I wasn't talking about the hoodrat in the video, but the breed of user who would post something like that it in a Forum as a statement for Ellgab.
I doubt MV cares, why would he. The forum has no rules so what is there to do. Plus he is indifferent to cats. He wouldn't have any empathy because he isn't really a fan of them to begin with and doesn't care about them one way or the other. Trashy JIF though.
#shillposterfanclub #hiphopsucksshit #flatvisorsmakepeoplelooklikelittleboys #prisonbyage30lol #40ozandbagofweed #asshangingout #whereischuckdwhenyouneedhimmost #systemleech #uselesseater #popeyeschicken #burgerkingfighter #dennysdestroyer #tazersponge #mtvculture #mehdik #declineofwesterncivilization #stupidmeme #flush
No rules eh? The first post in this thread seems to contradict that.
Call the guys forum and merry band of mental patients what they are and you’ll see some rules. The emperor has thin skin when it really comes down to it.
I’m even starting to believe he might NOT be totally into chicks...