I am the breakfast king.
No matter what you say @GravitySucks @juan the best omelet is a TWO (that's 2!) egger. Two large eggs to perfectly coat the bottom of most skillets. We'll start there. Anybody else got an opinion? Let's go!
Pictured is my divine ham n cheddar from Tuesday morning.
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@KSM Nuthin' but luv for ya man, BUT, since you asked for an opinion...
I don't think you beat the eggs enough. Maybe it's the photo but I see some globs of white in there. The omelet looks like rubber. What is that stuff on it? Is it seasoning, or grit from the pan?...maybe browned butter? Hashbrowns look to be unseasoned and cooked unevenly.
BTW...2 eggs are fine but 3 eggs are preferable.
I'd eat it though.