Author Topic: The Kingdom of Nyet with Heather Wade  (Read 12598835 times)

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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #62970 on: December 10, 2018, 06:55:15 PM »
Well car issues and so much other shit but you know these gabs are like an addiction. It’s in our blood.

So glad to see you back, PBS. Looking forward to listening to the Little Podcast after I'm back home tomorrow night! +1
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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #62971 on: December 10, 2018, 06:58:49 PM »
  Can someone post the link to Heather's fairly new show?   don't know if i can listen to her very long but wanted to see what the show has changed to.



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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #62972 on: December 10, 2018, 07:00:37 PM »
I love it... Miller will flip out!  8)

Are you saying that Mr. Miller still hasn't obtained the psychological help that is needed?

So very sad. Very sad indeed. He had such potential.

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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #62973 on: December 10, 2018, 07:04:28 PM »
No. She owns it. Art held the mortgage, which is now probably held by Airyn.
heather wont fully own it until the note is paid off.
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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #62974 on: December 10, 2018, 07:04:57 PM »
Darrell has the Navy Cross, a few Purple Hearts, and the Congressional Medal?

Whose? And where did he buy them from?  :P
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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #62975 on: December 10, 2018, 07:07:07 PM »
Not according to FB's servers... nor the police in a case where when a warrant is approved that seeks those posts. They live, hidden, forever till brought up from the depths of hell to remind the poster of what they said in the past.

I guess she doesn't know that. We also have postings.


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #62976 on: December 10, 2018, 07:07:15 PM »
Well partly that, but I did also send the whole of the phone call I had with Heather to the Sheriff. For me, obviously I want people to know that I didn’t call the cops that night - not just to call her out in that lie, but also because I am absolutely not the kind of person to do that and I’ve had a bit of abuse from her saying it, now normally I can take it, but I dislike people thinking I would act in that way. I would never do anything like that and even people thinking I did that has been personally upsetting. I am a tough bitch, but I have morals and her insinuating I did it out of spite, well it’s stressful for me.

As for her comments regarding Art’s death, I felt the sheriff needed to hear it, because it feels like somewhere along the line she is breaking the law saying that anywhere, and certainly on air that would be worse.

Ah, well! As you may know the US is a wildly litigious society, and if you combined your request for the call info with other info regarding HW talking about Art committing suicide rather than going by the Coroner's report, they may in fact have conflated the two into a bigger investigation, about which they would likely say nothing to you until they knew whether they had a case or not... or whether they cared or not. They don't want anyone going after them, after all... sigh.

That might possibly be influencing the delay, just speculating.
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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #62977 on: December 10, 2018, 07:15:15 PM »
I wonder if the Nye County authorities realize Heather is committing all kinds of crimes, and this is part of a larger investigation. Heather receiving a firearm and weed through the mail may have raised their eyebrows. There's also Art's death and Heather claims to know the "truth" about that. Any cop with a couple of brain cells should have lots of questions for her.

Right now they're denying DH the opportunity to clear her name, they should explain that.

All the things you mention here, EarthAlien, are important but so far there is no irrefutable concrete proof that anyone can offer to the police to start a legal, real investigation. Police don't start investigating people based on stuff they say alone. Folks here are speculating that that firearm was sent to her illegally. James Cheney specifically said on FB that his package to her contained NO weed because he didn't want to get in trouble sending it across state lines. What compelling proof does anyone have that a crime has been committed?

The music licensing issue is clear as can be and can be easily documented and proven, would stand up in court. As for the rest of what bothers us and infuriates us about HW's lies, there's little or no documentable proof like that that anyone can proffer to the police.

Dynamo may in fact have given them something concrete to start an investigation of what HW does or doesn't know about Art's death-- a recording of HW in her voice contradicting the Coroner's report and obviously implicating herself in a cover up if true. We'll see.
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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #62978 on: December 10, 2018, 07:21:46 PM »
Ah, well! As you may know the US is a wildly litigious society, and if you combined your request for the call info with other info regarding HW talking about Art committing suicide rather than going by the Coroner's report, they may in fact have conflated the two into a bigger investigation, about which they would likely say nothing to you until they knew whether they had a case or not... or whether they cared or not. They don't want anyone going after them, after all... sigh.

That might possibly be influencing the delay, just speculating.
the coroner made the call so case closed. They figure the rest is FCC business.


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #62979 on: December 10, 2018, 07:26:27 PM »
All the things you mention here, EarthAlien, are important but so far there is no irrefutable concrete proof that anyone can offer to the police to start a legal, real investigation. Police don't start investigating people based on stuff they say alone. Folks here are speculating that that firearm was sent to her illegally. James Cheney specifically said on FB that his package to her contained NO weed because he didn't want to get in trouble sending it across state lines. What compelling proof does anyone have that a crime has been committed?

The music licensing issue is clear as can be and can be easily documented and proven, would stand up in court. As for the rest of what bothers us and infuriates us about HW's lies, there's little or no documentable proof like that that anyone can proffer to the police.

Dynamo may in fact have given them something concrete to start an investigation of what HW does or doesn't know about Art's death-- a recording of HW in her voice contradicting the Coroner's report and obviously implicating herself in a cover up if true. We'll see.

Eh, nevermind...


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #62980 on: December 10, 2018, 07:30:16 PM »
heather wont fully own it until the note is paid off.
If she bought the house, the deed is in her name. That she owes a mortgage on it does not diminish her ownership.

Her ownership can only be challenged should she default on the mortgage, and then there legal procedures that must be followed. The mortgage owner taking back the house (whether a bank or a person) is a complex legal process in most states. Until or unless it is returned to the mortgage holder, the deed and the house is hers.
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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #62981 on: December 10, 2018, 07:37:03 PM »
"Well, it's December 10th, and I'm still here, doing THE PROGRAM. I guess Little Miss Thang and all the haters and trolls didn't really have anything after all."
Well, I wouldn't say she was doing a PROGRAM. Maybe trying to fill in a lot of air time talking, repeating herself and talking over guest or friends that call in,  but not really doing a PROGRAM. More like noon in the high school lunch room chatting with teens about the local high school Radio Club kind of thing.
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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #62982 on: December 10, 2018, 07:37:52 PM »
I guess she doesn't know that. We also have postings.

Yes, indeed. It's a good thing to remember... deleted posts aren't actually deleted, not from your emails, either btw. Nor are your call and text logs, although in come cases texts may not be retrieved.

That's why it's really important to be prudent about writing anything that could be interpreted as threatening someone, or wishing them violent harm. Should something happen to them that even vaguely resembles what you said, you could easily become a suspect in an investigation until proven innocent... which is a horrible stressful experience, and very scary.

I have not had this happen to me but I have been part of a number of situations where in a professional capacity I had to review such materials. It makes me willing to be occasionally snarky here but NEVER threaten anyone or specifically wish them harm. Once it's posted, it's out there, gone, and in the vast majority of cases you can't delete it. Same with my emails... I won't but potentially problematic things in writing, will deal with it directly instead if need be. That's just me, but I think it's helpful information.

Never write something that could come back to haunt you in the future legally or that you will regret saying if questioned about it by the authorities, it's a hornet's nest to deal with that. Just saying...  8)
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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #62983 on: December 10, 2018, 07:38:16 PM »
If she bought the house, the deed is in her name. That she owes a mortgage on it does not diminish her ownership.

Her ownership can only be challenged should she default on the mortgage, and then there legal procedures that must be followed. The mortgage owner taking back the house (whether a bank or a person) is a complex legal process in most states. Until or unless it is returned to the mortgage holder, the deed and the house is hers.

The equity has grown on the land value and its improvements (the trailer) but... The broken carafe may need to be disclosed prior to selling... oh, and ghost Art.
Eh, nevermind...


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #62984 on: December 10, 2018, 07:41:35 PM »
the coroner made the call so case closed. They figure the rest is FCC business.

If the police really believe that relevant and important evidence was withheld from them and from the Coroner, the case will most definitely NOT stay closed. It doesn't work that way. Ask any insurance company that paid a claim on a death, later found out about contradicting evidence, went to court, someone got convicted for withholding evidence and fraudulently collecting the insurance, and the insurance company claws back all their money plus some. Not so uncommon!
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