Music died because of file sharing. Took the money out of the business. The 70s and 80s has dozens of genres, and 1000s of bands. Now we’re lucky if we get a Bieber ever few years.
Movies have been a joke since the advent of inexpensive CGI. Now everything is CGI and pure crap.
Look what big tech is doing. Apple, Microsoft, Samsung, used to have to innovate and succeeded when they made new products people wanted. Now they just innovate different scams to force people to “upgradeâ€.
Same crap is going on in the medical industry. Doctors know nothing about health and wellness. They simply know how to write prescriptions. The choice based on which bimbo pharma rep buys their office the best lunch. Surgical medicine is a bit more legit, although even that has its scams. Carpotunnel surgury anyone?
It’s all a product of the worthless education industry and modern media that don’t teach critical thinking, but rather brainwash fools into what to believe.
Millenials are a lost cause. But gen Z is coming and they’re bringing fresh thinking and a revolt against modern political correctness and inside the box thinking.
Look at all the horseshift stories just this year that the media pushed so hard that have fallen completely apart. Russia collusion. Covington kids. Jussie Smullet. This house of cards is ready to fall.
That's a great post, and I disagree with just one thing, and that's extremely depressing. I'll be even more pessimistic and say that Generation Z is no more conservative and/or traditional than Millennials. Keep in mind that the oldest Millennials are well into their thirties now. Those blue-haired college kids, who embrace socialism while they eschew Martin Luther King Jr. as a White supremacist, are in Generation Z.
You brought up a pet peeve of mine. I hate those commercials from pharmaceutical companies, and they make me actually miss the juvenile ads of our youth. These commercials seem to be set in the same parallel universe, one that has a soap opera fake vibe, where the citizens happily pop pills to cope with various disorders that few individuals actually have, and the "medicine" has *way* more costs (hemophilia, lymphoma, hallucinations, suicide) than benefits, and you need a new pill to counteract the first pill. I actually saw a commercial for a pill to help sufferers who cry or laugh uncontrollably, and I first thought that it was an ad for a new comedy!