Just out of curiosity, are any of you actually scared of catching this virus?
I am not. I have habits that have kept me from getting ANY flu for many years. Hopefully it will be enough.
This isn't the first time a flu like virus has come over from China. We had pig flu, bird flu, SARS, etc. No one acted like this when those viruses were going around.
You are completely correct.
Why is this one different?
There must be an incentive somewhere.
It certainly is bad in Italy, however, there are some major differences. Their country has the world's oldest population after Japan. The number of their medical people who got the virus is much higher than ours, so perhaps there is some effective practices here that they don't employ there. It is acceptable to greet one another with a kiss there. Etc.
I think part of the problem is that if this was something modified that got out of lab containment, you don't really know if it will follow the expected course of a natural flu.
My only concern right now is the fact that people are hoarding groceries. So those of us that don't hoard groceries are out of luck for our weekly trip to the store.
Valid concern