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Dear Bart,Why is Ellgab(TM) On Strike?
Dear Bart,Is it ever okay for a guy to sit down to take a leak?
'that's what i asked.and I was told you have to click the I'mdoing. visitors can't see pics , please register or login
One is plenty, Toots!
Dear Bart,Is there a way to directly donate to Bart Ell associated industries? Non-Paypal preferred.
I do not want your money.IMAGINE THAT!
Dear Bart,What is the best investment vehicle to grow my Bart Bucks?TIA,GravitySucks
NO.Okay. You have the space continuum down. Now, apply that same logic to the time continuum to your thinking and you've opened up a whole new world of discoveries for yourself.Go on, it will be fun! Trust me. (Sorry, Bart. I couldn't help but jump in here. My bad).
If you had an amazon wish list what would be on it?