Author Topic: Dream Stuff  (Read 91702 times)

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #120 on: September 03, 2018, 03:22:44 PM »
That is a wonderful recollection of a repeating dream, Shay.  Almost lyrical in nature and there seems to be a treasure hunt aspect to it as well.  Perhaps you are searching for something, though not quite spiritual in nature, despite the fact that your dream begins in a church.  Here is my spin on your dream...  Your dream church is a series of recollections from the spirit realm, where your spirit resided after your previous life ended.  Here are stored (the file cabinets) the memories from that earlier life.  More than that though, you were surrounded by a loving group of spiritual guides who have diligently prepped you for your present life.  One guide in particular was especially helpful (the band leader) and you were able to retain a memory of him (and the others, to a smaller extent) in your early years of childhood.  I believe that there is something special that you have been drilled for, something that you will accomplish in this present life.  Your dream ends with you escaping the people (your guides) with the dried leaf faces.  I think they were definitely scaring you away, though in fact, they were doing it on purpose and out of love, not as a threat of doing you any bodily harm.  That is why they didn't continue the chase, and remained inside the 'church.'  I think that they want you to continue on into the sidewalks and streets that you were escaping to.  Perhaps when you dream it again, you will cover more ground and possibly even see a glimpse of what it is that you are searching for.       

Wow.  Interesting interpretation Rikki.  Much appreciated.  Perhaps that's possible.  I've over-analyzed it for years.  I kinda wish I wouldn't have that dream again.  :-\

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #121 on: September 03, 2018, 05:58:12 PM »
Dream, September 3, 2018.

I was standing on a sidewalk in New York, with towering skyscrapers all around.  A guy on a bicycle pulled over and handed me an envelope with my name on it.  The fellow was obviously a messenger, though he was wearing kind of a joke bellboy uniform.  "Say," I asked, "How did you know that I was me?"  Oh that's easy," he answered with a chuckle.  "Everybody knows you."

"Mind telling me who sent this?" I asked.  "From Mr. Ants (Antz?) most likely." he said.  "See that building over there across the street?"  "Yes."  "And see that number 103 at the upper right of your envelope?"  "Yes."  I said again.  "Well, that's his building and his office is on the 103rd floor." 

I generally don't know how to tip service people in a big city.  I reached into a pocket and found a coin.  I flipped it to the messenger and he seemed pretty pleased with it.  The coin was big and heavy and made out of solid gold.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #122 on: September 04, 2018, 02:02:11 PM »
Dreams, September 4, 2018.

It was dark and I had a red, plastic flashlight.  I pressed it on but there was no light beam.  I held it up and placed it over my right eye. The batteries weren't totally dead.  I could just barely see a weak glow coming from the pea sized bulb.  Obviously it wasn't enough to light the way ahead of me.

I entered a big warehouse called Crate World.  You'll never guess what I saw in there.  No, just kidding.  Wooden crates and lots of them.  Different sizes too.  Big ones, little ones and they were stacked somewhat precariously, clear up to the rafters.   A bearded guy was in the back hammering some nails into a half built crate.  He was a friendly chap and was happy to chat.

"A lot of work must go into making those crates."  I noted.  "Yup," he said.  "A lot of blood, sweat and fears."  "You mean tears." I corrected him.  "No, I meant fears." he said.  "Take this hammering I'm doing.  One slip and I've got a sore finger for a week or two.  And those stacks of crates out there," he pointed with his thumb.  "You just never know when one of them will up and fall over.  Those are my fears."

I could have continued on with the conversation but I was too busy trying to memorize what he was saying.  I particularly liked that phrase blood, sweat and fears, and I was glad to see that it stuck with me after I woke up.  I like it when I can remember a conversation that might take place during a dream.     


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #123 on: September 04, 2018, 04:33:25 PM »
Dream, September 3, 2018.

I was standing on a sidewalk in New York, with towering skyscrapers all around.  A guy on a bicycle pulled over and handed me an envelope with my name on it.  The fellow was obviously a messenger, though he was wearing kind of a joke bellboy uniform.  "Say," I asked, "How did you know that I was me?"  Oh that's easy," he answered with a chuckle.  "Everybody knows you."

"Mind telling me who sent this?" I asked.  "From Mr. Ants (Antz?) most likely." he said.  "See that building over there across the street?"  "Yes."  "And see that number 103 at the upper right of your envelope?"  "Yes."  I said again.  "Well, that's his building and his office is on the 103rd floor." 

I generally don't know how to tip service people in a big city.  I reached into a pocket and found a coin.  I flipped it to the messenger and he seemed pretty pleased with it.  The coin was big and heavy and made out of solid gold.

I'll take any of those extra Krugerrands off your hands...................

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #124 on: September 04, 2018, 05:44:11 PM »
I'll take any of those extra Krugerrands off your hands...................

Ha!  You've got it, my friend.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #125 on: September 05, 2018, 02:41:45 PM »
Dreams, September 5, 2018.

I was investigating the death of a murdered young lady whose body was found draped over the cross bar of a street light.  She was of average height with long black hair.  She was dressed in what looked to be a trench coat.  Quite a balancing act, I couldn't help but note while looking up at her remains.  A jovial police officer approached and he was kind of an old fashioned Scottish, joke cop.  Apparently we knew each other.  "Any idea how she got herself up there, laddie me boy?" (See what I mean?)  "I'm not sure,"  I said.  "She couldn't have shimmied up the pole, that's for sure, because it's way too slick.  It almost looks like she was killed first and then her body was draped over the cross pole.  Whoever did it balanced her body just right so that it wouldn't fall off.  I'm sure we'll find the manner of death when the crime lab boys get here."  I walked down the dark street, thinking that some kind of monster might have done it.  That, or some kind of weird person driving a cherry picker crane/truck could have run her over and then put her body up there.

Not sure if this second dream is related to the first.  It was still dark, but I'm not so sure that I was still carrying a detective persona.  I stepped onto kind of a go-walk thing.  It was a moving sidewalk, kind of like a treadmill, where you stand on it and it starts to move you along to the next street.  Anyway, I stepped onto it and it didn't move.  I waited around for a couple moments and then I stepped off and looked down into an opening between the sidewalk and the grass.  I could see some criminals down there, sitting around and enjoying some smokes.  I think that they were the power source for the sidewalk.  There were some wooden, peg like structures jutting out from the side.  I could picture them pushing the pegs as they walked forward, thus making the sidewalk move.  "Hey, you've got a customer up here."  I shouted down to them.  I couldn't quite hear what was shouted back at me.  It might have been "Up yours."     


Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #126 on: September 06, 2018, 02:07:08 PM »
Dream, September 6, 2018.

I was walking down a hallway that had lots of doors to offices in it.  One had a frosted window with the letters O D painted on it.  I was curious so I tried the doorknob.  It wasn't locked, so I walked on in.  A youngish guy was sitting at a desk and he was wearing a shirt with an embroidered name tag on it that read Tom.  He was an English chap and he asked me if I needed some help.  I asked him what the O D stood for and he smiled and said, "Well that's me now, isn't it?  Operations Director."  Oh, yeah," I muttered.  "That makes sense, I guess."

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #127 on: September 07, 2018, 12:58:34 PM »
Dream, September 7, 2018.

I walked into a movie theatre and was surprised to find out that it had been converted into a bingo hall.  People were sitting at tables playing, well, bingo.  I spotted my late uncle at one of the tables.  He was sharing it with the ghost of actor Bob Cummings.  "Excuse me sonny," Bob said to me as I approached them.  "Could you be so kind as to pick up my game piece?"  Bob was using a bunch of 9/16" bolts to mark his bingo cards with.  I picked it up off the floor and gave it to him.  A pretty lady who kind of looked like a youthful Miss Kitty on television's Gunsmoke walked into the parlor holding a large tray.  She looked like one of those cigarette girls you see in old movies.   She was wearing a brief outfit.  In fact, so brief that she was topless.  As she waked by I could see that there weren't any packs of cigarettes in the tray.  There were items of jewelry such as gold rings, diamond broaches and silver bracelets in the tray.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #128 on: September 08, 2018, 02:08:15 PM »
Dreams, September 8, 2018.

I watched a jet fighter plane roar by and unbeknownst to me, it had ejected some fireworks in advance.  The fireworks had delayed fuses and they didn't explode until they were directly overhead.  It was a pretty grand sight but it was daylight and they would have been much more colorful had they gone off at night.

I was with a group of people and we were walking around some streets in the dead of night.  We must have been rather young because we started to run from street to street and we weren't winded or anything.  Suddenly, we received word that a monstrouse being was on the loose.  It was big, covered in a black, leathery insect shell and it could half walk and half fly.  We got spooked and began to run down a street in terror.  We rounded a corner and were almost frightened to death because something was rounding the corner towards us.  We were happy to see that it was a woman wearing a black leather coat.  She was happy to see us because she had been trying to run away from the monster too.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #129 on: September 09, 2018, 03:28:11 PM »
Dream, September 9, 2018.

I had a nice dream where I haunted a place that I used to work at.  I say haunted because I was definitely looking in on the place from the outside.  To take it a step further, all of the workers in there were people that had been fired when I was there, and also, one person was there that had long since died.

Kirby, a guy that I used to work with and who had left for not so greener pastures while I was still there, let me in from the back box car loading area.  Typically it was dream dark inside.  Very little lighting anywhere.  (Well lit when I worked there, though.)

"Ok for me to be here?" I asked Kirby.  "Sure," he answered. "I don't think Rose will mind."  Rose?  Not a familiar name, though I wasn't surprised because the place often hired women to run things. 

A guy named Barry greeted me as I walked further inside the place.  We shook hands and I thought to myself that he must have performed some miracle to be hired back on.  The last time I saw him was years ago when he walked out of the establishment for failing a drug test.  A little too much meth in his pee.

I rounded a corner and there was Jim.  For once, I wasn't shocked to see a dead man alive like I usually was.  Jim didn't try to freak me out by saying something like, 'tadaaa!  I'm not dead.' like he usually does when I dream about him.  He was trying to unscrew some screws so that he could open an electrical panel.  I don't even think that we greeted each other.  I just walked up to him, saw what he was doing and said, "Hold on a second there Jim.  I'll get my screwdriver."  "Thank you," he answered in his typical foregone conclusion way.

I was quite close to entering a lucid state at this point and if I had, I would have thought of the company bulletin board.  It would have been a great spot to pin an ad for EllGab but sadly, I ventured off into an unfamiliar place.  I watched a number of people walking about while others operated some strange looking machines.  And then I woke up.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #130 on: September 10, 2018, 02:28:04 PM »
Dream, September 10, 2018.

I dreamt that I was talking to my old Indian guide.  It has been awhile, years in fact, since I last dreamt about him.  I wish I could recall what he was saying word for word but a neighbor's barking dog made me forget most of what he was saying.  He was going on and on about the element iron.  Something about how iron appeared to be strong, but that it would wear away with time.  Iron, an unstable metal.  Steel from iron, also unstable as was his mom.  I think he said something about a concrete damn in the mountains with no water by it anywhere.  The tower city.  He was once stuck in the world's thought or vice versa, he wasn't sure which.  The ocean's voice had told him that in an earlier time nothing remained of humankind, only splinters of glass and a petrified thigh bone.  The sun will shout.

It is fun to talk with the old guy, but I have no recollection of what I said to him, thanks to that dog.   

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #131 on: September 11, 2018, 01:21:34 PM »
Dream, September 11, 2018.

There didn't seem to be anything memorable in last night's dreams.  I was just walking along in the bright sun, following a sidewalk that kind of wound it's way along a sloping hillside.  But then I came to a park bench that was positioned just off the walkway.  And on that park bench was a woman who was stretched out full length on it.  I have to be careful here in describing her because I really want to do the lady justice.  For you see, we knew each other, we were once great friends and we actually hailed one another as such.  I felt a great deal of affection for her.  While I recognized her, she wasn't familiar to me in the least.  It was more an intuition thing.  Like perhaps if you were to meet someone and suddenly realize that the person had once been a great lover or a happily married mate of yours in a previous lifetime.

The lady was old, but had healthy looking, long black hair.  She was dressed in a nicely fitting, kind of old fashioned looking, black dress.  Oddly enough, that dress kind of looked like Morticia Addam's black dress in the Addams Family television show.  But don't get me wrong, she didn't look like Carolyn Jones, at least a youthful Carolyn Jones.  Perhaps a more elderly Carolyn Jones would fit the bill, though my friend's face was narrower, not quite as round as Carolyn's.

As I wrote earlier, she was stretched out on the bench and I knew that it was because she was low on energy.  She was not feeling well, and was perhaps even dying.  We held hands and looked into each others eyes.  We spoke of happy times together.  "And they will continue."  I remember telling her. 

I felt compelled to resume my walk so we spoke our goodbyes.  A last grasp of hands and I began to walk backwards.  We smiled bravely at each other because we knew in our hearts that this would be a last goodbye.  "Don't leave me now," I demanded.  "I'll be back, dearest friend.  I'll be back!" 

She said nothing in return.  She just kept lying there with a weak smile on her face. 



Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #132 on: September 12, 2018, 03:21:42 PM »
Dreams, September 12, 2018.

I had a rather vague dream about a machine of some type that was sitting outside by a pond, though I can't remember any other details about it.  Then I dreamt that I had a pet Praying Mantis.  Not just any Praying Mantis, mind you.  This one was big.  About the size of a large rooster, I would say.  Definetly wouldn't fit in a jar. 

I had it standing on a table top.  I touched an area by the side of its head and inadvertently cut off its oxygen supply.  The poor thing fell over sideways and it sounded like sticks of wood hitting the table top.  I carefully lifted it back up and was pleased to see that it came to.  So there it stood, clutching a small moth with its front legs.  I had hoped to see it take some bites out of the insect but I woke up too soon.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #133 on: September 12, 2018, 11:18:30 PM »
No. Very strong deja vu, sure.

They always end, funny...

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #134 on: September 13, 2018, 02:02:28 PM »
Dream, September 13, 2018.

I was wandering around a downtown area and, while it was totally dark for the most part with only a few lights here and there, I did see some people out and about.  Truth in advertising and all, I should note that I was walking about without any pants on.  Still, while I was distracted by that fact, I was pleased that I was wearing underwear plus I had on a big, nicely oversized shirt too.  Nobody seemed to notice what I wasn't wearing and I actually had some short conversations with people, though I can't remember what was being said.  I do remember that I walked up to a giant building, a courthouse, I believe, that had odd entranceways into it like tunnels, water filed channels, and stairs and whatnot.  (I have seen this building in other dreams.)  Looked pretty creepy in the dark.  I walked into a neighborhood and saw two boys playing with a motorized airplane.  You know, like those small batterie operated cars that kids can drive, only this was an airplane.  One of the boys sat atop the plane and pressed some buttons and pulled a lever and the front part of the plane actually rose up like it was about to take off, but then it went back down to the ground.