Gravity I’m so sorry to hear about this. I hope you find something that helps.
Glad to hear about your amazing breakthrough! That's great. Not sure I'm ready for hallucinigens though - no way! Coffee helps against dementia, and my clients have prescriptions which slow the progression. I'm only in my fifties, but I already show signs of dementia.
When I write, say I need to write 6 3 2 8. Typically, I would mistakenly write 6 6 3 2 8 or also 6 3 2 1. It is called "persistence", forgetting I wrote the original 6 (short term memory loss) and forgetting to finish writing the said number because of noticing a pattern (3, 2, ) and finishing the pattern instead of the said number.
And in my head, I use words interchangeably which are not really interchangeable, like vinegar and ammonia, or piano and fridge.
Jackstar's concerns about grammer are going to be the least of all our concerns
ssoo soonopqrs soon