Don't mistake Buzzfeed and the like for how the majority of that age group wants information presented. That's just who social media is pushing for us to watch. I personally think it's a lack of target marketing that keeps younger people away. If the word was spread more to reach the target audience of that generation, they'd find it refreshing.
We watch that style of presentation due to lack of competition.
Thanks Lucky Star. It actually does my heart good to hear that they watch it because its there, not because they like it or consider it quality. There definitely is a structural problem created. When anyone can become a podcaster or journalist there is no clear path to becoming a household name. Everything is fragmented and gone is the age of when a superstar that represented a generation. When someone rises to the top now they seemingly come out of nowhere, get a year or so in the spotlight, and then poof, they are yesterday's news.
Its been suggested that if there were a 30 year old Art Bell clone today that wanted success in radio, that he wouldn't really have a chance today because he would get lost in the noise. Even in music today, you have Greta Van Fleet. They sound like Led Zeppelin and even make
original music that is of a similar quality, but they will not ever get as big or well known.