Author Topic: Dream Stuff  (Read 91729 times)

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #300 on: March 15, 2019, 09:11:54 PM »
Tamsulosin has made a big difference from the 1st night!  Not only no more bathroom-themed dreams, but sleeping better & lower blood pressure.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #301 on: March 23, 2019, 04:11:15 PM »
I'm on the nicotine patches at the moment she my dreams are bizarre. Lots of death related themes that I always survive. They can be quite frightening.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #302 on: March 28, 2019, 03:02:23 PM »
I had this somewhat rambling dream several weeks ago but I think that I remember most of it.  It started out in a movie theatre.  I was sitting there with my date, (as played once again by the politician, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) and another couple who were acquaintances of mine, at least the man was, because I knew his name.  (Roy Brown.  No recollection of this name in the real world.)

There was still some minutes before the show started and Roy got up to visit the snack bar.  He returned after awhile, holding a candy bar.  He turned into our row of seats and it was then that I noticed something strange.  There was a trail of paper currency on the main aisle.  I asked Roy if he had lost his money out of his wallet and after checking, he said no.

I jumped out of my seat and swooped up the money.  Even in the dim light I could see 100 and 1000 dollar bills in my hands.  It was quite a bundle of money, too.  I was momentarily rich, but Alexandria noted that somebody must have lost that money and that it would rightfully be theirs. 

Just then, a tall, gray haired man in a tuxedo approached me and asked if I had found some money laying about.  I was tempted to lie and say no, but my conscience got the better of me and I handed him the stack of bills.  He shook my hand (his hand had absolutely no warmth to it) called me an honest man and walked back up the aisle.

"Of course," Alexandria noted, "That man might have seen you pick up the money.  He might have been acting like he lost it."

I looked down at my hand and remembering the handshake, came to the realization that the guy hadn't been alive.  Roy and I ran up the aisle and entered the lobby.  We just caught a glimpse of the guy as he entered an elevator.  I just managed to get a hand in as the doors were closing and they bounced back open again.  We entered the elevator and the old man pushed the down button.  We went down, down, down, probably a couple of two or three thousand floors before the elevator stopped.  We got out and it looked as if we had entered the man's apartment.  There were plush chairs and sofas set about, and tables with lit candles standing atop them.

"You had no right to follow me down to my lodgings," he said.  "And you have made a horrible mistake in doing so."

I thought about the money and it made me mad.

"Oh yeah?" I said.  "Where do you get off playing around with me like that.  Making me think that I was rich and then tricking me to give all the money back to you?"

The conversation continued until it became clear to me that I was arguing with the devil. 

"I was testing you with this money," he snarled at me.  "If you had lied, and kept the money, then you would all have perished in a fiery automobile accident as you were driving home from the movie."

"Hey, Rikki," Roy finally said something.  "Lets get out of here man.  This is creepy."

"Well," I spoke to the devil.  "The least you can do is give us that money, for all the trouble you have put us through."

The devil was frustrated with me but surprisingly, he slammed the wad of money back into my hands.  "Take it," he said.  "But you'll be sorry!"

"No," I countered.  "I don't want your money.  I just wanted you to experience the gift of giving."

I walked over to one of the candles and touched the bundle of money to it.  There was a whoosh of flame and the money disappeared in a flash. 

"Next time, use something other than money for bait," I advised the devil.  "Say, like a loaf of bread or something."

Roy and I entered the elevator and went back up to the movie theatre. 




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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #303 on: March 28, 2019, 03:23:35 PM »
Are we having fun yet?


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #304 on: March 29, 2019, 03:02:21 PM »
I dreamed I had chipped a tooth. Upon opening my eyes hours later the first thing I did was run my tongue over the tooth damaged in the dream and was pleasantly surprised it was not damaged.

This one I don't think is metaphysical at all, I actually am really anxious about this. When I am eating and something sounds like it crunched the wrong way more a  "Krunchk" than a "crunshch", I have to stop and check. Last time this happened it was from a pizza crust shearing a filling off a molar like a glacier calving. Fortunately it was still under "warranty" from the dentist. I didn't even take any anesthetic to save time. They filed it, put on the new filling and burnished it. All in all it was about 30 minutes in and out the door.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #305 on: March 31, 2019, 02:51:59 PM »
I dreamed I had chipped a tooth. Upon opening my eyes hours later the first thing I did was run my tongue over the tooth damaged in the dream and was pleasantly surprised it was not damaged.

This one I don't think is metaphysical at all, I actually am really anxious about this. When I am eating and something sounds like it crunched the wrong way more a  "Krunchk" than a "crunshch", I have to stop and check. Last time this happened it was from a pizza crust shearing a filling off a molar like a glacier calving. Fortunately it was still under "warranty" from the dentist. I didn't even take any anesthetic to save time. They filed it, put on the new filling and burnished it. All in all it was about 30 minutes in and out the door.

Ha. A friend said he kept having dreams of "my teeth falling out" years ago. If you do a quick search this, along with the whole "naked in front of crowd "late to a test" etc, stuff is a VERY common dream. There are various theories behind it: ranges from studies attempting to link physical things (tooth grinding, dental problems) to the dream or the psychological ("things falling apart," some kind of anxiety, or even some positive sides like "trying to make a change.")


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #306 on: March 31, 2019, 03:22:31 PM »
Ha. A friend said he kept having dreams of "my teeth falling out" years ago. If you do a quick search this, along with the whole "naked in front of crowd "late to a test" etc, stuff is a VERY common dream. There are various theories behind it: ranges from studies attempting to link physical things (tooth grinding, dental problems) to the dream or the psychological ("things falling apart," some kind of anxiety, or even some positive sides like "trying to make a change.")

I've had that one, too.  People say it's fear of aging and decrepitude.  But, assuming dreams draw from a repertory of remembered or imagined experiences to construct their narratives, people's most recent experience usually dates to childhood.  And mine are of childhood tooth loss, with wiggling and stuff, not adult extractions at the dentist's.  But I've never had one of those, either, so who knows?

Nucky Nolan

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #307 on: March 31, 2019, 03:49:12 PM »
I had a weird dream last night. I was in my late teens or early twenties, and an ex girlfriend lifted and carried me around a backyard at night. I have no idea what this symbolizes. Maybe it symbolizes that I shouldn't eat junk food right before I go to bed.

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #308 on: March 31, 2019, 03:52:23 PM »
I dreamed I had chipped a tooth. Upon opening my eyes hours later the first thing I did was run my tongue over the tooth damaged in the dream and was pleasantly surprised it was not damaged.

Tooth dreams, especially ones where they get damaged, are said to be harbingers of some physical illness or malady ahead. I do hope the brevity of yours is a total false alarm. :-X

This one I don't think is metaphysical at all, I actually am really anxious about this. When I am eating and something sounds like it crunched the wrong way more a  "Krunchk" than a "crunshch", I have to stop and check. Last time this happened it was from a pizza crust shearing a filling off a molar like a glacier calving. Fortunately it was still under "warranty" from the dentist. I didn't even take any anesthetic to save time. They filed it, put on the new filling and burnished it. All in all it was about 30 minutes in and out the door.

You are a tough cookie! :)

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #309 on: March 31, 2019, 03:54:10 PM »
I had a weird dream last night. I was in my late teens or early twenties, and an ex girlfriend lifted and carried me around a backyard at night. I have no idea what this symbolizes. Maybe it symbolizes that I shouldn't eat junk food right before I go to bed.

I won't even hazard a guess on what that means, maybe some kind of mothering or nurturing thing? Hopefully she put you down gently. ;)

Nucky Nolan

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #310 on: March 31, 2019, 04:03:06 PM »
I won't even hazard a guess on what that means, maybe some kind of mothering or nurturing thing? Hopefully she put you down gently. ;)

Thanks for ruining the erotic fantasy.  ;) I think that I'll just watch when I eat my chips.

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #311 on: April 01, 2019, 08:42:25 AM »
Thanks for ruining the erotic fantasy.  ;) I think that I'll just watch when I eat my chips.


A glass of milk wouldn't be a bad chaser - tryptophan and all. ;)

Nucky Nolan

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #312 on: April 01, 2019, 04:31:12 PM »

A glass of milk wouldn't be a bad chaser - tryptophan and all. ;)

I get tryptophan from KFC. Colonel Sandman puts me to sleep.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #313 on: April 02, 2019, 05:05:30 PM »
I had a quickie dream where I was sitting in an office (apparently mine) when several police officers brought in a handcuffed man. 

"We have captured the world's greatest villain," one of them told me.  "Everyone in the department wants to beat him up, so we thought he'd at least be safe in your office."

"Sure," I told them as they walked out of the room.

I looked the guy over as he sat in the chair.  He was mildly chubby and had red hair.  "Oh no,' I thought to myself.  "Here comes my impatience with red headed people again."

I could feel the anger rising up inside me.  I got up and unlocked his handcuffs.

"OK, you bastard," I snarled at him.  "Are you trying to escape?"

I made a fist with one of my hands and started to wallop him.  Bonk, bonk, bonk!  I was hitting him on the top of his head, over and over again.  When I finally stopped, I noticed that he really didn't look any different at all.  Still, I felt kind of relieved from having hit him all those times.   


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #314 on: April 06, 2019, 05:28:36 AM »
Last night I had a mean dream for Ostara.  I dreamed I was at a facility or institution where rabbits were bred, and I was shown a pregnant rabbit at term.  I was told that, as standard practice there, the bunnies would be cut out of the rabbit by Cesarean section, done as terminal surgery.  I asked what anesthetic would be used, and I was told none would be used.  I didn't stick around for the procedure.