Author Topic: Dream Stuff  (Read 91777 times)

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Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #75 on: August 17, 2018, 05:51:44 PM »
As I was falling asleep. I could see a giant multi-color pillow towards the foot of my bed, so I kicked it with my foot. When there was no resistance I knew it was a dream, and it vanished.

Cool how you tested the dream with your foot.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #76 on: August 17, 2018, 06:04:15 PM »
Dreams, August 17, 2018.

I walked up to my long dead dad's house and saw my long dead mom and long dead grandmother sitting in the living room.  I went to give Nana a hug but she waved me back, explaining that she had a contagious disease.

I walked downtown and passed an old, multistory brick hotel.  Just as I walked by, a loud siren pierced the air and it came from the building's roof.  A large puff of black smoke came off the roof, and then a big cloud of white smoke went skyward.  Some fire trucks pulled up to the building and just as the firemen were hopping off the engines, the whole top half of the building fell over in one big chunk.  Thankfully, we were all out of the way went it crashed onto the ground.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #77 on: August 18, 2018, 01:22:17 PM »
Dreams, August 18, 2018.

I went to grind some coffee beans and the inside of the grinder was caked in coffee dust and I usually keep it so nice and clean inside there.

I was in a big city where I bought a bag full of wares.  Naturally, being a stranger, I was the perfect target for the local thugs.  Somebody must have sent in the best of the species to meet me because he was all over me as I tried to make my way to the car.  He started demanding that I give him my bag of items, so I slapped the bag into his face.  I must have bought some pretty lightweight items because the bag strike had about as much effect on him as a flea.  The guy was big and I didn't really feel like exchanging blows, so I got to talking to him and the next thing I know, were both running up the street, yelling and cursing at bystanders, as if we had known each other for years.

I was a member of a circus or carnival sideshow or something.  I was the official strongman and my forte was lifting a total of eight people at one time.  This dream had a great, sawdust scented, carny atmosphere to it and it even seemed kind of quasi-legit how the eight people chosen to be lifted were mostly kids and or thin older people.  I also remember feeling quite special because the circus was playing in my hometown.  The beautiful ringmaster lady made a point of saying that she would formulate a special introduction for me when my act came up.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #78 on: August 19, 2018, 01:46:19 PM »
Dreams, August 19, 2018.

I was back in grade school but still my older self and that was OK because the rest of the students were also older like me.  Our 5th grade teacher walked into the room and told us to get our songbooks out.  I felt unsure as to what to do because my desk was vague and I couldn't formulate it enough to have it open up in order to get a songbook out.  I noticed that the rest of my classmates were having a similar problem.  I talked to the guy next to me and we were both unsure of our singing abilities, but it didn't matter in the long run because I was able to escape into the hallway before the singing began.  (At least I was fully clothed in this dream.  I have had a number of past dreams where I have returned to school or an old job and I was only wearing my underwear.)

Some awful man was chasing me around and demanding that I work for him.  He kep't handing me things and saying, "Now get to work!"  I meekly obeyed at first, and tried to busy myself with the variouse tasks, but when he handed me an auto fender, that did it.  I pretty much walked myself out of the dream.     


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #79 on: August 20, 2018, 05:40:00 AM »
I'm going to try taking 5-HTP (an alleged serotonin booster) supplement in the evenings, to see if it changes my dreaming at all. 

Last night all I ended up with was a headache and a stomach ache as I was trying to fall asleep. The experiment continues.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #80 on: August 20, 2018, 01:49:23 PM »
Some fun information on the subject of dreams:

Dreams, August 20, 2018.

I went to visit with a friend of the family, an older gent who is usually outgoing and loves to talk about things, only this time he was unusually quiet.  So I asked him, "How are you doing, John?  Everything OK?"  "No, not really," he answered sadly.  "I've got this facial disease and it makes it kind of hard for me to talk."  As I looked at him, his facial skin turned into a claylike substance and he even demonstrated the severity of the affliction by poking a hole in a cheek and the hole remained there.

I was working on a large ship and we were in the middle of the ocean.  It seemed to be a freighter of sorts, pretty big and there was lots of cargo aboard.  Nuclear powered too because there were two distinct cooling towers, of all things, located just behind the captain's observation bridge.  There were two co-workers that I knew, one a red headed English lad and his girlfriend who was also a redhead.

I stood on deck and tried to remember what kind of job I had, but it wouldn't come to me.  I walked down to a lower level and entered a recreation room and it was pretty lavish inside there.  My friend and I grabbed some beers and sat down to watch a soccer game that was playing on a fairly large television screen.  We were enjoying the game when all at once the power went off.  We sat in the dark and could hear some ominous thumping noises coming from the direction of the power plant.  Then everything got quiet and we knew that something was wrong.  The captain burst into the rec room and ordered us to go topside and see what the problem was.  We made our way on deck and saw that the two cooling towers were emitting copious amounts of radioactive steam.   


Bart Ell

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #81 on: August 20, 2018, 02:25:57 PM »
Love this thread.
Carry on.

Fast and Bulbous

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #82 on: August 21, 2018, 02:27:00 PM »
I dreamed that I passed out on the couch at a frat party. When I woke up, the frat boys were laugh ing at me and point ting at my head.

"Uh oh which one of you drew a dick on my face?" I said.

"Dude look in the mirror," a frat boy said, trying hard not to laugh.

My hair felt funny and I looked in the mirror.

I had long blond hair. "WTF!"

I pulled at the hair. It was a wig, and it did not come off; it had been glued on. It looked bizarre. Bits of  ragged flesh and fatty gobs hung across my brow. I ripped it off.

They had shaved my head. The wig was a bloody human scalp. The glue had been made from human bones. On the inside of the wig was a note writen by burning the lettres into the flesh:
"Fast n Bulbous, I'm going to kill you. "  I did not recognize who had signed it. When questioned, they refused to name the culprit.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #83 on: August 21, 2018, 02:29:48 PM »
Love this thread.
Carry on.


Dreams, August 21, 2018.

I was walking down a country lane when I noticed two youngish men digging a grave for a dead old man that was stretched out on the grass.  I noticed an extra shovel so I asked if they needed a hand.  They accepted my offer to help, so I started shoveling away.  "Who is he?" I asked.  "Our great uncle," one of them said.  "He was like 91 years old, I think.  Dropped dead while sitting in his easy chair, reading a book."  "Well, not exactly reading," the other said. "Remember, he never did learn to read, but he liked to hold a book and look at the words and turn the pages.  I've seen him 'read' an entire book while holding it upside down."  "Yeah," the other kid spoke up.  "Didn't he have like 1,5033 books?"  "I think so," the other answered.  "Anyway, he told us his wish to be buried by a country lane, and so here we are."  "Wait a sec." the other one said.  "We forgot these."  He pulled out three paper dust masks from his pocket and we put them on.  We continued to dig the grave.

I was standing in the middle of a field, holding a big butterfly net.  A flying catfish went sailing by and I took a swipe at it.  The fish's spiny fins caught on the net.  I took it home and placed it in an aquarium but it sank down to the bottom, dead.   

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #84 on: August 21, 2018, 02:36:05 PM »
I dreamed that I passed out on the couch at a frat party. When I woke up, the frat boys were laugh ing at me and point ting at my head.

"Uh oh which one of you drew a dick on my face?" I said.

"Dude look in the mirror," a frat boy said, trying hard not to laugh.

My hair felt funny and I looked in the mirror.

I had long blond hair. "WTF!"

I pulled at the hair. It was a wig, and it did not come off; it had been glued on. It looked bizarre. Bits of  ragged flesh and fatty gobs hung across my brow. I ripped it off.

They had shaved my head. The wig was a bloody human scalp. The glue had been made from human bones. On the inside of the wig was a note writen by burning the lettres into the flesh:
"Fast n Bulbous, I'm going to kill you. "  I did not recognize who had signed it.

Wow.  That's a kind of dream where you should sleep with one eye open.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #85 on: August 21, 2018, 04:01:02 PM »
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Fast and Bulbous

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #86 on: August 21, 2018, 04:06:04 PM »
Wow.  That's a kind of dream where you should sleep with one eye open.
Haha yes.  And NEVER pass out at a frat party.

Fast and Bulbous

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #87 on: August 22, 2018, 06:15:45 AM »
Last night's dream was disturbing.  Somebody was forcing me to help George Falkie Senda move out of his hovel.

Senda was unappreciative of my help and abused and bullied me. I was doing all the lifting and he was sitting in his closet doing a live streaming video. I asked him to help but he said his knees were hurting. I decided to retaliate.  I was angry .

I rented the truck used to haul the Space Shuttle. He was still inside and I used a crane to pick up his entire house and set it on the truck.  Then, I drove the truck to the Bay and dumped his hovel and his hoard in the water with him inside. He accused me of abusing the disabled.
Lesson learned: dont watch falkie george senda videos before you go to bed.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #88 on: August 22, 2018, 07:31:26 AM »
I arrive in Paris on business with some coworkers.  To my chagrin, our first meal together there was at McDonalds.  I was somewhat mollified to find I could order a fresh pastry (a very un-French-looking lumpy domed thing topped with maple glaze) and an open-faced shrimp and crab sandwich.

As an excursion I take a trip to the coast alone, which is reached by a thing like an elevator, all stainless steel, with seats that you got in and are shot through a tube.  The force of the acceleration was memorable.  It was like a falling dream, but sideways.  The coast is rocky and,as usually happens in my dreams, I venture too far into the water and am nearly overwhelmed by a large wave.

In a one-on-one meeting with the head of the company we are meeting with, I negotiate some favorable terms without approval from my boss, who is Dave Schrader.  The apprehension that I have gone too far is a lingering fear that remains in the background throughout the dream,his voice chiding me in my head.

On my own again, I venture downtown at night.  I walk past a building that used to be a bank and is now offices and notice a heavy door that is very slightly ajar.  Worried something is wrong, I push it and it opens.  In the vestibule inside there is a note pasted to the dusty window inside which I read, which contains some piece of information I am not supposed to know.  I go back outside, making sure the door is properly locked, but discover I have left my bag and phone inside on the sill of the window, beneath the note.  I decide not to tell anyone, afraid I will be in trouble for going in and seeing the note.  More apprehension.

The next day, we are in the old bank building on business when we pass the vestibule I recognize from the night before.  My bag and phone are still there and with relief I surreptitiously pick them up, thinking to resume the trip as normal but, as I am doing so, a coworker begins taking flash pictures, explaining this will all have to be evidence for the police.

Interesting that the same theme of independence and going too far occurs three different times, along with the feeling that I am surrounded by inferior people who are in a position to judge me.  Also that at least several days pass in the course of six hours of sleep.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #89 on: August 22, 2018, 01:12:25 PM »
It was winter, night time, snow on the ground. I'm in the bathroom of a McDonald's, completely naked. Something has destroyed my clothes, how doesn't seem to be important.
I sneak out the back door and squeeze my way through an alleyway on the side of the building to the parking lot to get to my car. An employee is following me. I get in my car, employee walks up to my window, big black guy in a McDonald's crew member polo shirt. Sees me naked and goes "All hell naw" and backs away. My tires are spinning in the snow as I pull out of the parking lot and escape.