Author Topic: The Kingdom of Nyet with Heather Wade  (Read 13855003 times)

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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #74700 on: January 12, 2019, 12:08:55 AM »
So...was he just not paying attention when people were pulling up Neely's records months ago? Because I've not been around for a full year, but that was one of the first things that was pointed out about the LNM crew...
Maybe he thought it was “fake news”.  Lol


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #74701 on: January 12, 2019, 12:18:14 AM »
So...was he just not paying attention when people were pulling up Neely's records months ago? Because I've not been around for a full year, but that was one of the first things that was pointed out about the LNM crew...
I've kind of gathered that is Varas M.O. To ignore all that kind of stuff when he thinks he can use someone for his benefit, then play dumb when it blows up in his face.


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #74702 on: January 12, 2019, 12:21:41 AM »
So @Dyna-X, I have not forgotten I said earlier today that I would comment further on the Myers Briggs Type Indicator. This longish post is in reply to you from that post. Everyone else, please do feel free to skip this if you're not interested.  :)

I apologize for writing something that was confusing earlier, I was in a great hurry to get to an appointment and wasn't clear about what I meant.

I didn't mean that different languages have different types, I was using the metaphor of speaking two different languages to illustrate that two different MBTI types need to learn each others' communication styles in order to be able to relate well to each other.

I find the Myers Briggs to be extremely helpful as an initial way of understanding how a person relates and responds to their environment and other people. It's not perfect, of course, nor terribly comprehensive, but it's really useful in a very practical way if understood and used properly. I have often described the four function scales to clients to help them begin to understand themselves a bit better. For example, I might describe the difference between an extrovert and an introvert this way: An extrovert might get up in the morning to get ready for work, check the weather, look outside, and then get dressed for the day appropriately. An introvert might get up in the morning to get ready for work (assuming they're going out), see how they're feeling and what mood they're in, get dressed for the day, and then might arrive at the doorstep to find they are not dressed properly for the weather.

Difference? The extrovert checks the surrounding environment and adjusts him- or herself to what's going on around them out there. The introvert checks inward, figures out what they want, and then tries to adjust the outer environment to what's going on inside them as much as possible. As another example, and extrovert might decide what to wear by how it looks and where they're going, whether the outfit feels really good or not. An introvert is more likely to wear clothing that feels ok whether or not it looks great or is perfect for where they're going.

This doesn't mean either the extrovert or introvert is right or wrong, it's just a different way of being in the world. Same for the other scales (Sensation/Intuition), (Thinking/Feeling), and (Judger/Perceiver; this has to do with sense of order and time). Make sense?

I use the Myers Briggs in my personal world by now by instinct, I don't even think about it any more, it's just part of how I connect with new people I meet. I also have used it extensively in my work over the years, but honestly I can't say much about that without revealing too much personal information about the kind of work I do.

Suffice it to say that by now when meeting a new client (or friend) I often (but not always) can tell someone's MBTI type just by talking with them for a while. In my work domain, which is a specialized and unusual kind of consulting, I often use a combination of different systems to help me gain a quick and initial understanding how each person ticks, some of which overlap and some of which are kind of far out and non-standard. I am not referring to any standard tests you may have heard of like DISC or anything else like that, I have nothing to do with anything like that. I don't even like any of those standardized tests, they are useless in my work.

I often don't share exactly what the multiple systems are that help me form my perceptions and ways of understanding people until and/or unless I have gained enough trust with them and it seems it would be helpful to them. I do of course share my understandings and perceptions and check with my clients to rule in or rule out what is true for them or not.

The point is, imho any system, whether it be Myers Briggs, Astrology, Core Energetics or Human Design (both of which are really insightful and important, but have mostly garbage written about them out there, very hard to find the good stuff) or any other way of trying to understand how we unique and individual human beings tick-- all are just ways of attempting to make some sense of someone else's sensibility and patterns. None of them are right or wrong, all of them just describe ways of being.

And sometimes it's good to just ignore them all and just be as fully present with the other person in the moment as possible.  ;)

Does this make sense to you or am I being confusing here?

One thing I have used my whole life since my uncle taught it to me when I was about 8 is the I Ching, which I find VERY helpful when trying to sort out what's going on and how to think about next steps and strategy. Each hexagram, or "answer" when you toss the coins or yarrow sticks describes a moment of change, from X to Y, and in that moment of change this is what you need to consider about the energy and forces at play. This has been a steady guide and incredibly helpful to me over the years. I only use the old Princeton University the Bollengen Wilhelm/Baynes edition, the yellow hardcover book with the gray paper cover (I think it's also in paperback) as it's likely the closest translation to the original Chinese.

And btw, the one popular "system" I have never been able to connect with or "get" is the Eannagram. I know a lot of people really like it, but it has never made sense to me and I have never related to any one type. Maybe it just hasn't been explained to me well enough, or I'm missing something, but honestly that one I just don't get... and don't care that I don't get it.  ;D

Ok then, that's way way more than enough for a post for tonight. I'm going offline soon, so goodnight!  :)

Thank you, This is a welcomed course correction and clarification on language. I have seen MBTI dragged through the pop culture mud to try to tease out of the 4-letters meanings that are not necessarily there or apply them to cultures at large. Cultures can be high or low context, for instance. Similar things have happened to other long standing systems such as astrology. For instance, trying to tie in a nation's astrology by defining a birth as the date its normative documents or constitution was assigned.  I had similar thoughts about different systems being integrated simultaneously in evaluation to paint a more comprehensive view of where someone is and where they are going. And lo and behold you are already doing that.

Your definitions here are unique and they still stand up well. The introvert definition fit perfectly. I've always prepared for the morning with my mood and just weathered (no pun intended) the consequences.

I've seen the I'Ching divination in action by those that know it well and it can be so accurate it is spooky! Its kind of like you have a basket of tools to look at the psyche, the spirituality, the past present and future of a given being in their environment all synthesized at once.
This is brilliant and you make sense to me, anyway. Hopefully, I make sense to you.

Goodnight, Aquarius or by the time you read this, Good Morning :)


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #74703 on: January 12, 2019, 12:28:00 AM »
Thank you, This is a welcomed course correction and clarification on language. I have seen MBTI dragged through the pop culture mud to try to tease out of the 4-letters meanings that are not necessarily there or apply them to cultures at large. Cultures can be high or low context, for instance. Similar things have happened to other long standing systems such as astrology. For instance, trying to tie in a nation's astrology by defining a birth as the date its normative documents or constitution was assigned.  I had similar thoughts about different systems being integrated simultaneously in evaluation to paint a more comprehensive view of where someone is and where they are going. And lo and behold you are already doing that.

Your definitions here are unique and they still stand up well. The introvert definition fit perfectly. I've always prepared for the morning with my mood and just weathered (no pun intended) the consequences.

I've seen the I'Ching divination in action by those that know it well and it can be so accurate it is spooky! Its kind of like you have a basket of tools to look at the psyche, the spirituality, the past present and future of a given being in their environment all synthesized at once.
This is brilliant and you make sense to me, anyway. Hopefully, I make sense to you.

Goodnight, Aquarius or by the time you read this, Good Morning :)
Myers-Briggs' take on introversion/extroversion is a little confusing to me, but overall I think there is a lot of accuracy to their system.  As I aged, one of my letters changed because I grew to rely more on perception.  I still trust my gut, though, too.

The moon is in its growing phase, a good time to spend time on things you want to grow.

And, goodnight.


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #74704 on: January 12, 2019, 12:36:45 AM »
She could be on an involuntary vacation for her safety or someone else's, to one of a variety of institutions.
Seaward ho! Hang the treasure! It's the glory of the sea that has turned my head.


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #74705 on: January 12, 2019, 12:43:45 AM »
She could be on an involuntary vacation for her safety or someone else's, to one of a variety of institutions.
We can only hope... and if that is the case, I hope her cats are in someone’s care.


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #74706 on: January 12, 2019, 12:50:41 AM »
I've kind of gathered that is Varas M.O. To ignore all that kind of stuff when he thinks he can use someone for his benefit, then play dumb when it blows up in his face.
Ding Ding Ding! He is a far better actor than I had given him credit for. He doesn't need to play dumb because he is just a natural there, but he is smart enough to play extra dumb when he thinks the circumstances would benefit him.


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #74707 on: January 12, 2019, 01:03:20 AM »
Myers-Briggs' take on introversion/extroversion is a little confusing to me, but overall I think there is a lot of accuracy to their system.  As I aged, one of my letters changed because I grew to rely more on perception.  I still trust my gut, though, too.

The moon is in its growing phase, a good time to spend time on things you want to grow.

And, goodnight.
Aquarius pegged this very well. There are always red herrings and extenuating circumstances that could throw any test, but its fairly solid and has its place. If we have any tools that help us make sense of the world, by all means use them. Sometimes when all other sources are exhausted trusting your gut is the only option left.

What is there to grow this time of year? Seeds of the mind, basically. Will be a little while before literal ones can be planted.


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #74708 on: January 12, 2019, 02:40:14 AM »
Miller is like a gnat, annoying and I like to swat him. He thinks him attacking my weight is hurtful.
Lemme tell yall a little story. 3 years ago, I went to a Boy Scout high adventure camp, we canoed and hiked 33 miles. 3 females went out, 1 got all the way back to camp. That was me. I am aware im fluffy, but I am fun as hell, I can camp, fish, hike, I love racing of all kinds, and I can out shoot most people. Miller thinks his comments hurt, If I valued his opinion maybe but a beta make cuck soi boi really has no effect on my life or self esteem.

You are perfect, and a role model to all those around ya. I love ya missy xx
Give pees a chance.

Hi Metron <3


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #74709 on: January 12, 2019, 05:10:43 AM »
There's quite a few essays out there regarding how 50 shades is actually harmful to the BDSM community as well as a persons physical and mental safety because of the inaccuracies in it.
BSDM is all about trust, the sub has more power than the Dom. Its not like the books


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #74710 on: January 12, 2019, 05:11:48 AM »
You are perfect, and a role model to all those around ya. I love ya missy xx
You are amazing and brilliant! I am so glad we are friends!!!! You are beautiful and kind hearted i love yall


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #74711 on: January 12, 2019, 05:17:55 AM »
...and Facebook lets that shit remain?
im bad for being mean to bradley manning/chelsea manning and they let this bs stand. Wth


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #74712 on: January 12, 2019, 05:40:15 AM »
Heather controls her subs and has always turned off the process when she is down , she owes nothing to internet " friends " like Stalker JediMiller or should I say Miller Zaves or any of the other avatars he uses from his boy band days .

She does however owe her paying subscribers.

Lasha is that you?


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #74713 on: January 12, 2019, 05:44:42 AM »
She does however owe her paying subscribers.

Lasha is that you?
If I was a subscriber I would be pissed as hell that I wasted money on her.


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #74714 on: January 12, 2019, 05:45:30 AM »
So, no comm with the code ninjas but they know she's alive...  Have they hacked her iWatch?
I thought the same thing. If they had no contact how do they know she’s alive. What an odd statement.