The robot cart is very nice, but hospitals could avoid a lot of hospital-acquired illnesses if they would just let natural sunlight and fresh air IN. Same with cruise ships. God made sunlight and fresh air for a reason, not so sick people would be cooped up with no real fresh air and no real daylight. Daylight kills germs. Fresh air chases viruses away.
Most hand sanitizers are not all-inclusive. That is, the ones that kill e-coli don't kill strep, etc... Although I think vinegar kills both pathogen groups. It's just plain stupid that hospitals choose a sanitizer, knowing that whichever one they choose, it won't kill half the germs and viruses from the other pathogen category.
And these places could be a lot more sanitary if janitors realized that it's common sense to wipe down knobs, buttons, levers, switches, handles, door frames and doors where people touch. It might not be on the cleaning list, but it's common sense to clean anything where grime builds up.
I've been moving away from working in traditional health care because it really is not very healthy.