How could we be so wrong???
Woe is we!
We should switch to the more famous Hare Krishna chant: real words =
hershey's kisses, hershey's kisses, kisses kisses, hershey's herhsey's
hershey's wrapper, hershey's wrapper, wrapper wrapper, hershey's hershey's.
(Hare krishna hare krishna, krishna krishna, hare hare
Hare rama, hare rama, rama rama, hare hare).
I use to sing this alternating with Om Namah Shivaya (the Hershey's Bars song) in my little Henry/doggie's ears very very softly while the lights were out in the vet's office and he was getting a 20 minute acupuncture treatment. He loved it, snuggled into my arms on the table, I got calm, and we both felt better after his acupuncture.
Plus, he was able walk and run easily and without aches after each acupuncture treatment. Remember this was the guy I picked up off the road having seem hiim run over by the front and back tires of the car behind the car that threw him out onto the highway.
Maybe we should switch to this chant and see if it helps HW?