You just go to the gym twice a day?
My Gym sched is as follows: 6 days at the gym. Sunday is my day of rest. Since my work sched tends to fall on mids and evenings, I have to work around that. 4 days of resistance training with 10 min's of cardio prior and after. Two days of cardio. On the cardio days, I also utilize very light weights and body weight exercises for stretching the already worked muscle groups. Sometimes I do a second session on a circuit course, it depends on how many MILLERS I have had to deal with each day.
That's the template anyways. I'm not one of these gym assholes that hog 3 machines because I
have to work my muscle groups in this particular order. Flexibility in the workout is essential to a successful work out. with the flexibility, I am able to push the work outs around depending on how I feel.