Author Topic: Dream Stuff  (Read 91769 times)

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #435 on: May 02, 2020, 11:28:48 AM »
I had a weirdly-textured dream last night that President Trump was assassinated at an old-world looking building that felt like it was in a foreign country.  Chemicals exploded. He was located by the front right corner of the building looking from the street, .  I think the Pope was behind it.  The scene was dark, lots of dark hues of red, brown and purple. It wasn't lit well for television.

I do not normally dream this way, so I felt compelled to document it.

The deep state is unhappy.  I'm sure those amoral lefties would have no problem doing something like that.  Seth Rich and the rest of the scores of victims in the Clinton Body Count can attest to that.
Eh, nevermind...


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #436 on: May 02, 2020, 01:11:51 PM »
The Secret Service is on the way.
Merry Christmas

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #437 on: May 02, 2020, 01:35:57 PM »
I had a dream where I was walking down a sidewalk with friends and we came upon a mass of parked bicycles.  They covered up most of the walkway, except for one that was parked sideways.  I could have moved it but I was worried about the virus and didn't want to touch it.  I climbed under it though.  It seemed like there was enough room to make it but my back hit it and it fell over with a big crash.  All at once an army of demonstrating homeless men appeared on the road.  Their leader, a guy who looked like a bearded Jim Morrison, took offense at my action and insulted me for having pushed one of their bikes over.  I got mad at the guy, but I didn't want to upset my friends by getting into a fight, so I let it pass. 

We walked a few blocks and then I saw the homeless guys again, hanging out at a store down the street.  The bearded guy saw me and waved a hand.  Right then, the anger I had been harboring inside came to a full boil and I walked inside the store.  There was Mr. Beard, and right off he started threatening me.  I angrily challenged him to a fight, and made it clear in no uncertain terms that he would very likely not survive the encounter.  I think he saw the murder in my eyes.  He and his companions grew silent and then I woke up.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #438 on: May 02, 2020, 04:16:53 PM »
I had a weirdly-textured dream last night that President Trump was assassinated at an old-world looking building that felt like it was in a foreign country.  Chemicals exploded. He was located by the front right corner of the building looking from the street, .  I think the Pope was behind it.
The building or the assassination?


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #439 on: May 02, 2020, 04:22:54 PM »
A few nights ago I dreamed I was going to try out a new rugby tactic.  It's definitely illegal and almost certainly physically impossible, though: flipping a set scrummage on its back by rolling it sideways from within.

However, I couldn't try it out because I was missing some of my playing clothes, or possibly even most or all of my clothes, period.  But the other players were also missing theirs, so everything was held up.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #440 on: May 02, 2020, 10:23:14 PM »
The building or the assassination?
The assassination.  That fucker!
Eh, nevermind...


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #441 on: May 05, 2020, 01:07:55 PM »
Why do I have so much French language in my dreams, when it doesn't come up that often in my waking life?  Last night in my dream I asked my friend Nadine a question in French (she's married to a Frenchman), and it wasn't even good French!  I wanted to ask why she was crying, and wound up asking why she was raining.  (Similar words in French.)  And then I heard from her husband, who in my dream was speaking English -- more English than he speaks in my waking life!

Any of the rest of you find yourself speaking another language you know in your dreams for no good reason?  And/or having others speak it to you?  Or in writing?


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #442 on: May 09, 2020, 06:05:38 PM »
Couple nights ago I dreamed I was training in Afghanistan for military intelligence.  I was with the others in a sizable hall, where I was given handwritten instructions.  However, the lights were off and the light coming in from the window on a cloudy day wasn't enough for me to easily read by.  I was told not to take the instructions anywhere, and when I tried to take them outside for better light, my instructor stopped me and said I had to read and destroy them there.  I eventually did, though I don't remember what they said.

Later I was outside with the others, and we had changed from uniforms to plain clothes.  We were standing near a building, which I was facing.  Behind me and to my right I was aware of someone's approach.  A couple of my colleagues to my left recognized him as a colonel they knew, so they saluted him; I played it cool, knowing this was a bad move, as the colonel then reminded them.  Apparently that was all part of the training.

Then I was given some printed instructions, and I went back into the building where I was training previously, which was now being used as a mess hall.  Some salad dressing was spilled on a table, and someone asked how I could tell how many oils it contained.  I said that would be difficult without sampling it for lab analysis, but my friend Bob Blumetti was there and said it was easy.  He threw a piece of paper over the spill and it self-chromatographed, resolving into about 10 brightly colored components.

I had the option of a transfer back to the USA, but had to think that over seriously since I didn't know what assignment I'd get and I'd lose whatever advancement I had already in Army Intel.

As I awoke, I was a bit miffed by the fact that in waking life I'm a biochemist, yet in the dream my non-scientist friend was showing me how to easily do chromatography.  When I told my housemate, also named Bob, that I didn't understand what chromatography was doing in such a setting of intrigue, he reminded me that such skills might be valuable in intel in cases of possible poisoning.

Last night I dreamed I was living in a larger house in the middle of a yard that was a small pitch-and-putt golf course, and I had to cut the grass for it.  I was doing that, but then had to go into the house, where I newly received our club's football schedule, handwritten.  (Lots of handwritten notes coming up in my dreams, it seems.)  Then I was visited by some strangers -- one woman, one man -- and felt ashamed at how messy the house was.  It was communicated to me somehow -- possibly by my housemate; the visitors were silent -- that they wanted a copy of the football schedule, but I had to tell them it wasn't printed yet but they could hand copy it off mine.  I went and got them paper and a clipboard.  They left afterward, seemed very snooty, especially since they didn't say a word.

Then I went back outside and someone involved had decided the grass was too hard to maintain, and turned the yard, except for a few scattered bushes, into a two-level sand trap.  There was a natural limestone wall, about 5 feet high, with a stairway cut into it that one level was at the top of.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #443 on: May 30, 2020, 11:01:46 PM »
Why do I have so much French language in my dreams, when it doesn't come up that often in my waking life?  Last night in my dream I asked my friend Nadine a question in French (she's married to a Frenchman), and it wasn't even good French!  I wanted to ask why she was crying, and wound up asking why she was raining.  (Similar words in French.)  And then I heard from her husband, who in my dream was speaking English -- more English than he speaks in my waking life!

Any of the rest of you find yourself speaking another language you know in your dreams for no good reason?  And/or having others speak it to you?  Or in writing?
I'm surprised I don't dream with Spanish.  I could.  It just doesn't seem to happen.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #444 on: July 10, 2020, 02:11:32 PM »
I dreamt that I was hired by some mafia type who wanted me to keep watch over his businesses and make sure that everything moved smoothly.  A facilitator, I seemed to remember that the job was called.  The guy told me to go downstairs and check out his laundromat.  He handed me a massively thick roll of greenbacks.  "By the way," he said. "Why don't ya run these through one of the washing machines for me.  Then you can put them in a dryer."
"Washing machine?" I asked.  "But sir..."  I expressed my concerns about washing the money.  I had four or five reasons, but I can only remember one.  Something about the bills getting caught in filters and getting sucked down into the drain pipes.  "Never mind," the boss said.  "Go meet with my film crew.  We're doing a documentary about a haunted fishing boat."
I went down to the docks and found the big fishing boat, ready to sail off into the sea.  I introduced myself to the director.
"So, this boat is haunted?" I asked him.  He gave me an intent look and said, "I certainly hope so."
The fishing boat made it's way across the water and I tried to familiarize myself with the crew.  One fisherman revealed to me that he had worked with the director on other film projects.  "He's one talented director," he told me.  "When he films regular movies, he hypnotizes the actors and they forget they are acting and are simply going about their business in real life."
Night fell and it got really dark.  I wandered around the boat, dutifully making sure that everything was all right.  Almost everyone was asleep except for a thin, sickly looking fellow who was on watch.
"You okay, fella?" I asked him.  "No, I don't feel very good." he said.  "I think I'll sit on this wooden crate here and rest up for bit."
I walked around some more and decided to go back and check on the sick man, but he was gone.  The wooden box was kind of tipped over and I looked over the rail at the rushing water.  Oh no, I thought to myself.  Overboard!
I notified the crew and everyone started looking for the missing fisherman.  The director came topside, climbing into his clothes.  "Get those cameras rolling!" he shouted.
I was kind of in a panic.  How was I going to explain this to my boss?  My attention returned to the overturned crate and I remember thinking that the poor fellow had possibly tripped over it in the dark, and had fallen into the drink.   



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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #445 on: July 22, 2020, 07:20:15 AM »
Remember how my dreams are sometimes partly in French in speech and/or writing, a propos nothing?  Recently I topped that.

I dreamed that I was with Josh Holloway after he and Samuel Jackson finished shooting a movie.  I was then handed some ostensibly related document that was partly in French, and then in the middle of a word switched to Chinese characters.  Somehow the French was supposed to be a pronunciation aid to the Chinese, but what that was doing in the middle of words I don't know.  I remember nothing of what any of it said, even the French, and it's not as if in the dream I could read Chinese either.

More recently, after I'd chanced upon some Burt and Harry Piels commercials online, I dreamed a new one.  I dreamed that it included a written checklist that flashed on the screen for just a second, not long enough to read it all, and Bob and Ray were not helping by reading aloud from that page, so it looked like a gimmick to get viewers to watch the commercial over and over to read the entire checklist.  The list was a comparison on various points of Piels with a fictitious competing beer called Blat (not Blatz, which exists in waking life -- not woke life, that's something else).  Piels beat on most points, tied it on one or so, but was inferior to Blat on one: "not as good at Blat at dishwashing".  I couldn't read the rest of it in the time I had in the dream.

By the way, Jean Shepherd has said that Blatz was an appropriate name for that beer.

I woke up not long ago from dreaming that I needed to use the toilet, not for urine as usual, but a bowel movement.  I went to a Chinese- or Korean-operated convenience store where I had a dream memory of having used the toilet before.  It was in a space just big enough for it between two refrigerator cases.  I turned around and backed into it.  Good thing I woke up then, because I was just about to make a duty not only in the dream but waking life.  So I guess it's not only wetting the bed that I need to be concerned about while dreaming!


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #446 on: July 22, 2020, 07:14:12 PM »
I forgot to mention something else I dreamed in the past 24 hours.  My dreams frequently feature sports, and this time it was a major league baseball game where somebody hit a fly ball that fell ner the right field line, bounced into the corner -- and it was a fairly small park, although right field had a deep indentation in it along with a parklike sort of median planting -- and continued to bounce hard around the field in a counterclockwise direction as viewed from above, eluding fielders while the batter rounded the bases.  He rounded third shortly after the left fielder caught up to the ball near the wall and fired it in, but a little behind the batter-runner who escaped the tag and made it home standing up.  I was watching on TV, as it was shown repeatedly, and in the replays a truck tire was also rounding the bases, behind the runner, at least from second.  My dead friend Charlie was watching with me, and remarked that he'd tried to get tickets to a seat close to where the ball had originally bounced, but they were sold out.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #447 on: July 24, 2020, 09:56:30 PM »
Recently I had a classic, but it's not a frequent one for me: dreaming I flunked some requirement in school and had to go back.  In this case it was grade school, and I dreamed that I'd completely failed some subject that I'd previously passed by cheating using some sort of bribery or connection, but this time the connection didn't work.  I'd brought a pencil and, as an adult, was prepared to alter some papers but was not allowed access to them.  Just what I'd have to do to get on with life after this was not made clear.

My most recent dream, during a nap, was probably inspired by something I'd heard that day about flooding in China.  I dreamed that I was at the site of the former Cedar Tavern -- a waking-world haunt of mine in the late 1980s and most of the 1990s which has since been repurposed -- and visiting someone who is living in that building.  She was putting on some kind of show dressed as Drinky Crow and acting silently -- like Red Robin at a restaurant by that name I visited with my little niece in waking life (she was interested in but scared of the "bird") -- and then I saw her as she took off her costume.  We were upstairs and heard on the news that the Hudson was flash-flooding.  I went out on the fire escape and saw that was indeed true, as a wall of water came south, reaching my shoes on the 3rd floor, but no higher.  So I got my feet wet.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #448 on: July 26, 2020, 10:03:38 AM »
Yesterday was like the way you boil a frog.  Had I realized how hot it'd get in here, I'd've turned on the AC, but instead all day I was like, it won't get much hotter, until I succumbed to languor and had a dream that combined two themes I've had in my dreams of annoyance: insomnia and tricky travel.  I practically never get scary dreams, I dream of annoyance-to-misery.

I dreamed I was trying to get home and go to sleep.  Only I didn't know where I was, where I lived, or how I'd get there.  Because I had WFMU on in the waking world (early afternoon), I dreamed I was at their studios -- not the first time I've dreamed that.  But in this dream I thought they were still in East Orange, so I figured I'd get to Newark and catch a train to New York, because I also thought I was still living in the Bronx.  Then I "woke up" enough to realize WFMU had moved its studios to Jersey City, so I thought I'd get a bus to the Port Authority terminal and go from there, but I saw it was 10:40 PM and figured I've have to crash there.  Then I remembered I'd moved to this side of the Hudson, which I thought would simplify my travel.  I remembered my waking-world street address, gathered that it was in NJ, still didn't know where, but assumed it was in the northeast part of the state.

So I set out following some guy who symbolically took a difficult path that included climbing over a high ridge of junk.  He was a showman type, apparently giving lessons on perseverance.  We got to the other side, which was a smooth surface we could slide down on.  I proceeded thusly, and landed in water alongside a young teen boy I couldn't identify; don't think he was the showman, don't know what happened to him -- unless this was the fountain of youth!  At this point I had erection of the penis -- a signal to wake up and get to the bathroom tout de suite.

Then last night I dreamed I was observing and/or participating in a recapitulation and analysis of what purported to be Lost, but wasn't.  This mystery was imputed to be more explicitly based on Illuminatus!, whose creator was leading us thru it -- but it wasn't either Bob Shea or Bob Wilson as in waking life, with whom I was friends -- and it was no more recognizably connected to that novel than to that TV show in waking life.  It started near Toronto with the discovery of a corpse of someone who'd died by drowning -- in petroleum.  A discussion then ensued about North America's now being a place where pumping oil out of the ground had ceased, but pumping it into the ground was a small but significant thing.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #449 on: July 26, 2020, 02:09:43 PM »
I had my first Coronavirus dream. A dozen of my uncles/aunts and cousins from my dad side decided to visit me all of at the same time. It was a nightmare in more ways than one.