Author Topic: Dream Stuff  (Read 91631 times)

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #375 on: June 24, 2019, 12:16:22 AM »
This isn't my thread but I do thank you for describing your dream here.  This place needs more dreamers.
Lol, don't get me started.  I've had some whoppers.  Lions in bathroom stalls.  Elevators going down with no control plus spiraling...

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #376 on: June 24, 2019, 12:36:33 AM »
Lol, don't get me started.  I've had some whoppers.  Lions in bathroom stalls.  Elevators going down with no control plus spiraling...
Nice.  A couple years back my brain decided to wake me up with shocking dreams such as you describe.  The only thing was, it refused to duplicate a dream.  Each dream had to have a different plot in order to wake me up with a start.  I only wish that I had written them down.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #377 on: June 24, 2019, 10:59:29 PM »
I had another rugby-related dream but don't remember the details, just wanted to note that my last post in this thread wasn't unusual; somehow rugby football comes up in my dreams a lot, and more than American football, even though it's been decades since I played rugby and have been coaching American football since 2007.  My dream life tends to lag behind waking life by years, sometimes a decade or more.

Later I had basketball in a dream, whose details I also don't remember, but noted because it'd been a long time since basketball had come up in a dream of mine.
Last night it was tennis, which I haven't played for decades.  I pulled a new racket out of its cover, and was chagrined to find some weird racket-like tool that would've been a poor excuse for a racket, with a small and misshapen head and bent from the shaft.  Fortunately I dug deeper and found a very good racket and started playing with it.  The other details of the dream I forgot because the only part I wanted to note that morning was the progress of sports in my dreams.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #378 on: June 25, 2019, 01:08:19 PM »
In last night's dreams I was in for some tricky travel.  They'd built a new subway line and were taking months to pre-position the trains.  To try to get home, I wound up taking the 55 train.  No, not all the lines had 2-digit numbers, just this one.  Wound up somewhere upstate.

Then I dreamed a C&W song.  Thought I had something new, but when I woke up I realized the tune was just "Sorrow".  But the lyrics had changed in the dream to "Boring".


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #379 on: June 25, 2019, 05:25:38 PM »
I once had a dream that everyone was nice to me. I was highly suspicious.
Merry Christmas

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #380 on: June 30, 2019, 11:06:41 PM »
I was with the same old gang that I mentioned in my previous dream.  We were lowered by helicopter onto the top of a large hill.  The guy operating the copter shouted to us that there was a car parked far below and that we could find it by following a trail that ran down through the bushes. 

The helicopter flew away and we were left standing on top of the hill. 

"Well," I said to the others.  "I guess there's nothing else to do but go down this trail here.  I'll go first."

I started down the trail and it didn't take me long to realize that it was extremely steep.  I tried to stop myself but it was too late.  I began to run involuntarily down the trail and all I could think to do was shout out a warning to the others that the trail was dangerous and for them not to follow me.

Every once in awhile a tree would zip by and I would try to grab some branches in order to slow myself down but this didn't seem to work because as soon as I grabbed the branches, they would slip through my hands and I would begin to go real fast again.  I was virtually flying down the trail and how I managed not to fall down was beyond me.  In addition, I noticed that the trail began to grow narrow and on both sides were steep cliffs where I caught the sight of monstrous animals that were walking and flying about in the gloom below. 

Just when I was about to give up and let myself fall over the edge, I came to a broader spot on the trail where it was nice and level.  I had made it down to the bottom of the hill.  I didn't see a car anywhere but there was a small building that looked like an old-time gas station, minus the pumps.  A door opened and someone walked out.  I was surprised to see that it was the previous First Lady of the United States. 

She greeted me with a smile and said, "You've had quite an experience.  Come on inside."

I followed her inside and took a look around.  The room was bare, except for some posters on the walls but they made no sense to me.  She ushered me through another door that led to a tunnel.  It was long, miles long, and we began to walk down it.  The air was fresh and it was nice and cool in there.

"How far are we going?" I asked.

"Oh, not too far." she said.  "In fact, here we are now."

We entered a room off of the tunnel and there, sitting in a chair was an extremely old space alien.  I say 'space alien' but he looked like a typical old man.  I don't know, something inside of me thought that he was other worldly.  His face was heavily wrinkled and he had white hair and wore a silver space suit.

"Ha, you think I'm a space alien," he said, having read my mind.  "Well, you're right, though the word alien doesn't really apply because I've been on this world longer than anyone else.  In fact I was the one who introduced the earliest forms of life on this planet.  Been monitoring things here ever since."

He pointed to a table that held a pitcher and glass.  "Pour me a drink, would you?"

I went to the table and poured a thick, slow moving syrup like liquid into the cup.  I gave it to him and he greedily drank the stuff. 

"Maple syrup." he said.  "From the hill out there." 

"Oh, that hill." was all I could think to say.

"Not exactly the most glamorous of jobs, I admit, but somebody has to do it." he said.  He handed the cup back to me and said, "Have you got any news for me?"

"No sir." I answered timidly.  "This is all new to me...this room, the intricate tunnel system, the hill above and those horrible looking creatures that I saw from above."

"Creatures you say?" the old man shouted.  "Out there?"

"Yes sir," I answered.  "Aren't they your watchdogs or something?"

"Watchdogs!" he yelled while getting to his feet..  "Good grief boy, if I wanted watchdogs I'd have got myself some German Shepherds!"

With surprising mobility, the old spaceman ran across the room and swooped up a large broadsword that was leaning up against a wall.

"Time's a wasting, boy." he hollered.  "The beasties are back!  Wee!  Come along, earth fellow, let's have us a hunt!"

I didn't really want to kill those creatures so I got up and acted like I was following him back into the tunnel, but then I held off and remained in the room.  I looked around, hoping to see that the first lady was still in there, but sadly, she wasn't.   


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #381 on: July 01, 2019, 04:25:01 AM »
I once had a dream that everyone was nice to me. I was highly suspicious.

I was with the same old gang that I mentioned in my previous dream.  We were lowered by helicopter onto the top of a large hill.  The guy operating the copter shouted to us that there was a car parked far below and that we could find it by following a trail that ran down through the bushes. 

The helicopter flew away and we were left standing on top of the hill. 

"Well," I said to the others.  "I guess there's nothing else to do but go down this trail here.  I'll go first."

I started down the trail and it didn't take me long to realize that it was extremely steep.  I tried to stop myself but it was too late.  I began to run involuntarily down the trail and all I could think to do was shout out a warning to the others that the trail was dangerous and for them not to follow me.

Every once in awhile a tree would zip by and I would try to grab some branches in order to slow myself down but this didn't seem to work because as soon as I grabbed the branches, they would slip through my hands and I would begin to go real fast again.  I was virtually flying down the trail and how I managed not to fall down was beyond me.  In addition, I noticed that the trail began to grow narrow and on both sides were steep cliffs where I caught the sight of monstrous animals that were walking and flying about in the gloom below. 

Just when I was about to give up and let myself fall over the edge, I came to a broader spot on the trail where it was nice and level.  I had made it down to the bottom of the hill.  I didn't see a car anywhere but there was a small building that looked like an old-time gas station, minus the pumps.  A door opened and someone walked out.  I was surprised to see that it was the previous First Lady of the United States. 

She greeted me with a smile and said, "You've had quite an experience.  Come on inside."

I followed her inside and took a look around.  The room was bare, except for some posters on the walls but they made no sense to me.  She ushered me through another door that led to a tunnel.  It was long, miles long, and we began to walk down it.  The air was fresh and it was nice and cool in there.

"How far are we going?" I asked.

"Oh, not too far." she said.  "In fact, here we are now."

We entered a room off of the tunnel and there, sitting in a chair was an extremely old space alien.  I say 'space alien' but he looked like a typical old man.  I don't know, something inside of me thought that he was other worldly.  His face was heavily wrinkled and he had white hair and wore a silver space suit.

"Ha, you think I'm a space alien," he said, having read my mind.  "Well, you're right, though the word alien doesn't really apply because I've been on this world longer than anyone else.  In fact I was the one who introduced the earliest forms of life on this planet.  Been monitoring things here ever since."

He pointed to a table that held a pitcher and glass.  "Pour me a drink, would you?"

I went to the table and poured a thick, slow moving syrup like liquid into the cup.  I gave it to him and he greedily drank the stuff. 

"Maple syrup." he said.  "From the hill out there." 

"Oh, that hill." was all I could think to say.

"Not exactly the most glamorous of jobs, I admit, but somebody has to do it." he said.  He handed the cup back to me and said, "Have you got any news for me?"

"No sir." I answered timidly.  "This is all new to me...this room, the intricate tunnel system, the hill above and those horrible looking creatures that I saw from above."

"Creatures you say?" the old man shouted.  "Out there?"

"Yes sir," I answered.  "Aren't they your watchdogs or something?"

"Watchdogs!" he yelled while getting to his feet..  "Good grief boy, if I wanted watchdogs I'd have got myself some German Shepherds!"

With surprising mobility, the old spaceman ran across the room and swooped up a large broadsword that was leaning up against a wall.

"Time's a wasting, boy." he hollered.  "The beasties are back!  Wee!  Come along, earth fellow, let's have us a hunt!"

I didn't really want to kill those creatures so I got up and acted like I was following him back into the tunnel, but then I held off and remained in the room.  I looked around, hoping to see that the first lady was still in there, but sadly, she wasn't.   

Sheesh, you have to pack a bag for those kind of dreams!

In last night's dreams I was in for some tricky travel.  They'd built a new subway line and were taking months to pre-position the trains.  To try to get home, I wound up taking the 55 train.  No, not all the lines had 2-digit numbers, just this one.  Wound up somewhere upstate.

Then I dreamed a C&W song.  Thought I had something new, but when I woke up I realized the tune was just "Sorrow".  But the lyrics had changed in the dream to "Boring".
Hilarious  :).

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #382 on: July 01, 2019, 08:25:47 PM »
I dreamt that I went back in time and that I was sitting in Adolf Hitler's headquarters, of all places.  There was a meeting going on and I recognized Hitler and his henchman Hermann Göring.  They were both at a table, leaning over some maps that were spread out on top.  There were some other men there, and they were talking and pointing at the maps. 

I was sitting off to the side, casually drawing a picture like I did back in grade school.  (I would get bored with a class and instead of listening to the teacher, I would draw pictures of jet aircraft or hot rods.)  There, in the Nazi headquarters, I was drawing a picture of a jet.

Suddenly, Hitler grabbed the maps, held them up and violently ripped them apart.  He let loose with a volley of German curse words and everyone around him cowered away to escape his wrath.  He saw what I was doing and approached me.  He grabbed my picture away from me and studied it.  I honestly thought I was going to be dragged out and executed, but surprisingly, he smiled.

He must have said something like "Das ist wunderbar.  Das ist es, was wir brauchen.  Hermann, wir brauchen diesen Flugzeugtyp.  Gib diesem Mann alles, was er braucht, um sie zu produzieren!"

Of course, I didn't know what Hitler was saying, but oddly enough, Göring walked over and spoke to me in English.

"Our leader says that your drawing is wonderful.  I am to give you everything that you need to produce this type of aircraft."

It felt really creepy to see Göring's smiling face so close to me.  Even more creepy to feel Hitler's hand patting my shoulder.

Here is the type of drawing that impressed Hitler so much:

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #383 on: July 02, 2019, 04:47:20 AM »
I dreamt that I went back in time and that I was sitting in Adolf Hitler's headquarters, of all places.  There was a meeting going on and I recognized Hitler and his henchman Hermann Göring.  They were both at a table, leaning over some maps that were spread out on top.  There were some other men there, and they were talking and pointing at the maps. 

I was sitting off to the side, casually drawing a picture like I did back in grade school.  (I would get bored with a class and instead of listening to the teacher, I would draw pictures of jet aircraft or hot rods.)  There, in the Nazi headquarters, I was drawing a picture of a jet.

Suddenly, Hitler grabbed the maps, held them up and violently ripped them apart.  He let loose with a volley of German curse words and everyone around him cowered away to escape his wrath.  He saw what I was doing and approached me.  He grabbed my picture away from me and studied it.  I honestly thought I was going to be dragged out and executed, but surprisingly, he smiled.

He must have said something like "Das ist wunderbar.  Das ist es, was wir brauchen.  Hermann, wir brauchen diesen Flugzeugtyp.  Gib diesem Mann alles, was er braucht, um sie zu produzieren!"

Of course, I didn't know what Hitler was saying, but oddly enough, Göring walked over and spoke to me in English.

"Our leader says that your drawing is wonderful.  I am to give you everything that you need to produce this type of aircraft."

It felt really creepy to see Göring's smiling face so close to me.  Even more creepy to feel Hitler's hand patting my shoulder.

Here is the type of drawing that impressed Hitler so much:

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What an awkward position to be in!  There are some people one does not want to please!  But once it's done, what can you do!


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #384 on: July 09, 2019, 08:21:50 PM »
I dreamt that I went back in time and that I was sitting in Adolf Hitler's headquarters, of all places.  There was a meeting going on and I recognized Hitler and his henchman Hermann Göring.  They were both at a table, leaning over some maps that were spread out on top.  There were some other men there, and they were talking and pointing at the maps. 

I was sitting off to the side, casually drawing a picture like I did back in grade school.  (I would get bored with a class and instead of listening to the teacher, I would draw pictures of jet aircraft or hot rods.)  There, in the Nazi headquarters, I was drawing a picture of a jet.

Suddenly, Hitler grabbed the maps, held them up and violently ripped them apart.  He let loose with a volley of German curse words and everyone around him cowered away to escape his wrath.  He saw what I was doing and approached me.  He grabbed my picture away from me and studied it.  I honestly thought I was going to be dragged out and executed, but surprisingly, he smiled.

He must have said something like "Das ist wunderbar.  Das ist es, was wir brauchen.  Hermann, wir brauchen diesen Flugzeugtyp.  Gib diesem Mann alles, was er braucht, um sie zu produzieren!"

Of course, I didn't know what Hitler was saying, but oddly enough, Göring walked over and spoke to me in English.

"Our leader says that your drawing is wonderful.  I am to give you everything that you need to produce this type of aircraft."
Did you really dream those words in German as a language you didn't understand in the dream?  Or did you translate them to German after you woke up?


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #385 on: July 09, 2019, 08:29:09 PM »
Night before last I had a dream part of which was closely symbolic to real life.  I dreamed I was back living in the Bronx, but seeking to leave it, and that Mario Biaggi was still in Congress, and that I didn't want to support him or anybody else for the Conservative Party nomination.  So I deliberately missed the meeting at which somebody I took to be a jerk was endorsed.  I recall then seeing his petition, which was on bright yellow paper.

Then I dreamt seeing a movie with my friend Alley and her asking me, "Doesn't that remind you of Ayn Rand?"  I answered, "No."  Lots of people in waking life have all sorts of strange ideas about that author.

Then I dreamt about somebody shooting someone else 8 times, putting the shots in a tight group into a not-very-important part of that person's body, and getting a single instantly fatal shot in the heart in return.  I don't remember what that was about either.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #386 on: July 09, 2019, 09:25:28 PM »
Did you really dream those words in German as a language you didn't understand in the dream?  Or did you translate them to German after you woke up?

There were some German words that I understood in the dream but also some that I didn't.  Judging by how the dream ended, I believe I was safe in adding some translated words as to what Hitler was saying.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #387 on: July 12, 2019, 03:51:35 PM »
Small, flying spiders.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #388 on: July 17, 2019, 09:11:18 PM »
Today I had another of those looking-for-a-toilet dreams.  I'm glad I didn't act on my last idea in that one: using the wastepaper basket under the sink.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #389 on: July 18, 2019, 06:04:30 PM »
Last night yet another tricky travel dream.  Always something new with these.  I dreamed I couldn't find my car where I thought it was last parked.  After a while I "remembered" that the dark blue-green car I'd been looking for was not my current vehicle, and I found my current one: an odd-but-sporty-looking maroon and white 2-door.  I started driving it from where it was parked, but then found myself hemmed in in a maze of alleys of brick buldings, unable to find my way out.  On the way I'd picked up a friend who waited in the car while I got out; maybe I had in mind asking directions, I forgot.  Anyway, I wound up in the lobby of a building with a rabbi who told me he was on his way to a Passover seder.  I followed him into the elevator and up a few flights.  When I got out with him, a young and attractive lady invited me to take part; she seemed to know me, as people in my dreams seem to, and I couldn't resist.  I sat down with her at one of 4 long tables.  There were 3 rabbis among the 4 tables, conducting what I guess was a very Reform seder.  They started by saying, "Today begins a war."  I never heard of that as being part of the megilla!  Apparently it was some metaphoric kind of war, as no violence was even discussed.  I spread some peanut butter on some matzo, and nobody seemed to mind, though we didn't use it in the proceedings.  Another piece of matzo at each table was passed around the table, and the participants in turn recited a latter of the Hebrew alphabet with a little saying about it, in the manner of the rune poem used to teach Elder Futhark.  Before it got to me, I said I had to leave to rejoin my friend downstairs in the car.