Author Topic: The Kingdom of Nyet with Heather Wade  (Read 12563200 times)

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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #95205 on: April 20, 2019, 09:15:27 PM »
What's wrong with this picture?

Do you see anything right with it?
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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #95207 on: April 20, 2019, 09:23:55 PM »
Quick poll: is wine good for colds?
Probably not but you won’t care lol. Hope you are feeling better? 


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #95208 on: April 20, 2019, 09:31:35 PM »
What's wrong with this picture?

2 admins, 1 producer type, 4 mods, and only 5 people? What's wrong with that? Heh heh...
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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #95209 on: April 20, 2019, 09:35:54 PM »
I hope you all will be wiling to indulge me a bit with a serious post here. It qualifies as drama without HW, and frankly I wasn't sure where else to put it, so here it is. I find myself in a deeply reflective place this weekend and especially today. It is long, so if you're not interested, of course please do feel free to pass it by.

What with Easter and Passover this weekend, and several other very significant events that happened on April 19 and 20 in the past (aside from the 420 movement/meme), I am very aware of the themes of life, death, and rebirth.

A few of these are the Waco massacre and the Oklahoma City bombings on the 19th (different years), and the deepwater horizon rig explosion, Hitler's birthday, and the school massacre at Columbine all on the 20th (different years).

It is this last one that is most on my mind today, the 20th anniversary of the horrible mass shootings at Columbine High School in Littleton, CO. As it happens, exactly 20 years ago today, the host of a live nationwide TV show that I was a regular guest expert on called me on the phone and kept talking to me about what was appropriate to say while the Columbine events were happening live. I was not on the air, but I was in the background with the host and staff for much of the afternoon.

The next day, the day after Columbine I had been scheduled to do a live appearance with them discussing some personality/behavioral-related things in controversial trial going on at the time (I did this about every three weeks or so), and they asked me to come in early as they knew they'd also be talking about Columbine if there were any live press conferences during our time slot.

I did and there were. What I recall vividly from that day was the Sheriff  (I think, maybe a higher official) holding a press conference which we cut to live... and he was answering questions about why the school safety officer did not enter the school to go after the shooters right when the first shots were fired. There had been a few school shootings prior to this but nothing on the scale of Columbine to that point. They called for a SWAT team, which took 45 minutes to get there iirc, and in the meantime many kids and some adults were being killed and wounded, with the two shooters having free reign all over the school, using bombs, flammable liquids, hand guns, and long guns. In fact they didn't actually enter the school till about three hours later, after the shooting had stopped for quite a while, again iirc. There were a lot of intense arguments on all sides about whether this was the best way to deal with the situation or not (creepy shades of Stoneman High in Parkland last year?).

The sheriff was saying that it was their standard protocol for school shootings, this was they way they normally would handle such a situation. My comment live on the air following the press conference was that I found it shocking and deeply upsetting that he was able to use the words "standard protocol" and "normal procedure" for such a horrifying event... that in fact this kind of mass killing was happening more and more that those words could even be put together in the same sentence. The host, whose show it was, agreed with me, and we had a short but profound discussion about how our society was changing, and not for the better, and that we really needed to do some deep introspection about how and why this was occurring.

I hadn't planned to say that, it was a spontaneous and heartfelt reaction to what I heard live as I was sitting there in the studio with the host talking live on the air again (this was a national show, btw). To my great surprise later that day, the network got more emails, faxes and phone calls (this was 1999, remember, email was not as upbiquitous as it is today) than they had gotten in any recent show because of that comment. A very few said I was naive, or responded negatively (of course, someone always will!), but the pile of responses were overwhelmingly positive and added comments of their own, indicating that I had touched a real nerve in the audience's hearts.

This clear memory popped up for me several times today as I went about my errands, etc. It was a beautiful day today where I live now and the contrast to my memories of 20 years ago felt very stark and very sad. I don't even have words to express how sad and distressed I feel that there have been so many more mass shootings since then, at schools and other public gatherings.

My prayers for this weekend, as so many people observe their various religious practices around the world (and including those who don't) is that somehow, some way, we find a way as human beings to begin to talk to each other again, heart to heart, and to find some way to begin to work together again to make this world a better place for everyone. If we don't remember we are all one species and have to get it together to stop destroying each other and the earth, there'll be nothing left for our children and our children's children, never mind for our own short-term futures.

In that spirit, I send you all my heartfelt wishes for a blessed and peaceful holiday weekend, regardless of how you are spending your time. May we all be uplifted somehow... and soon.

Thanks for reading and indulging me if you hung in there to get here.  ;)
I thought they did it for hitler's birthday.. and the cops not going in changed response procedure across the country.
I remember watching and thinking "why aren't they going in?"


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #95210 on: April 20, 2019, 09:37:16 PM »
Who’s we, frog in your pocket? I can’t recall ever particularly liking the legacy squatter myself.
Good point.


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #95211 on: April 20, 2019, 09:43:09 PM »
I have caught up and am done time traveling again. Aquarius, thanks for sharing your thoughts on the condition of humanity. Now I need cake too, and wine ! 

I wish everyone that is a believer a Blessed Easter. Everyone else enjoy your Sunday. Have a good night Elle Gabbers!


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #95212 on: April 20, 2019, 09:46:39 PM »
I have caught up and am done time traveling again. Aquarius, thanks for sharing your thoughts on the condition of humanity. Now I need cake too, and wine ! 

I wish everyone that is a believer a Blessed Easter. Everyone else enjoy your Sunday. Have a good night Elle Gabbers!

Thanks and right back at ya!
There was a little girl,
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Right in the middle of her forehead.
            When she was good,
            She was very good indeed,
But when she was bad she was horrid.


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #95213 on: April 20, 2019, 09:48:29 PM »
Thanks and right back at ya!
Thanks. I plan on breaking my diet and eating an entire chocolate bunny 🤗


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #95214 on: April 20, 2019, 09:49:11 PM »
I thought they did it for hitler's birthday.. and the cops not going in changed response procedure across the country.
I remember watching and thinking "why aren't they going in?"

Yes, well, unfortunately not at Parkland last year. School officer knew there was shooting going on inside and he waited outside, far away from the building, till other police came. Hard choice, yes, but if you're taking on that job, you need to be prepared to do what's necessary, I guess.

TBH I don't remember all the details about Columbine any more, and don't want to look them up.

The post script to that post is several years back, the mother of one of the shooters decided maybe she wanted to finally speak about it. A major magazine was preparing to interview her, and someone there remembered my comments years back (they also knew me as a semi-regular on that show). They wanted to be really responsible and not seek a sensationalist article if possible. I was asked to have a phone call with the mother to see if she felt comfortable talking to me as they wanted to do a series of three-way interviews: the mother, the journalist, and me. I did, and was not sure she was ready to deal with the media onslaught that absolutely would follow the publication of the interview. After a couple of responsible discussions among the mother, the journalist, the editor, and me, we mutually agreed to call the whole thing off.

The thing is, it was heartrending but fascinating to hear her talk about the past, and those events, even as preliminarily as she did in those calls. It would have made fascinating reading, I'm sure... and it was clearly and totally not the right thing to do for anyone concerned. As high and good as her motives clearly were, she would have been savaged in the media for sure, and we all agreed she'd gone through enough hell when the shootings first happened.

I felt relieved and glad not to have gone forward with that. End of story.
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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #95215 on: April 20, 2019, 09:53:59 PM »
I have caught up and am done time traveling again. Aquarius, thanks for sharing your thoughts on the condition of humanity. Now I need cake too, and wine ! 

I wish everyone that is a believer a Blessed Easter. Everyone else enjoy your Sunday. Have a good night Elle Gabbers!

Enjoy, @Journey, that cake was the perfect remedy!  :D

+1 to you!
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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #95216 on: April 20, 2019, 09:56:07 PM »
Sending hugs and a bottle of wine from a safe distance.

Thank you!


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #95217 on: April 20, 2019, 09:57:20 PM »
And to all who don’t observe the Holiday, a wish for Peace and Happiness for you!


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #95218 on: April 20, 2019, 10:00:46 PM »
Yes, well, unfortunately not at Parkland last year. School officer knew there was shooting going on inside and he waited outside, far away from the building, till other police came. Hard choice, yes, but if you're taking on that job, you need to be prepared to do what's necessary, I guess.

TBH I don't remember all the details about Columbine any more, and don't want to look them up.

The post script to that post is several years back, the mother of one of the shooters decided maybe she wanted to finally speak about it. A major magazine was preparing to interview her, and someone there remembered my comments years back (they also knew me as a semi-regular on that show). They wanted to be really responsible and not seek a sensationalist article if possible. I was asked to have a phone call with the mother to see if she felt comfortable talking to me as they wanted to do a series of three-way interviews: the mother, the journalist, and me. I did, and was not sure she was ready to deal with the media onslaught that absolutely would follow the publication of the interview. After a couple of responsible discussions among the mother, the journalist, the editor, and me, we mutually agreed to call the whole thing off.

The thing is, it was heartrending but fascinating to hear her talk about the past, and those events, even as preliminarily as she did in those calls. It would have made fascinating reading, I'm sure... and it was clearly and totally not the right thing to do for anyone concerned. As high and good as her motives clearly were, she would have been savaged in the media for sure, and we all agreed she'd gone through enough hell when the shootings first happened.

I felt relieved and glad not to have gone forward with that. End of story.
I recently saw that Klebold’s Mom had written a book.

Unfortunately, we had a bunch of our school’s close down earlier this week bc of a nutter from Florida who had made threats relating to the Columbine shootings.
There was a little girl,
            Who had a little curl,
Right in the middle of her forehead.
            When she was good,
            She was very good indeed,
But when she was bad she was horrid.


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Re: The Kingdom of Drama without Heather Wade
« Reply #95219 on: April 20, 2019, 10:01:43 PM »
I really don't remember much from my life around Columbine. I was about fifth-grade-ish I think. I do remember my school system contemplating things like clear backpacks and metal detectors though. Never came about while I was there.
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