Besides the $125, if you've been identified as someone who's personal information was breached, you can get up to $20,000: Payments (capped at $20,000 per person)
For expenses you paid as a result of the breach, like:
Losses from unauthorized charges to your accounts
The cost of freezing or unfreezing your credit report
The cost of credit monitoring
Fees you paid to professionals like an accountant or attorney
Other expenses like notary fees, document shipping fees and postage, mileage, and phone charges
For the time you spent dealing with the breach. You can be compensated $25 per hour up to 20 hours.
If you submit a claim for 10 hours or less, you must describe the actions you took and the time you spent doing those things.
If you claim more than 10 hours, you must describe the actions you took AND provide documents that show identity theft, fraud, or other misuse of your information.
For the cost of Equifax credit monitoring and related services you had between September 7, 2016, and September 7, 2017, capped at 25 percent of the total amount you paid.
Here's the Bigger Joke, I logged onto today to try and get the free report from Equifax... It said, can't give that to me online, but I could send in the request by mail, with a picture of my DL and my SS#.
Just NO!I was more willing to try the free service of Credit Karma. I didn't see any red flags there.