The combined page count for both Bellgab and Ellgab on Heather Wade pages is 9,500 pages with less than 1,500 of these being made before Art died. If we were to say half the posts were not about her show or the drama it would still hold true that over 3/4 the drama was in the last year of her radio career (assuming this is really the end.)
Its not all doom an gloom however, as Dave has in less than 6 months exceeded the page count than Heather was able to achieve in over the first 2 years of her show. I am convinced he will be just fine if he has more floor gum, screaming foxes and strange guests with bathtub stories.
...but they really must tell guests with beeping weak battery smoke alarms to take the flipping battery out of the unit on a commercial break, yes,
@Michelle and
@KRowland? Last night's beeping got our dog who hates that sound and panics up and anxious, and I spent 15 minutes trying desperately to figure out which of the many smoke alarms in this rented house was beeping. Got the ladder out, got the battery, tried to calm the dog... till I muted MITD to listen better and realized a few minutes later that the beeping had stopped. Then saw comments from
@TacoBell and
@Bobs Your Uncle commenting on it. Sounds funny, was not.
Barring further incidents like that, yes I think Dave will continue to do well and get even better, a good thing!