How dare you denigrate the fine men and women who have served in the Armed Forces regardless of the job they held. Those who have served honorably are less than 1% of the entire US population. I doubt you scores as high as you say you did if I judge you on your grammar "I work with planes on the air force" No recruiter is going to say you have to start low "maybe in the kitchen" unless your scores were low to begin with. And what's wrong with working in the mess halls? An army moves on its stomach. You also seem to forget that the Army, Navy and Marine Corps have their own aviation wings, so you could have worked on planes or helicopters if you were truly serious. I suspect that found out you were a doper and offered you those "crappy" jobs just to get rid of you.
You are exactly right. That 'boot think' that unless you are leading charges across no mans land, you aint shit, is just so much bullshit. Every swinging dick and split tail that does their job, day in, day out, is critical to our achieving our objectives. Some of us wouldn't be here today if others had not done their jobs. Logistics, Motor T, Aviation, Fire Support Man, Dental Tech, payroll clerk....the list of warriors isn't held to just those who have been 'in the shit.'