Art's voice is probably listened to by thousands of people every day, still.
I listen to "Art Bell Tape Vaults" via the Apple Podcast app, easy access. Quality is very good. I can set up a podcast to follow the one currently on deck (sees me through the night until I fall asleep), and it holds my place even when I close the app.
At about 1 a.m. most nights, when Art's show aired on the East Coast, I line up my podcasts, and forget it's 2023. I'm truly "Somewhere in Time." The interviews with virus experts seem so current, other topics are timeless. I swear I almost called in the other night.... I prefer shows prior to 2006, before Ramona passed, when Art was the still the man we knew and loved....
I still shed tears for Art, get really down at times, remembering when he'd post fun comments to us on the Fantastic Forum, mention us when he signed off, and I treasure the handful of his email replies I have stored away.
Art, if you can hear me, some days the emptiness is as big as Mel's Hole. But we carry on.