Author Topic: Dream Stuff  (Read 91733 times)

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #360 on: May 28, 2019, 03:48:47 PM »
Next dream I was in the complex of the Hospital of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine back in the Bronx, in I don't know what capacity.  Somehow I wound up there looking into a big vat of water containing food, and when I stirred it a bit, also books.  A lady I didn't know who was also observing this, maybe dipping into the vat too, said, "Yep.  That's how we know we're dreaming."  Interesting that the conceit was that we were sharing a dream, but the idea was that we both recognized something absurd as that happens only in dreams.  So I left, getting aboard what appeared to be viewing stands, where I went to the top row of about 8, and the apparatus took off diagonally upward in the direction it was slanted in, obviously on rollers.  It dipped a little and went straight up a bit before resuming its diagonal course.  Some high capacity -- and high speed! -- elevator.  I got off at about the 3rd stop and exited the building; how that happened to be a ground floor, I don't know.  I don't remember where I went from there.  So again, lucid, but not taking advantage.

Dream after that, I was in an Indian restaurant, and all my food was on one large plate.  They were all rice preparations with different sauces that gave the mounds different pastel colors.  My friend Allie was to the right of me at the round table, and I got distracted a bit, but then with my next forkful I realized it tasted different.  I saw that my plate was empty and that I'd begun eating from the plate of a strange lady to the left of me.  I apologized, and then went to make a phone call at a phone in the hallway.  After I asked for the person, whom Allie had wanted to contact, and was told she wasn't up, I don't know why I asked, "Est-ce qu'on peut la reveiller?"  For reasons I can't figure, my dreams are sometimes partly in French.  That's all I remember of that one.

Dream after that had something to do with a class action suit with political implications.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #361 on: June 01, 2019, 02:04:03 PM »
Last night I dreamed I was living with the same friend I've been living with the in waking world, but in addition I found out I was also living with his young attractive wife and her boyfriend.  Or his young attractive boyfriend and her husband.  But we were in a bigger place, in a high rise.  In the waking world my friend who my friend lived with for 20 years is a much older lady.

In case I haven't mentioned it yet, I've been off tamsulosin for a while -- it created too much nose and sinus congestion -- so about twice as much waking up at night to make sissies, hence more light sleep and dreaming, I think.

I keep thinking of that radio ad for some enlarged-prostate remedy: "Do you wake up to go?"  And of the poor listeners answering, "Nah, I sleep right thru it."


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #362 on: June 02, 2019, 01:05:23 AM »
Last night I dreamed I was living with the same friend I've been living with the in waking world, but in addition I found out I was also living with his young attractive wife and her boyfriend.  Or his young attractive boyfriend and her husband.  But we were in a bigger place, in a high rise.  In the waking world my friend who my friend lived with for 20 years is a much older lady.

In case I haven't mentioned it yet, I've been off tamsulosin for a while -- it created too much nose and sinus congestion -- so about twice as much waking up at night to make sissies, hence more light sleep and dreaming, I think.

I keep thinking of that radio ad for some enlarged-prostate remedy: "Do you wake up to go?"  And of the poor listeners answering, "Nah, I sleep right thru it."
As far as them sleeping through it, I guess that "Depends"...


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #363 on: June 02, 2019, 12:40:41 PM »
As far as them sleeping through it, I guess that "Depends"...
People refer to "wet dreams".  They have no idea how wet it can get.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #364 on: June 02, 2019, 08:20:00 PM »
People refer to "wet dreams".  They have no idea how wet it can get.
Lol, I never thought of it that way... 


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #365 on: June 05, 2019, 05:52:52 PM »
A few nights ago I had a dream of a type I frequently do: one where the events seem simulataneously or alternately real and put on as in a TV show.  I dreamed that in approximately the waking world location of Apple Bank on Pelham Parkway South in the Bronx was instead a multi-story building housing an actual (in the dream world) business and a TV soap opera named for an actual (in the dream world) business, Sorrel Ridge.  I didn't take not of what business they were in, but apparently they were crooked.  The attorney general was seen in connection with them, leading people to think they were about to be shut down, which at least one observer in my dream thought was a good thing because their assets would be better deployed by another business.  Or maybe it was all just an act.

Then I dreamed of a mixed crowd of different ages playing touch rugby.  More players gradually arrived and it transitioned to a serious game of tackle.  A kickoff was perfectly placed, high and deep and taking one bounce into touch 5 yards from the goal line.  I thought the other team could easily have prevented that, and said so, and someone on the sideline with a Scottish accent who apparently refereed some games, though not that one, remarked that the problem is that the kickoff and dropout were the least practiced parts of the game, teams not so good at either doing them or defending against them.  He thought that kick had just been lucky, and agreed with me that the other team could've easily prevented it from bouncing into touch.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #366 on: June 10, 2019, 06:04:24 PM »
I've had this dream a number of times before.  I'm living in a world where human beings are slaves and robots the masters.  Not a bad life, really.  We are free to come and go, just so long as it is to and from the work place. 

This dream was different though.  I was walking away from work when a robot policeman approached me and said that I wasn't allowed to return to my house. 

"What?"  I said. "What do you mean, I can't go home?"

"Orders." he said.

So I turned around and walked  back into the industrial section of town.  Along the way I came across a gang of ne'er do wells that I used to hang out with in the past.  We were happy to meet up again after so much time.  We were pissed off that we couldn't go to our houses, though.

"Well men, are we going to let a single, robot policeman keep us from going home?" I asked.  "I for one, am intent on sleeping in my own bed tonight."

The guys were all with me and we turned around and started to walk back to where our houses were.  After awhile, we came to a line of robot police who were spread across the road. 

I walked up to one of them and asked why we weren't permitted to return to our homes.

"You got me." he said.  "But if I had to guess, I think it's the big 'bot at the top.  Some silly notion came to him.  He's probably out of adjustment.  Needs some rewiring.  In the mean time, don't cross this line.  I would hate to have to shoot you."

I returned to my group and told them what the robot had said.  One of them said that he knew for a fact that other people were being gunned down in certain parts of town.

"Hmmm.  We've got to be smart about this." I said.  "Hey, I've got an idea."

I gave one of the fellows a blank card.  He was a professional counterfeiter and it didn't take him long to write me up some fake ID.  I was now a politician. 

I returned to the robot policeman and showed him the card.

"What is the nature of your business?" he asked.

"Well, I'll tell you, son.  We are surveying the state of this road,"  I answered.  "This is what I run my campaign on, you know?  I always say that everyone deserves a pothole free road to walk and drive on."

"You may pass." the robot said..

We repeated the scam to get by some more robot police lines.  Gradually, everyone in the group made it back to their respective homes.  I was the only one left.  There was yet another guarded road ahead only this time my identification didn't work.  I wasn't permitted to pass.

It was beginning to grow dark as I walked down an ally and saw a fire escape ladder going up the side of a building.  I was able to climb up to the roof and from there I could see that I just might get past the police line without being seen.  I was wrong though.  The robots saw me and right away they started to fire.  Bullets whizzed by as I scampered and jumped from one roof to another.  I was about ready to give up when a hand grabbed me and yanked me behind a rooftop utility shed.

A beautiful long haired woman dressed in a black jumpsuit asked me if I needed some help.  I explained to her that I was trying to get home.

Just my luck that I was talking to a bona fide cat burglar.  She knew all the roofs in town and was able to get me safely home.  She put a rope around me and lowered me down to the front yard of my house.  I gave her a wave of thanks and watched as she pulled the rope back up, lassoed a chimney and swung away.

Just when I thought I was in the clear, an army of small, round robots attacked me.  They had no arms or legs, just wires sticking out.  There wasn't much juice in the wires.  I could feel some mild electrical shocks in my ankles but that was about it.

I began to jump up and down and it wasn't long before the whole front yard was covered with what looked like broken, tin egg shells.  I was finally able to walk unimpeded, into my house.


  • Drone Pilot
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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #367 on: June 10, 2019, 08:20:32 PM »
I had another rugby-related dream but don't remember the details, just wanted to note that my last post in this thread wasn't unusual; somehow rugby football comes up in my dreams a lot, and more than American football, even though it's been decades since I played rugby and have been coaching American football since 2007.  My dream life tends to lag behind waking life by years, sometimes a decade or more.

Later I had basketball in a dream, whose details I also don't remember, but noted because it'd been a long time since basketball had come up in a dream of mine.

Last night I dreamed I went down some stairs into a basement; the bottom few steps were high and made of stone, so it took some care to reach the bottom.  There was a man there doing I don't know what, impressed me as a mad scientist but nothing interesting ensued.

Then I dreamed my family was rich.  My father was in some business I found out later, but have forgotten.  My sister had just bathed my little niece in a bathtub that was big and fancy, like a small pool, but of a dumb design.  The bottom of this large rectangular structure was rippled, forming 2 ridges across it, and some water was trapped in it beyond the last ripple on the left with no apparent way to drain.  At the bottom of it were some beige grains of some apparent undissolved bath salts.  To the left was an elevated apparent sink full of water parallel to the entire left edge of the structure.  The whole setup looked filthy.  Keep in mind that I have an enlarged prostate gland and that scenes of bad plumbing have become a frequent feature of my dreams just before I have to get up to use the bathroom.

Getting back to sleep, the next thing I dreamed was possibly the strangest example of tricky travel yet in my dreams.  I was on an airliner whose seating all faced the left side of the plane.  To the left of me was a very fat lady who had another companion to her left, and when the fat lady turned to smooch with him her butt practically forced me out of my seat and partly into that of the person to my right, a crazy-looking lady who'd apparently scored a double- or triple-width seat even though she didn't need it.  The aisle was directly in front of us, there were no seats behind us, and across the aisle were several rows of seats, though not all of them extended the length of the interior.  Beyond the seats was the movie screen, and we were watching.  It was a movie having to do with an airliner crash; I remembered dreaming that I thought that a very ballsy feature to put on as an in-flight movie, and I was impressed.  However, it became clear that it was not just a movie but part of multi-media entertainment, as several people in the second and third rows beyond us stood up, turned around, and began to sing a number which I also don't remember but was integrated into the show.  I remember being even more impressed.  But then the crazy-looking lady reached around me and from my left pants pocket stole the checkbook that I use like a wallet.  I yelled that she'd stolen it, and she ran to our right down the aisle toward the front of the airplane, where I caught up with her in a crew bay.  She yelled for people to help her steal my checkbook, but they didn't and I took it back and said, "You expected the people on this flight to help you steal my property?"  I woke up before I got her answer.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #368 on: June 11, 2019, 12:22:08 AM »
I've had this dream a number of times before.  I'm living in a world where human beings are slaves and robots the masters.  Not a bad life, really.  We are free to come and go, just so long as it is to and from the work place. 

This dream was different though.  I was walking away from work when a robot policeman approached me and said that I wasn't allowed to return to my house. 

"What?"  I said. "What do you mean, I can't go home?"

"Orders." he said.

So I turned around and walked  back into the industrial section of town.  Along the way I came across a gang of ne'er do wells that I used to hang out with in the past.  We were happy to meet up again after so much time.  We were pissed off that we couldn't go to our houses, though.

"Well men, are we going to let a single, robot policeman keep us from going home?" I asked.  "I for one, am intent on sleeping in my own bed tonight."

The guys were all with me and we turned around and started to walk back to where our houses were.  After awhile, we came to a line of robot police who were spread across the road. 

I walked up to one of them and asked why we weren't permitted to return to our homes.

"You got me." he said.  "But if I had to guess, I think it's the big 'bot at the top.  Some silly notion came to him.  He's probably out of adjustment.  Needs some rewiring.  In the mean time, don't cross this line.  I would hate to have to shoot you."

I returned to my group and told them what the robot had said.  One of them said that he knew for a fact that other people were being gunned down in certain parts of town.

"Hmmm.  We've got to be smart about this." I said.  "Hey, I've got an idea."

I gave one of the fellows a blank card.  He was a professional counterfeiter and it didn't take him long to write me up some fake ID.  I was now a politician. 

I returned to the robot policeman and showed him the card.

"What is the nature of your business?" he asked.

"Well, I'll tell you, son.  We are surveying the state of this road,"  I answered.  "This is what I run my campaign on, you know?  I always say that everyone deserves a pothole free road to walk and drive on."

"You may pass." the robot said..

We repeated the scam to get by some more robot police lines.  Gradually, everyone in the group made it back to their respective homes.  I was the only one left.  There was yet another guarded road ahead only this time my identification didn't work.  I wasn't permitted to pass.

It was beginning to grow dark as I walked down an ally and saw a fire escape ladder going up the side of a building.  I was able to climb up to the roof and from there I could see that I just might get past the police line without being seen.  I was wrong though.  The robots saw me and right away they started to fire.  Bullets whizzed by as I scampered and jumped from one roof to another.  I was about ready to give up when a hand grabbed me and yanked me behind a rooftop utility shed.

A beautiful long haired woman dressed in a black jumpsuit asked me if I needed some help.  I explained to her that I was trying to get home.

Just my luck that I was talking to a bona fide cat burglar.  She knew all the roofs in town and was able to get me safely home.  She put a rope around me and lowered me down to the front yard of my house.  I gave her a wave of thanks and watched as she pulled the rope back up, lassoed a chimney and swung away.

Just when I thought I was in the clear, an army of small, round robots attacked me.  They had no arms or legs, just wires sticking out.  There wasn't much juice in the wires.  I could feel some mild electrical shocks in my ankles but that was about it.

I began to jump up and down and it wasn't long before the whole front yard was covered with what looked like broken, tin egg shells.  I was finally able to walk unimpeded, into my house.
I think part of this means that when cleverness and brains still didn't fix your problem, your wild side helped you (cat burglar), and any remaining problems were manageable.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #369 on: June 11, 2019, 12:24:28 AM »
I had another rugby-related dream but don't remember the details, just wanted to note that my last post in this thread wasn't unusual; somehow rugby football comes up in my dreams a lot, and more than American football, even though it's been decades since I played rugby and have been coaching American football since 2007.  My dream life tends to lag behind waking life by years, sometimes a decade or more.

Later I had basketball in a dream, whose details I also don't remember, but noted because it'd been a long time since basketball had come up in a dream of mine.

Last night I dreamed I went down some stairs into a basement; the bottom few steps were high and made of stone, so it took some care to reach the bottom.  There was a man there doing I don't know what, impressed me as a mad scientist but nothing interesting ensued.

Then I dreamed my family was rich.  My father was in some business I found out later, but have forgotten.  My sister had just bathed my little niece in a bathtub that was big and fancy, like a small pool, but of a dumb design.  The bottom of this large rectangular structure was rippled, forming 2 ridges across it, and some water was trapped in it beyond the last ripple on the left with no apparent way to drain.  At the bottom of it were some beige grains of some apparent undissolved bath salts.  To the left was an elevated apparent sink full of water parallel to the entire left edge of the structure.  The whole setup looked filthy.  Keep in mind that I have an enlarged prostate gland and that scenes of bad plumbing have become a frequent feature of my dreams just before I have to get up to use the bathroom.

Getting back to sleep, the next thing I dreamed was possibly the strangest example of tricky travel yet in my dreams.  I was on an airliner whose seating all faced the left side of the plane.  To the left of me was a very fat lady who had another companion to her left, and when the fat lady turned to smooch with him her butt practically forced me out of my seat and partly into that of the person to my right, a crazy-looking lady who'd apparently scored a double- or triple-width seat even though she didn't need it.  The aisle was directly in front of us, there were no seats behind us, and across the aisle were several rows of seats, though not all of them extended the length of the interior.  Beyond the seats was the movie screen, and we were watching.  It was a movie having to do with an airliner crash; I remembered dreaming that I thought that a very ballsy feature to put on as an in-flight movie, and I was impressed.  However, it became clear that it was not just a movie but part of multi-media entertainment, as several people in the second and third rows beyond us stood up, turned around, and began to sing a number which I also don't remember but was integrated into the show.  I remember being even more impressed.  But then the crazy-looking lady reached around me and from my left pants pocket stole the checkbook that I use like a wallet.  I yelled that she'd stolen it, and she ran to our right down the aisle toward the front of the airplane, where I caught up with her in a crew bay.  She yelled for people to help her steal my checkbook, but they didn't and I took it back and said, "You expected the people on this flight to help you steal my property?"  I woke up before I got her answer.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #370 on: June 11, 2019, 12:27:27 AM »
I think part of this means that when cleverness and brains still didn't fix your problem, your wild side helped you (cat burglar), and any remaining problems were manageable.

Very interesting dream interpretation.  Thank you, Sofia.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #371 on: June 17, 2019, 08:14:20 AM »
Out of all the dreaming I did last night, only one stood out as interesting...and funny!  It concerned a solstice celebration I'm deciding in the waking world whether to go to this coming weekend or the other one that's conflicting with it.  In the dream I must've decided to go to the one at the house I'd never been to.  This was not a lucid dream, but the opposite of a lucid dream, in which I'm puzzled by all the clues that I'm dreaming but don't come to the obvious conclusion that I am in fact dreaming.  I was like, huh, last thing I could remember I hadn't decided whether to come to this one.  I puzzled over the fact that I was wearing a Balder Rising T-shirt as an undershirt, and couldn't remember having gotten dressed at all, nor how I drove or rode there.  I wasn't puzzled over the fact that I was saying hello to a few people that I couldn't remember having met before, because that happens all the time to me in the waking world.

Funny thing about this house: There was an irregular area of floor missing -- I could see the basement thru the missing parts of boards -- that was covered up by a couch straddling it.  I petted a curly dog -- think it was a large bijon frise -- who really enjoyed tummy rubs, showing again that all my senses are potentially in play in my dreams, touch in this case.  We were watching a movie I wasn't familiar with on a large video screen; I'd come in on the middle of it, so took a while to get what it was about.  I could bore you with details of the plot, but suffice it to say it was apparently a kiddie flick entirely in CGI, with one adult star.  I turned to ask someone, "Is that a CGI Cary Grant?"  Indeed it was, and I quipped, "Now accepting the Academy Award for CGI Cary Grant: a Burroughs-Wellcome adding machine."  Why don't I give myself more good lines in my dreams?  Then I remember a little of driving home.

Now I realize that quip of mine wasn't so good after all.  Burroughs-Wellcome was the drug company, Burroughs was the machine company, unrelated.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #372 on: June 18, 2019, 03:17:34 AM »
Very interesting dream interpretation.  Thank you, Sofia.
You're welcome.  They give this stuff away on the Internet  :D :D.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #373 on: June 18, 2019, 03:20:01 AM »
I dreamed at length that I couldn't exercise with a group because most of my outfit was missing & I was half naked.  Someone gave me a garment but it had filth in it.

I woke up and got on my exercise bike first thing, a win-win  :).

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #374 on: June 20, 2019, 07:35:01 PM »
I dreamed at length that I couldn't exercise with a group because most of my outfit was missing & I was half naked.  Someone gave me a garment but it had filth in it.

I woke up and got on my exercise bike first thing, a win-win  :).
This isn't my thread but I do thank you for describing your dream here.  This place needs more dreamers.