Author Topic: Dream Stuff  (Read 91705 times)

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #285 on: February 16, 2019, 07:49:18 PM »
Last night the 3 Stooges made a guest appearance in my dream.  Moe & Shemp each punched an eye of Larry's simultaneously to knock him out.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #286 on: February 18, 2019, 09:50:13 PM »
I entered a college stadium where a championship basketball game was taking place.  I made my way down to courtside just in time to see a player get hurt.  His ankle was sprained and the medical staff helped him off the court.  He was the last available player for my side's team and surprisingly, the coach and another player beseeched me to take the wounded athlete's place.  So I did.  I jogged right out to center court (in my street clothes) and played some college basketball.  Now, you might think that I would have made myself the star player, this being my dream and all, but really, I played kind of a support role.  I worked on collecting rebounds, passed the ball to other players so that they could take some good shots.  I did score a couple of baskets by taking some left layups.  So I did manage to help, in my own way, to win the game.

Everyone was celebrating as I began to walk out of the stadium, but the player who had asked me to play, stopped me and said that I had to be a part of the victory photo.  I told him that I really couldn't because I wasn't wearing a uniform.  He said that he had checked with a law student and that there was an item in the school's sport code that stated that it was all right for a person to pose in street clothes, if said person had assisted in a win. 

So there I was, standing near the top of a steep set of bleachers, having my picture taken with the other players.  A lady operating a big, old time box camera on a tripod, hollered for all of us to take one step forward and then kneel down on one knee.  My player friend got nervous and stated that we would fall.  I put an arm around his shoulders and knelt down.  The two of us tumbled down the bleachers to the floor but we landed right side up and the lady photographer got the picture that she wanted.   


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #287 on: February 20, 2019, 08:37:19 AM »
Two Recent Weird Dreams:

1) A Very realistic and scary. I'm at a relative's house. Real place and it looked exactly as it really is. We are all having drinks and talking. Lots of relatives there, little kids running around, normal, fun time catching up with folks, etc. I'm sitting in a room off the kitchen and the glass doors to a veranda and then patio, the yard and to the right side is a patio and some steps through a Japanese garden down to the pool. Then some small hedges and then more acres of lawn. Anyway I'm sitting my back to the sliding glass window on a loveseat and people are sort of lined-up on each side sitting on chairs, couches, etc. Suddenly a weird feeling comes over me and it is like I get tunnel-vision. Nobody's face changes but it seems they are all looking at me and my perspective seems like I'm looking out from a mask (in other words dark circles around and then you see out of it versus normally when you see you don't see that your eyes are in sockets. Easiest comparison is wearing a mask or the gimmick in Halloween when you see from Myer's perspective.) They are still talking but I can't quite understand it. I see off in the corner of the room a second-cousin with a glass talking to someone and as I look he half-way turns and gives me an odd, knowing look. Not a wink but an odd smile. Finally someone claps my shoulder and rises and says "why don't we all go outside and enjoy the evening." Everyone rises and I feel normal and like the sound has returned. We go outside and I'm sitting on the veranda and there is a risen fire pit going and I see the children running around in the lawn with sparklers in distance.  I comment "they should be careful, they don't get burned" (there were some little kids out there also and older ones) but someone said "don't worry about it, they are wood." Then I look and they are lighting what seems like regular pine 1"x2" from the fire pits and running around with those. We watch for a bit. Then I turn back around and I see someone has put what looks like a bronze conch shell over the pit but it is cut in 1/2, so like a spiral slide and I see some relatives taking their recently born BABY up to the top of the slide! I say "wait, wait" (or something) and I hear a voice that says "don't worry, its always like that" and I turn around and on the upper patio (the house is split-level with several somewhat autonomous units for guests, staff (in older days) etc) and there is an older black couple sitting on one of those metal slider-rocker loveseats. He is black wearing a white linen suit, like one would see in the Tropic or Deep South and has a cane between his knees and hands clasped on it as he rocks. His wife (I guess) is just smiling, kindly, and is a white loose dress and fancy hat (almost like an Easter Bonnet.) I scream and dream ends. Very realistic and at points almost a Polanski or Kubrick direction.

2) Weird game show. @ShayP Hosted by Angela Landsbury! I can't quite figure it out but some kind of "who can last" game show involving vehicles. Strange and I can't quite understand what the challenge, or point was, but there were competing couples of people and different models of cars. The winner was a younger black and younger white guy. Not sure what the winning car was but something British, bright red, and 4 door. Late 60's vintage. Morris maybe? Anyway the contest did not involve racing or driving. Anyway they win and Angela gives them $600 cash she "says that is the most the law allows me." They divide it up and she asks what are they going to do? The white guy says "I'm gonna have a good time!" and the audience laughs (or was it a laugh track?) The black guy says "my momma told me not to go to bars, I'm going to buy books for school." Audience doesn't laugh (or no laugh track?) And Angela pats his hands and says "Well I think you are making a good choice, Arthur.) Suddenly, either I or it goes POV and we see the white guy (more later on who he is) is driving at speed in his car (new car?) and it is relatively modern times. I can tell the roads. He, or me(?), is out of control and misses a turn and is going wrong way on a ramp to a highway and has to do a bootlegger turn! Gets onto the highway but he (I?) almost hits a cop who begins chase. Then it goes to 3rd person view of chase which ends when he hits a median curb and starts to run. The cop gets out of his car and yells "stop!" Suspect doesn't and is shot in the back and crumples to the ground (in a manner of a 70's style cop show.) Cops runs up just as an older black lady (themes?) cradles him and says "is that you Johnnybaby" (like she helped raise him maybe?) and the cops says "Ma'am get away, he is shot and needs help" and she says "no, baby, all it takes is a silver cord" and some gospel songs plays and dream ends.
Searched the internet because I recognized the white kid but couldn't quite place him and also couldn't place the exact song but:
-The white guy ends up being a young Bo Hopkins!
-There are songs about "silver cords!"


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #288 on: February 20, 2019, 07:16:38 PM »
One recent dream was sports-oriented, as many of my dreams are or at least include.  This time I was a participant in what used to be a 7-a-side rugby tournament.  However, participation had declined so much that this time, instead of 7s, they were playing 1-a-side.  I couldn't find my mouthguard when it was about my turn to play, tried to enter a bldg. to look for it, but the basement, where it was, was flooded up to the entrance.  So I'd play without it.  I was kicking off, figuring out how to do it in 1s.  Just figured I'd find an empty spot, kick to it, & run onto it.  Then I woke up & realized kicking off in 1s would be easy, but receiving, covering all that space, would be hard!

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

My dreams also continue to have celebrity guest shots.  I was at a party, a fairly lavish affair where I didn't even know what was being celebrated.  I found out it was just an establishment that had a big spread of food every (?) night until 8:30 PM, then began a program of I know not what.  Anyway, I saw Jerry O'Connell, and said, "Jerry, hi, it's Robert Goodman.  [pause]  Remember me?"

Mr. O'Connell replied, "Sure.  Robert Goodman."  He explained that he "remembered me" from seconds earlier, when I'd introduced myself.  Then I realized my error.  "That's right, I forgot.  You're the poker buddy of Damon's I never met.  I was friendly with Damon Lindelof's father David."  That was the case IRL when Damon went to NYU.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #289 on: February 24, 2019, 10:07:32 AM »
Hilarious last night.  I went across the hall from where I was working (probably teaching), and wound up in a classroom where a foreign language was being taught.  A student complained about the slow progress of the class; it was their 2nd meeting & they'd just finished student introductions.  The language they were learning was a very strange one, both in speech & writing.  I asked where this language was used.  The instructor said it was used by a minority in SE Asia.  How many speak it?  A student said, "About 40, all in this room."


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #290 on: February 25, 2019, 05:48:34 PM »
Re foreign languages in my dreams, French is frequently featured.  I speak French in my dreams far more often than I do in waking life.  & it's not just the impression of reading, hearing, or saying stuff in French; I can usually remember afterward the specific things said or written.

Last night continued the sports orientation of my dreams.  I was watching Rugby League, which had instituted a very strange practice re scoring tries.  The player would land on the goal line w the ball, then slowly nudge it forward under himself while the referee counted slowly to 5.  I wanted to know how much of the ball had to be over the line to count, & that's where the French came in, because my exchange with the referee afterward was in French; I asked, "Quelle moitie s'exige?"; he answered, "La plupart de la balle."  No explanation of what happened if the player did it too quickly.

From there I went to a Disney park; in retrospect, maybe it was the one in France, duh!  I never think about that sort of thing while I'm dreaming, because people in my dreams just seem to use languages at random.  While I was there, a terrorist bombed the place, destroying most of the bldgs.  I missed the event, but someone immediately afterward showed me cell phone video she'd just recorded of the event.  I applauded, just loved it, but we had to evacuate.  Exit was via an amusement park tram that went up thru a steep winding tunnel w low clearance at various places -- like driving up a couple flights of staircase w a low ceiling, so we had to duck.

Then I prepared to play broomball.  I was using a push broom instead of a sweeping one.  In retrospect the one I had was probably meant for keeping goal.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #291 on: February 25, 2019, 07:50:36 PM »
I was back in the past, in an old, seedy apartment that I once rented.  I heard a knock on the door and when I opened it, there stood Tony, a giant black guy that I knew fairly well back in those days.  I motioned him to step inside and make himself comfortable on the couch.  But he didn't sit down, instead, he gave me a big push and I landed flat on my back on the rug.  He raised a big balled fist and was ready to let me have it.

"Wait just a minute there, Tony," I said.  "What brought this on?"

"I been hearing that you've been saying disrespectful things about the boys in my band."  he said.

"What?  Why that's crazy, I've got nothing but respect for your bandmates," I tried to explain.  "Why just the other day I was playing some music by...whats his name?  You know...that guy with the close cropped gray hair and sunglasses?"

It surely didn't help my case that I couldn't remember the name of whoever it was that I was attempting to bring up.  Tony raised his fist higher and then he started to fall on me like a giant redwood tree that had just been sawed through.  Thankfully, I regained the strength and nimbleness that I had once possessed in my youth and by raising my feet into Tony's chest, I was able to kick him up and over me and he landed with a mighty crash to the floor.  I think he was knocked out, so I got up real quick and ran out of the apartment building.

I ran down a road and entered a familiar looking store.  It was a combination cafe and garden fountain store, ran by the politician Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, of all people.  We were good friends and after we exchanged some hugs, she asked if I wanted a table.  I told her no thanks, that I just wanted to hide out back in the fountain room.  She chuckled and said, OK. 

I walked down an aisle that seperated some lunch counter tables and sure enough, there was a room that had lots of garden fountains and sprinklers in it.  I stepped inside to find a disgruntled customer holding a bowl shaped fountain made out of cement.

"Where's the proprietor?" he asked.  "I bought this fountain earlier and when I got it home, it wouldn't work.  I want my money back!"

Just then, Alexandria walked in and she poured some water into the fountain.  A gurgling sound could be heard inside of it and then some fingers of water started to spring out of it like, what else...a minature fountain.  The customer carried it out of the store.

"Say, some of that water went into my mouth," I said.  "It was clean water, I hope?"

"Relatively clean," Ocasio-Cortez said with a teasing smile.   




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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #292 on: February 27, 2019, 09:33:06 PM »
Yesterday morning I awoke to the doorbell ringing: "Ding-dong...ding-dong, ding-dong."  That was odd, as we have no doorbell.  So I must've dreamed it.  Wasn't the 1st time, either, since I moved in here 2.5 yrs. ago.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #293 on: March 01, 2019, 06:16:14 PM »
Lucky me.  I got to dream that I was a private eye, a dick, or a detective, whatever you want to call it.  You have heard of the term frustrated singer, so I guess that I'm a frustrated private detective because I can recall dreaming about being one on earlier occasions. 

I was hired by a lady to investigate the strange behavior of her eight year old son.  The kid had a problem with destroying property and attacking other kids.  The strange thing was that when he was caught doing something bad, he couldn't remember anything. He could only remember things before and after.  I told the mother that what we had here, was a case of demonic possession. 

"I could refer you to a priest," I lied to her because I needed the work, "But I think I can get the job done cheaper.  We could possibly have a rather cagey demon on our hands.  This is going to take a fair amount of preplanning." 

I think that I charged her somewhere around $5,000.00.

I walked  into a deserted alleyway and hid behind a trashcan.  The kid was standing there and the demon spirit floated in and was about to enter his body when I jumped out from behind the rubbish container.  Just like in the movie The Exorcist, the evil spirit saw me and entered my body.  I went crazy and started to attack the boy.  I pounded him with my fists.  I kicked him with my feet.  I picked up a tree limb and clobbered him with it.  He was pretty much reduced to a bloody pulp when the demon exited my body.  The demon had kind of a human form with the head of a snake.  It kind of hiss-talked to me.

"My work here is done," it said.  "And by the way, I have notified the police.  They will be here within minutes.  Try to explain this to them, sucker."

The evil spirit vanished in a puff of smoke and I was left alone in the alley.  Indeed, I was alone.  I walked over to the 'boy' and admired my handiwork.  I had stuffed the little department store mannequin with sawdust and motor oil.  It made for quite a mess there in the alleyway, but it had served its purpose.       

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #294 on: March 05, 2019, 04:06:56 PM »
I dreamt that I was rich again last night.  I was at a big, fancy mountain resort and while I didn't physically dream about it, I was given a dream memory (within the dream) that I had been having a sexual liaison with a beautiful lady with long black hair.  The woman (whose name I can't recall) and I took off on a big motorcycle down a winding road.  I think that we were intent on heading to my house, but we hadn't made it halfway down the mountain when the motorcycle broke down.  I walked it off the side of the road and glanced around for a possible camping spot.  The trees were pretty thick thereabouts and I couldn't spot any open spaces to unroll a sleeping bag in.

It was beginning to grow dark when the headlights of an automobile appeared, coming down the road.  It pulled up besides us and I was surprised to see that it was the ghost of my grandfather, driving his old 1949 Hudson.  I greeted him, as if he were still alive, and told him that the woman and I were in a pickle and could he give us a ride?  He said sure, and had us get into the car.

We proceeded on down the road and came to a crossroads after awhile.  An arrow to the left pointed to the town of Harrisburg, and at the right, an arrow pointed to Monroe.  "Left or right?" Grandpa asked.

When you consider my great love for the town of Monroe, you would think that my choice would have been a forgone conclusion, but I actually paused to think.  Monroe would be nice but there wouldn't be anywhere to stay.  (I guess I had the memory that Grandpa's pool hall and the Monroe house were long gone.)  On the other hand, my aunt still lived in the super cool, red bricked, double storied house in Harrisburg, not far from the Willamette River, and we would have our choice of rooms to sleep in.  (Wrong.  If I had been awake I would have realized that she had been dead for twenty plus years.) 

"Harrisburg."  I said.

"Fine," Grandpa said.  "I'll take the long way home."

My lady friend and I fell asleep in the back of the car and when we awoke, we were in a bed, in a sun filled hotel room.  I went to a window and saw that we were up several floors.  I recognized the familiar main street of Monroe.

"Oh, this is cool," I told my lover.  "Come on, I'll show you around." 

We walked down onto the sidewalk and began to make our way to where the pool hall used to be.  A man appeared and I recognized him.  He was an old black fellow who used to work at the Monroe flour mill.  In fact, his clothes still looked as if he was still presently working there.

"Charlie!" I exclaimed.  "Remember me?  I used to watch you play pool at the pool hall."

Charlie looked thoughtful for a moment and said, "No.  A pool hall you say?  Hey, check this out.  I don't rightly understand it, but if I wave my arms fast enough, this happens..."

Charlie rapidly waved his arms up and down and he magically turned himself into a big bumble bee.



Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #295 on: March 07, 2019, 05:48:41 PM »
A bus was taking me to prison, don't ask me why.  All I had to go by was a guard's casual remark.

"Guess you won't be doing that again, anytime soon." he had said.

The bus pulled to the side of the road and I was let out to stretch my legs.  Interestingly, I wasn't wearing any handcuffs or ankle chains or anything like that.  We were parked by a small house and a pretty blonde lady walked out of the front door to greet us.  She asked if I'd like to come inside and I looked at the guard.  He shrugged his shoulders and said that I was free to do anything I wanted, so I gladly entered the house with the lady. 

After we had enjoyed each others company, I walked back outside and entered the bus.  It resumed its journey to the prison and in the process, drove along a sprawling, shipping yard where a giant crane had lifted up a big load of wooden beams.  The load started to swing toward us just as we drove by and I thought for sure that it was going to crash into the bus.  It missed us though, and we were able to continue on to our destination. 


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #296 on: March 09, 2019, 07:29:34 AM »
The bigger my prostate gets, the more often my dreams are set in bathrooms.  Like anything that might take place in a dream, in mine those occurrences will frequently be in a windowless, tiled room with really hard furniture and plumbing.  Last night it was the beginning of April and two friends of mine (one of them dead in waking life) were sitting on solid benches around a solid raised square "coffee table" sort of thing in a bathroom, and were circling in pencil the numbers of the players they wanted on their fantasy baseball team in copies of some quickly published stapled 'zine compilation of statistics.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #297 on: March 10, 2019, 07:08:00 PM »
The bigger my prostate gets, the more often my dreams are set in bathrooms.
2 nights in a row!  This time I was in one of 2 circular bathtubs in a room in a home I was moving out of, scrubbing a ridiculously thick ring off the tub I was in; it was almost a brown railing!


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #298 on: March 11, 2019, 09:21:59 AM »
Finally got out of the toilet last night.  I dreamed I was completing the move I'd started the night before.  Someone was helping me move furniture into my new home, but meanwhile he was using up all the contact fireworks I had -- caps that went bang when hit between hard objects, in this case furniture.  I often have fireworks in my dreams.

Then I saw a TV commercial for a local Mexican restaurant.  In it, the lady proprietor said, "[Owner of Competing Establishment -- may have been Eddie] stinks!"  They showed Eddie or whoever serving food in/from a horse-drawn wagon, and she continued, "The tacos taste like beer, the beer tastes like bananas, the bananas...taste like beer!"  Then she mock-swooned.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #299 on: March 11, 2019, 06:20:24 PM »
I met with a past lover and we discussed how awesome it had been when we first fell in love.  It was definitely love at first sight.  Then we shared a chuckle when we realized that we had fallen out of love at last sight.  (So many, many years ago and yet I hadn't ever really thought about it until this dream.) 

We said our goodbyes and I walked into a pen full of big, black bears.  I kind of got the impression that it was a job because I was carrying a bucket of water.  I tried to project mental vibrations of peace and love at them.  The bears didn't attack me but I did get a little nervous when a couple of them started to chew on my pant legs.