Goggle adCents apparently couldn't handle eMCee's unbridled barnyard fascination with horse-porn & coq-pics.
Who appointed Goggle the moral & ethics puh-lease of th' intar-tubes anyhow?
I am not a horse-porn or coq-pic affinacado or avocato, hurts no one, live & let live, eh?
Braise eMCee!
Braise it in anomalism hollandaise sauce!
Dar no Free-de of speachless in de world of capitalist pigs. Googly eyes everywhere is the biggest pig with lipstick on in the history of world since Adam partook the forbidden fruit. Amazon will swallow up Googly-eyes and Facepals and eventually everything else (God, King and Country) until Amazon globalism is the only ism allowed.
These dayz will be lookie back on as the good 'ol dayz ..
sieg heil Amazonism...
Imagine one world, easy if you try.
E-ptioian E-tards