I stopped supporting them when they decided to stop donating to the Salvation Army to donate to the SPLC. They turned their backs on their Christian supporters and caved to the LGBTQ nazis.
Political chicken. Interesting
I predict you will be healthier for not eating at Chick Fil A too
"570 calories, 27 g fat (8 g saturated), 1,750 mg sodium, 7 g sugar, 35 g protein
Meet the worst sandwich on the Chick-fil-A menu. The sodium count alone is clucking ridiculous—it has more than a day's worth, and as much as 65 Rold Gold Tiny Twist pretzels! But we're even more grossed out by the list of 84—yes, 84—ingredients, only a few of which are natural foods. The chicken's seasoning includes MSG, a chemical salt used to make foods more savory (the FDA receives complaints each year that it makes people feel weak or headachey); there's more of that in the "spicy" seasoning, which also includes artificial colors; and the list goes on to include multiple types of added sugars, fattening oils and Dimethylpolysiloxane, an anti-foam agent. There's even chemicals in the pickles! "
Now. How about Political Pizza?