Hmm, the Freddy video was "recommended" for me as well. I never watch any of the suggested videos so instead I'll do a completely different video search for something like how to make delicious donuts or something like that
Some of them are pretty good btw.
As a child of 11 years of Sunday school (Baptist) and off and on teen Christian groups that warned against such things like the 'devil" and rock n roll.. It kind of ruined some music/songs for me because I to this day dissect all the lyrics and it always pissed me off when a cool riff like AC/DC's highway to hell and hundreds of others bands songs being sullied by such things as eeeeevil
. I once auditioned for a working metal cover band (vocalist) they really wanted me but were pissed that I refused to sing highway to hell and even more perplexed when I told them why. I think I suggested an ac dc song called Walk All Over You in its place, this delighted them and I joined. Hehehe
Sooo many timeless songs from all genres over the decades that stay on the enoqueous side of things, so I prefer them. I'll take care of my spiritual health on my own without any of Freddy's advice that I found laughable even as a child. Whatta shame. LMFAO, the beach boys???
A good
healthy Christian upbringing can do wonders. <-- shall I be smited for that?
Editing to say great thread, 21.