Sounds more like a personal matter, both are heavily married into their beliefs. That is never good for anything, but no ones perfect. Thanks for listening, I'll make sure to go over some of these things.
I figure you don't want to turn the show into a 'religious' deal but good show and I like sevanctists (sorry spelling, on phone in crappy area) but I also think, the anti-papists by nature, critics Eric generalizes WAAAY too much about "Protestants," And ignores lots of differences between the various groups, incl things like nature of the Eucharist, catholic (not Roman but universal) church, Saints etc, not to mention the more fundamental different ideas between "Protestants." It would also he interesting, though controversial, to discuss the "new" love for Isreal, historic against, the Hebrew sects against, and relationships between groups and the poltics, end times, etc.
ps: any Kathleen Keating updates would be awesome. She, n Maetin, had aome greatArt shows.