Just out of curiosity, are any of you actually scared of catching this virus?
This isn't the first time a flu like virus has come over from China.
We had pig flu, bird flu, SARS, etc. No one acted like this when those viruses were going around.
Why is this one different?
I think when people saw what happened in Italy it kinda gave a real concern feel. If it was contained in China or something happen in the Middle East or Africa, I think we feel more "Oh it's over there" But Italy a famous known European city, which "looks like us" and is being brought to it's knees over it, I think that makes people go "Wait a second, is this our fate"
I do think another thing is Trump (I don't want to get into too much here as we have a Politics section) I think there's a lot of people who don't trust him not to try to cover up the seriousness of the situation. It doesn't help when he does from "It's a exaggeration hoax" to "National Emergency" in less than a week. Or when he says stuff like the people in the cruise in the bay should stay there because that would bring up "the stats numbers in America". I think that sort of stuff is also making people more unsettled