Didn’t really answer the question. I demand a refund. Good friends neither fake the deaths of other friends nor participate in such knowingly. Truth will set you free. If you were in a bad way and head faked Damon into doing it just say so. If not and Damon did it on his own say that.
As far as the habits goes the association problem sounds to be in a better way. Don’t get so wound up about running across folks you dislike here though. Also if you haven’t already I can’t urge you enough to quit drinking. If you haven’t it’s going to destroy both your health and progress made in other areas.
Again nothing judgmental intended. Apart from the death fakery that might be judgmental on my part albeit I consider justifiable. But the self destructive behavior I know how harmful that can be and don’t wish it on anyone as I mentioned.
associating with the heatherverse trolls forced me to drink more often. damaging my health and my state of mind. it was almost like being stuck in a time warp or black hole and not able to defy the gravity. oh don't worry, people have called me all types of names, alcoholic is a nice one. not even bad. remember I have been to AA meetings, taken 3 month courses on this stuff. i started drinking when i was 14.
I love beer, i don't think i will ever stop drinking it. again, light beer is NOT really alcohol. my problem was the real lifers, trolls and people who got personal with me and took it too far. I could explain more, but i hope that explanation helps. I was so far into this drama, that it almost caused me to become someone else. Someone I didn't recognize anymore when I looked in the mirror. the internet is very dangerous and the people can cause serious mental illness and harm to you. I am here, because I have always had respect for ellgab. But I wont go back to the heatherVerse Warp. I deleted my channel, 2.5k videos and left for 4 months.