Cute pic, what the fuck is he talking about? This might take a few moments of catching up.
Dietrich frequents prostitutes. There was a genetic female that was his favorite and he utilized her services
frequently. Then she decided to become a man in order to entice a certain Silicon Valley tycoon as that was his
particular thing - having sex with boys that were born girls. This plan was successful and the Tycoon became a
"Sugar Daddy" to the prostitute. Afterwards, Dietrich adopted the prostitute as the son he never had. I guess in an
attempt to get some of the funds from the "Sugar Daddy", although this is just conjecture. What is certain, is that
no funds seem to reach Dietrich via this relationship as he solicits each show. On the other hand, Dietrich has a
preference for sexual encounters with genetic females but for some reason, most seem to be creeped out by him.
So he'll often double-team them with his son (who used to be the female prostitute before becoming the son).
Apparently women find this arrangement more palatable than sleeping with Dietrich one on one. Seems a stretch
to me but being a dude, I guess I don't have the female perspective. Tried asking Mrs. Walks_At_Night about it but
she just told me to get off the internet and wash the car.
Got it now? If not, you'll catch on quick, I am certain.