Glad you cleared that up. I was confused because it seem to fit both ways~
@AutumnRain. I went back and edited that post, so here's the whole post again with the edited part added, just to be clear. +1 to you!
Original Post:
Plus the very body characteristics that he mocks regarding you,
@AngiefromNJ, and
@DynamoHum, are the very body characteristics that he has himself in those very mushy, not-toned photos he publishes of himself. Know what I'm saying?
[Edit] To make this clearer: Miller claims that certain attributes of Angie's and Dynamo's appearances are ugly or unappealing and he mocks them. Then he contradicts himself by posting photos of himself with those same characteristics. Ironic, eh? And he seems to be the only one around here who rags Angie and Dynamo in a most immature and mean way about what he imagines they look like from the few photos of them he's seen.
It's very hypocritical to mock certain characteristics in others but not acknowledge that he himself has those same characteristics. Double standard!
There, I hope that's clearer. Whew.