Author Topic: Refuting Douglas Dietrich  (Read 421170 times)

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Re: Refuting Douglas Dietrich
« Reply #14340 on: May 15, 2024, 06:29:07 PM »


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Re: Refuting Douglas Dietrich
« Reply #14341 on: May 15, 2024, 07:10:36 PM »
Hahaha! Awwww did you get offed by YouTube for using the N-word you racist POS?


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Re: Refuting Douglas Dietrich
« Reply #14342 on: May 15, 2024, 07:24:11 PM »
Realize you sucker DDD hangers on people like George Knight, Peter Moon, Aristides, Brendan Zoget, Heather Holman, are 100% going to FOREVER be associated with someone racist and absolutely insane that even YouTube will say is no more among the millions of racist and Nazi pedophiles on YouTube.

You are now associated with this and it will never be forgotten


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Re: Refuting Douglas Dietrich
« Reply #14343 on: May 15, 2024, 08:06:22 PM »
Right ddd, could it be your sinuses are inflamed from doing the Colombian snow? And your computer got all those cookies from looking up legitimate news stories and not porn.


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Re: Refuting Douglas Dietrich
« Reply #14344 on: May 15, 2024, 08:16:14 PM »
What the fuck is moontard talking about? Why doesn't ddd dedicate a show honoring all the people who were ENSLAVED by the japs only 80 years ago? Oh, that's right, it's only bad when white people do it. And white people didn't enslave Africans, they were enslaved by other Africans and Arabs and sold to the Europeans. So fuck you hypocrite ddd. That's the real history, not your racist historical revisionism.


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Re: Refuting Douglas Dietrich
« Reply #14345 on: May 15, 2024, 08:29:09 PM »
Shut up moontard, you are a pudding brained idiot with no original ideas of your own. That's why you hitched your wagon to that freak Preston Nichols and now you've teamed up with another loser, ddd. Everything you do reeks of desperation.


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Re: Refuting Douglas Dietrich
« Reply #14346 on: May 15, 2024, 08:32:29 PM »
That explains why moontard is mentally deficient, he fished in LA harbor right after the war and ate those fish.


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Re: Refuting Douglas Dietrich
« Reply #14347 on: May 15, 2024, 08:37:50 PM »
Shut up ddd, the japs ate meat, fish, fowl, anything they could get their hands on. They weren't vegetarians. You lie about everything. The japs weren't angels, they were worse than the nazis. They committed the most ghastly of atrocities and delighted in bedeviling those in their control.


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Re: Refuting Douglas Dietrich
« Reply #14348 on: May 15, 2024, 08:52:53 PM »
Guess what ddd, you are half nazi and one quarter atrocity committing jap,  I can see how you want to revise history by claiming the nazis were the good guys and the japs won WW2. But they weren't the good guys and the japs didn't win WW2. And you aren't a good guy, you are a dime a dozen racist.


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Re: Refuting Douglas Dietrich
« Reply #14349 on: May 15, 2024, 08:58:17 PM »
Ha! ddd is the most dangerous guy out there!? You are the most effete, feckless little pansy out there ddd.


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Re: Refuting Douglas Dietrich
« Reply #14350 on: May 15, 2024, 09:01:47 PM »
As i've said before, ddd has hidden behind his protected status all these years. If society collapses ddd, so will those protections. You won't last a few days. Keep bad mouthing those that have protected your worthless ass, see where it gets you.


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Re: Refuting Douglas Dietrich
« Reply #14351 on: May 16, 2024, 01:22:15 PM »
After listening to the racist libelous podcast last night a few things occured to me:

1) DDD’s cult of men is essentially a homosexual psychic vampires and El Nemo (real name to be published later) George Knight, Brendan Zoget, Peter Moon and the rest of the idiots actually are willingly tossing out all logic and rationality for their feelings. It’s the only way to explain how they can call people Aquino cultists while having one on the show consistently and never ever questioning it.

2) The selective memory is due to the tremendous amount of both brain damage and emotional spiritual damage they select for their own Nazi apologist racist points of view.

3) The obsession with Brendan Young is absolutely beyond comprehension. They get obvious obvious facts glaring with evidence to the contrary blanked out of their minds.

4) Sent an email to Young who said he will get back to me and Cambian later but that DDD is not worth his time but he will respond over the weekend.

5) The DDD cultists are more obsessed with this forum than we once thought. So hello to all you incredibly gay, Nazi, racists.

6) They are all too predictable as my Bingo Game shows.

7)Young has been employed since the age of 16 with breaks only for studying in colleges which he has proven to Steven Cambian beyond the shadow of a doubt.

8) He has published in scholarly journals peer reviewed, not horribly edited and shitty dog ass books stapled together by a vanity press. No one is buying these books or engaging with them.
9) There is no 3rd book. First 2 sold terribly and made zero impact on anything.
10) DDD is about 60 years old wearing lipstick and eye make up. Still.
11) Heather Holman admits to knowing and corresponding with Aquino and the DDD gang say that’s A-Ok! But don’t ever read a book by any of them or else YOU are the cultist.
12) Syd and Young were threats to the bullshit alpha moves DDD tried to do on them. They weren’t entranced by the vampire’s spell. They saw (with many many others) through this crowd and DDD and that is why they were banned from the show.
13) DDD and the others HATE women. They’ve already turned on Jennifer Hawkins, Penny Bradley and way too many others to name. El Nemo might be the biggest loser among them.
14) Their audience is dwindling to maybe 10 listens a show. The multiple bot accounts that 5 people can make adds up to almost all the likes and view counts.
15) YouTube is catching up slowly but surely and DDD channel will have to be shut down if he doesn’t cease harassing people because he has nothing of substance.
16) RK Cole is NOT Randy Kramer. Young told you that to confuse you and to test your brain. You all didn’t pass the test.
17) Young IS married with kids and wants his life private. He played DDD like a puppet because he saw how psychopathic and toxic he was
18) Steven Cambian and other real content creators with real things to say has offered a show to expose  DDD but Arola and Young don’t want to even waste their time because DDD will destroy himself eventually.

In conclusion, DDD and his cult will die the less and less attention they are given. They are clowns that make sewer rats look respectable. Not to mention the clear and consistent pattern of hearing exactly what you want and getting “confirmation” from people DDD bullies into agreeing with him. The high pitched squeezing laughs are quite rightly becoming more and more sinister and hideously hilarious from these incels. They obviously don’t have women in their life or families and this is their only outlet to a “social life” which is really sad.

RK Cole has done a great job here and he and the others and myself will continue to see the poor beggar Dietrich and cohorts exposed for the pathological lying grifter he is. How his cult doesn’t see it, I don’t know other than that it is a homosexual cult. They believe in the dumbest shit, George Knight and Nemo especially of the cultists. The main producer Aristide doesn’t care and Holman is a terrible alcoholic mother who is severely damaged.

Congratulations on your lives you freaks. I dismantle you with the flick of the wrist and this is YOUR ENTIRE LIVES!

Anubis will continue to wipe and report every channel and show you have and do like the rest of us.
And how dare you question Mr Cole who clearly provided the real evidence of actual service. You hate him DDD because he actually served as opposed to you who remind in DISHONOR AND ALWAYS WILL BE IN DISHONOR.

Go fix your teeth, drink your blood (which you don’t) and continue to put on make up and plagiarize other people. Mom and Dad are surely proud. All of you DDD cultists. I wonder if your parents knew what you do if they’d be proud? Of course Nemo hates his family and as a mother basement incel dweller (like George and Zoget and the rest).

Anubis would happily beat you in a mma fight
Arola too. Any day.


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Re: Refuting Douglas Dietrich
« Reply #14352 on: May 17, 2024, 10:00:29 PM »
Here in this Opperman Report show from a couple of years ago or so is a perfect example of many things.

1) It shows how terrible and intentionally DDD misconstrues and lies about events that have happened to him and others
2) When called on his lies by Ed Opperman (who was there for these events and looked into them) DDD cowers away and guess what….HE BLAMES HIS POOR MEMORY ON HIS POST TRAUMATIC STRESS DISORDER!

3)So Dougie admits to telling BS fantasies that he doesn’t remember and projecting his brain injuries onto others like Amanda Eut, Brendan, and Daniel Arola!

Let’s see how the DDD cult justify this one and turn a blind eye to it. Here come the excuses. I can predict them now. A chorus of sycophants is all DDD wants.

Also notice how this is right after he was kicked off Revolution Radio (he didn’t leave on his own accord, he was booted) and he says he is begging on bender knee coming to American Freedom Radio who very soon after this he would also get fired from and be detested!

But count how many times Opperman calls Dougie on his lies and straight up says “That’s not what happened.” There are also goodies about Dougie having to beg Lorien Fenton for money during the super soldier conference that both Opperman and Dougie attended.

And this was just a random example of a show I found. Imagine what he makes up and lies about when he only has morons and sycophants to agree with him on his projections and lies. If he were honest he would start every show with “Everything I say could be made up because not only am I a pathological liar fantasist (Som of Hitler, Vampire, etc), but I am a severely damaged one psychologically and mentally in my brain.”

But no, instead he projects HIS own detriments and disabilities onto others while his homosexual male followers nod along and applaud him. In life you don’t want sycophants. You should have people that tell you the truth even if it’s a hard truth. Opperman calls Dougie out many times in this interview and if it went on I’m sure Ed Opperman (who might be working with Steve Cambian on exposing Doug and his group of gay INCEL jobless, mindless, gang stalkers with no achievements or education or anything) would completely expose Dougie even more so than what has been done already in detail by Cole and Outtrim and others.

Anyway, it’s a fascinating listen. Listen to how Dougie kisses the ass of American Freedom Radio and gets called on his lies by someone who doesn’t take lies.



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Re: Refuting Douglas Dietrich
« Reply #14353 on: May 18, 2024, 12:26:19 AM »
Being the stupid fool ddd is, he posts in his simplified yet totally incorrect version of Latin without regard to syntax or declension in which he is totally ignorant of in an ill fated attempt to appear scholarly. You are a complete ass ddd. 


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Re: Refuting Douglas Dietrich
« Reply #14354 on: May 18, 2024, 12:40:06 AM »
Do you know how the japs could have avoided being soundly defeated in WW2 ddd? Don't pick a fight with a nation that was vastly morally and militarily superior than you. I know, I know, it sucks having to come to that realization, but the sooner you do the better it will be for all those involved. I don't think the world will handle evil racist jap aggression with the kid gloves it did after WW2 again.