Bart/MV and Keith! Hey! Knowing I work when I want and how I want, I am no longer taking direct orders from the OSI, so, what payment procedures does the DARPA tier structure Bassagio enlists for your wives to beard for you "dudes"? I heard it was FREE for you two cucks?
Explain yourselves!
The data mining we've been moderating has reached full spectrum dominance and since I joined we have successfully fleshed out all your personal spyware at your homes
and here - when you both were all "out to lunch" with me.
The VPN you installed has given me and my associates cart blanche access to your indiscretions.
Let's keep it clean and classy moving forward gentlemen.
*Doofus CiaDildo's headshot from Oklahoma City Sams Club accident in October 2019 attached.
Make payments and checks made out to me using routing # 6011832 Acct: (Redacted).
Deposits should be made every 3rd Wednesday of each business quarter or Defcon 1 will be enforced.
Thank you for flying the friendly skies!
Thanks Bart