces this is my absolute best theory on all of it. Probably not exactly correct, but close.

You know, even a benignly-intended statement like "I'm so tired tonight, I feel like I can't go on, I'm going to stop now" (meaning working, or playing with his kids, or whatever) could easily be misinterpreted and spun into something it was never meant to be... I'm not sure we'll ever know if this note really existed or not, or what it actually said and to whom it was addressed.
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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #70374 on: December 30, 2018, 08:14:19 PM »
My bet is that she actually doesn't think that way. I think she has deluded herself into living from inside her little narcissistic bubble, and she thinks she will just be able to find a way to keep going... and in fact I think she is still thinking she will create a big, successful radio career as a "star." That was what she asked for when she was talking with the caller who said she could manifest anything she wanted in one of her meltdowns a couple of weeks back... "Can I have 600 terrestrial stations please?" And he instantly and confidently said, "Oh, I think you'll be bigger than that." And she said, "Really?" very happily.

Just because you're in the real world and its reality, Journey, doesn't mean HW is. She's not.  :P

Points well taken.  She’s a trip for sure.


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #70375 on: December 30, 2018, 08:15:02 PM »
Some weeks ago I was thinking it was a part of the phraseology of suicide prevention of "one more day" and reinforced in her new bumper "What a Difference a Day Makes" or even in Wilson Phillips "Hold on (For One More Day)" Since then, I think it is more literal and timed to an actual event and obfuscated and reinforced in her own mind through this metaphorical truth.

I actually don't think she lies left and right, but her perceptual filters however skewed, anger, desparation and just plain stubborness are driving the ship. (ie. she knows now Dynamo didn't make the call and has basically admitted as such, but refuses to apologize out of spite.)

There is a really deep seated anger like a block of coal in her psyche in her over something and this was in place long before she came to Bellgab.

Yes indeed. She has said a number of times on FB and on her shows that she is defiant and a "wild" outsider and likes it that way. Plus saying she can't find a man who is tender enough but can handle her. LOTS of anger in many varieties and hues... most of it unprocessed and suddenly shooting out like sparks at the slightest perceived "insult" or provocation (which might in fact have been neither in reality).
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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #70376 on: December 30, 2018, 08:15:24 PM »
Well hello, Boodie and Zeety! Where have you been? You are both too cute to be hiding from us. Boodie has those beagle eyes that touches your heart. Please, stop by again.

Second the invitation! +1
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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #70377 on: December 30, 2018, 08:17:33 PM »
Screw that guy and his shit forum.  There was always a bit of a jerk just under the surface in him.  Over the past year or so when he was doing all his passive aggressive shit with random forum changes intended to irritate - intended to irritate - it sure looked to me like he was tired of the forum and trying to drive everyone away.  When that didn't work, he just shut it down out of the blue.  He didn't give a damn about you or anyone else.

Now he's trying to take the high road: if a person didn't appreciate all that, they didn't ''get'' the forum and he's better off without them anyway.  And by ''get'' the forum, he's apparently talking about asswipes like Brig, Jackstar, ''Myke'', etc, and their endless shit posting.

Don't feel bad about losing the friendship of someone who never deserved it, write it off as a mistake.




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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #70378 on: December 30, 2018, 08:18:43 PM »
My bet is that she actually doesn't think that way. I think she has deluded herself into living from inside her little narcissistic bubble, and she thinks she will just be able to find a way to keep going... and in fact I think she is still thinking she will create a big, successful radio career as a "star." That was what she asked for when she was talking with the caller who said she could manifest anything she wanted in one of her meltdowns a couple of weeks back... "Can I have 600 terrestrial stations please?" And he instantly and confidently said, "Oh, I think you'll be bigger than that." And she said, "Really?" very happily.

Just because you're in the real world and its reality, Journey, doesn't mean HW is. She's not.  :P

Aquarius, maybe in all your travels you have read on or encountered this, but there is a segment of the population that misapplies New Age or metaphysical thought to the point where it resembles narcissism to the ordinary person. She has made fun of this culture before but I think she has cherry picked the Teal Swan-like portions of these beliefs out anyway. I've seen people lose everything they own and their house waiting on ascension and losing every friend they have by calling them negative people and of course doing various "elixirs" because they believe they can control their own mind over matter to the point they can ingest anything they like in any quantity and it won't harm them.


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #70379 on: December 30, 2018, 08:19:56 PM »
I can’t figure out how she could have seen or gotten a note if she wasn’t there. If he sent one to her in advance and she did nothing to stop it , well.... that would explain her emotional state.

It's been rumored (or stated? not sure, don't recall) that when she didn't go to Art's funeral, she went snooping in the house instead while everyone was out. She might have seen some private note between Art and Airyn for all we know. She's so out of bounds here it's hard to know where to begin to speculate... so I'm not going to any further on this!  ;D
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