Author Topic: Dream Stuff  (Read 91794 times)

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Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #105 on: August 29, 2018, 11:21:09 PM »
Wow, what an epic spin on Lady Godiva!  Thanks, Rix, these are awfully entertaining.

My pleasure, K.  I am very glad that you like my dreams.  I wasn't too sure how they were going over with everybody.  I'll try to keep them coming.  So far there has been at least one or two dreams that I manage to remember upon awakening.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #106 on: August 29, 2018, 11:27:06 PM »
Can you/have you lucid dreamnt? I have only a few times. Though, oddly, I also had a few in which it was like I was directing, almost, in one case doing so, writing a script or something. Maybe that it was lucid dreaming is but it was like writing/directing me in dream but, oddly, on one hand not doing it. Like Im in dream controlled by another me 'aware' and watching, even making it. Very weird. Strange. Only a few times. Have some at times where I fight the dream n wake up or fight the point of going to 'sleep' when I sensed a bad dream coming
 Again, not often but like a physical kick etc n make awake.

There are times when I feel in control of a dream, though only at certain times during the dream itself.  I hardly ever control a dream all the way through.  Recognition that I am dreaming usually comes as a remembrance of a memory as I dream, and then I will say to myself, "Hey, I'm dreaming here."


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #107 on: August 29, 2018, 11:34:50 PM »
There are times when I feel in control of a dream, though only at certain times during the dream itself.  I hardly ever control a dream all the way through.  Recognition that I am dreaming usually comes as a remembrance of a memory as I dream, and then I will say to myself, "Hey, I'm dreaming here."
Younger it was better but now I find if I wake early, like switching a time zone, not even big but better then, or working until real tired or weird hour I get a 'wake up' by my natural  'clock' but still in dream and can, rarely, 'get back' into dream. Cool when happens, normally, sometimes bad or frustrating if not. That is, not able or unresolved,  or more tired when waking from ending dream early. Tried a few times to write down but never, really, did. I should because interesting thing dreams. Keep the posts coming, rare I remember at level you do and interesting.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #108 on: August 29, 2018, 11:47:17 PM »
Younger it was better but now I find if I wake early, like switching a time zone, not even big but better then, or working until real tired or weird hour I get a 'wake up' by my natural  'clock' but still in dream and can, rarely, 'get back' into dream. Cool when happens, normally, sometimes bad or frustrating if not. That is, not able or unresolved,  or more tired when waking from ending dream early. Tried a few times to write down but never, really, did. I should because interesting thing dreams. Keep the posts coming, rare I remember at level you do and interesting.

Dave had an interesting guest on last night.  Lots of cool info on lucid dreaming.  But thanks for the input, mr. a.  Will do.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #109 on: August 30, 2018, 02:31:50 PM »
Dreams, August 30, 2018.

I dreamt that I was standing in back of a gas station and there was a ton of trash all over the ground.  I heard a police siren in the background and it sounded like it was getting louder.  "Great,"  I thought to myself.  "That cop is looking for somebody suspicious and here I am, standing around in a bunch of trash!"  I noticed a couple of big plastic bags nearby so I grabbed them and feverishly started stuffing all the garbage inside as the police car grew closer and closer.  I got all the trash stuffed in one bag while the other one mysteriously filled itself up with helium.  The police car appeared, and there I was, holding an oversized bag of trash in one hand, and a big helium balloon in the other.  The policeman gave me a quizzical look but he continued to zip on by.

I think that the dream overlords have decreed that I am not to eat meat while I dream.  They placed a barrier between me and a store that sold meat items like beef jerky, polish sausages, etc.  It was a big bridge, and there was no pedestrian walkway on it.  But, ah ha,  i figured  a way around it, or rather, over it.  I climbed onto the first bridge arch and crawled my way over it.  Trouble was, when I got to the top of the arch, I stated to slip off the edge of it.  It was dark, and I started to freak out over the possibility of falling off the bridge.

I don't vape in real life, but in this dream, I pulled out a bic lighter and after lighting it up, I put it up to my mouth and sucked in the flame.  I walked into a building that must have been centered on research because there was a man in a bed, smoking a regular cigarette and he was surounded by people in lab coats who were writing notes down onto their clipboards.  I walked into another room and there were some salespeople in there.  One guy was bragging about his sales route.  "Look at the territory that I am covering."  he told me.  I looked on the floor and there was a map, lacquered right onto the floor tiles along with pics of the guy's face placed all along his route.  "Nice." I told him.  "Should I tube it?"  He asked?  I didn't know what he meant, but I said "Sure."  He knelt down with a tube of paint and squirted it all over his map.  Then he stood up and vigorously stomped all over it.       


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #110 on: August 31, 2018, 01:22:42 AM »
Weird one. During a rare afternoon nap. Visiting family I think, a big house with people I know bit havent seen. Odd comments, and big dinner all good, kids running around tho. Go to other room and a weird staircase, like 70s style, or no code (no railings n only supports below) that goes up but in a semi spiral way, not totaly but not straight and steps are more roundish. Goes sorta to a shed, then comes down behind but cant see cause sorta meanders. But odd n beautiful amd I comment "wow youre a good builder" to my 'cousin' (someone in dream I recognize as such as very familiar bit really cant place but assume since some family house.) He just say those TWO liked it. Then some stuff happened and chasing after kids n talking with people n noticed a door n went out n a guy, who also I thought was. "Cousin." But not same, but sorta, n he was throwing concrete down a hole. I asked what he was building. He seemed mute or retard (sorry but thoght i had) buf motioned down. Climbed down hole to a cellar but big and he said he said he was building an escape route and was shoring up walls. I asked "where to?" And he had no answer. I said "you'll all die there is no way out? This is a crazy idea." Edit: when I said it it was like he said it or knew. A blank look but now not retard look, like it obvous.
Woke up.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #111 on: August 31, 2018, 02:55:38 AM »
Weird one. During a rare afternoon nap. Visiting family I think, a big house with people I know bit havent seen. Odd comments, and big dinner all good, kids running around tho. Go to other room and a weird staircase, like 70s style, or no code (no railings n only supports below) that goes up but in a semi spiral way, not totaly but not straight and steps are more roundish. Goes sorta to a shed, then comes down behind but cant see cause sorta meanders. But odd n beautiful amd I comment "wow youre a good builder" to my 'cousin' (someone in dream I recognize as such as very familiar bit really cant place but assume since some family house.) He just say those TWO liked it. Then some stuff happened and chasing after kids n talking with people n noticed a door n went out n a guy, who also I thought was. "Cousin." But not same, but sorta, n he was throwing concrete down a hole. I asked what he was building. He seemed mute or retard (sorry but thoght i had) buf motioned down. Climbed down hole to a cellar but big and he said he said he was building an escape route and was shoring up walls. I asked "where to?" And he had no answer. I said "you'll all die there is no way out? This is a crazy idea." Edit: when I said it it was like he said it or knew. A blank look but now not retard look, like it obvous.
Woke up.

Neat dream, mr. a.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #112 on: August 31, 2018, 03:21:53 PM »
Dream, August 31, 2018.

I dreamt that I was walking up a hill and on that hill was a building and on that building was a sign, but I can't remember what it said.  I'm pretty sure that it had something to do with a college course.  I was happy to be there and was receptive to learn something new.  Other students approached the building and it was then that I noticed that they were all carrying a brown folder stuffed with papers.  I didn't have a folder and I started to feel uneasy about it.  Just then, a kindly older man approached me and handed me a folder with all the papers in it.  I was very happy and started towards the school but then I woke up.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #113 on: August 31, 2018, 05:42:05 PM »
Dream, August 31, 2018.

I dreamt that I was walking up a hill and on that hill was a building and on that building was a sign, but I can't remember what it said.  I'm pretty sure that it had something to do with a college course.  I was happy to be there and was receptive to learn something new.  Other students approached the building and it was then that I noticed that they were all carrying a brown folder stuffed with papers.  I didn't have a folder and I started to feel uneasy about it.  Just then, a kindly older man approached me and handed me a folder with all the papers in it.  I was very happy and started towards the school but then I woke up.
Finally a happy ending to the "I found myself back in school and missing a...or late for..." dream! Good job.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #114 on: August 31, 2018, 07:37:18 PM »
Finally a happy ending to the "I found myself back in school and missing a...or late for..." dream! Good job.

Haha!  Thanks, mr. a.

Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #115 on: September 01, 2018, 02:13:45 PM »
Dream, September 1, 2018.

The funny thing about coming across the late Mr. B. in a dream is that it is always a complete surprise.  I dreamt that I was walking through a warren of empty rooms when voila, there he is, sitting on a stool, wearing blue jeans and a blue t-shirt.  He has that same silly smirk on his face like, "Surprised to see me huh?  No I'm not dead.  I'm as alive as you are."  And me, silly fool that I am, I always act the same damn way when encountering him.  I act like I knew that he wasn't dead, that he'd been alive and well for the past three or so years.  "How's it going, Jim?"  I ask with my best poker voice, though I'm totally shocked out of my socks to see that he is indeed alive.  We never seem to talk much, we just go through the same little routine.  A minute or two passes and I realize that I'm dreaming, as opposed to crossing the spirit line for more direct contact.  After all, he came to me, not vice versa.  He looks a little shadowy around the edges.

"Fine,"  He anwers with a chuckle.  "Considering."         


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #116 on: September 01, 2018, 06:30:39 PM »
When I was a child I used to get fevers for no apparent reason.  Very high temperatures.  I would hallucinate.  My Mom would take me to the ER and once I was there the fever was mild, or gone.  Nobody understood why this happened.  When I'd get fevers as I slept, I'd have dreams/nightmares.  I'd be awakened by them.  Most were forgotten over the years, however I've had two that repeated through out my life.  40 years of having one of those two dreams periodically.  One of which never went anywhere.  It was just a repeat, like an old movie.  The other however seemed to come to a conclusion which still hasn't happened.  I want to keep dreaming that particular one because sometimes it's maddening.  It is hard to describe or narrate but I will do my best to paint a picture.  Keep in mind that this started when I was 4 or 5.  I'm now 47 and this dream pops up once in a while.

It starts where I'm at a church.  Outside.  I know it's a church due to the markings but it looks more industrial.  Like a big warehouse or school.  Not your typical church.   Everything is hardened.  Brick, marble, granite, etc.  There are 2 arched wooden doors in the front and I enter through the one on the right.  I sneak in and snoop around.  I walk passed the pews and statues that are on the perimeter.  To the extreme right there is a darkened hallway with another doorway to the left as you enter.  There are 2 flights of steps.  I see desks, filing cabinets, shelves and a light coming from the opposite side of the room (to the left) where I see shadows and hear muffled sounds.  I get nervous and notice that straight ahead is another doorway with another flight of stairs.  Again, to the left.  I go down them and as I reach the bottom there is nothing but clutter.  Chairs, papers, furniture, trash, just piled piles upon piles.  The only opening is to the left (again).  One flight of stairs.  I go down and look to the left (sense a pattern here).  I first see a stage.  A typical stage you'd see in a school, etc.  There is nobody on the stage but at the back there are folded chairs against the wall along with posters and books on the floor.  In front of the stage are three rows of chairs with "people" sitting in them facing forward.  The thing that sticks in my mind after all these years is that there is one "person" there dressed as a band leader.  The tall hat.  The red uniform with the gold trim.  Ribbons.  The rest of the "people" are wearing just random outfits.  Nothing stands out.  The reason I put people in quotes is that they weren't people.  When they became aware that I was standing there, they all looked in unison.  None of them had faces.  No features.  No eyes, mouth, nose, etc.  Their skin wasn't smooth either.  It was slightly darkened and resembled the texture of a dried leaf.  Once they looked at me I felt an immense sense of fear and panic and I ran back out of the church.  I could hear them following me.  I escape and cross the street.  I stop and look back.  I never see anything else but the door I left open as I left and the sky looks very dark.  Nearly charcoal grey.  It was sunny and partly cloudy at the beginning.

I've had that dream many times and each time I feel like I inch toward an understanding.  It haunts me.  I wish I could draw or paint so I can put it down for people to see.


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #117 on: September 01, 2018, 06:34:53 PM »
You guys are killing me................

I almost never remember a dream.   That last one that I do remember, had Dolly Parton of all people, puking in a brand new Jeep Wrangler I just bought.


Rikki Gins

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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #118 on: September 02, 2018, 05:37:04 PM »
When I was a child I used to get fevers for no apparent reason.  Very high temperatures.  I would hallucinate.  My Mom would take me to the ER and once I was there the fever was mild, or gone.  Nobody understood why this happened.  When I'd get fevers as I slept, I'd have dreams/nightmares.  I'd be awakened by them.  Most were forgotten over the years, however I've had two that repeated through out my life.  40 years of having one of those two dreams periodically.  One of which never went anywhere.  It was just a repeat, like an old movie.  The other however seemed to come to a conclusion which still hasn't happened.  I want to keep dreaming that particular one because sometimes it's maddening.  It is hard to describe or narrate but I will do my best to paint a picture.  Keep in mind that this started when I was 4 or 5.  I'm now 47 and this dream pops up once in a while.

It starts where I'm at a church.  Outside.  I know it's a church due to the markings but it looks more industrial.  Like a big warehouse or school.  Not your typical church.   Everything is hardened.  Brick, marble, granite, etc.  There are 2 arched wooden doors in the front and I enter through the one on the right.  I sneak in and snoop around.  I walk passed the pews and statues that are on the perimeter.  To the extreme right there is a darkened hallway with another doorway to the left as you enter.  There are 2 flights of steps.  I see desks, filing cabinets, shelves and a light coming from the opposite side of the room (to the left) where I see shadows and hear muffled sounds.  I get nervous and notice that straight ahead is another doorway with another flight of stairs.  Again, to the left.  I go down them and as I reach the bottom there is nothing but clutter.  Chairs, papers, furniture, trash, just piled piles upon piles.  The only opening is to the left (again).  One flight of stairs.  I go down and look to the left (sense a pattern here).  I first see a stage.  A typical stage you'd see in a school, etc.  There is nobody on the stage but at the back there are folded chairs against the wall along with posters and books on the floor.  In front of the stage are three rows of chairs with "people" sitting in them facing forward.  The thing that sticks in my mind after all these years is that there is one "person" there dressed as a band leader.  The tall hat.  The red uniform with the gold trim.  Ribbons.  The rest of the "people" are wearing just random outfits.  Nothing stands out.  The reason I put people in quotes is that they weren't people.  When they became aware that I was standing there, they all looked in unison.  None of them had faces.  No features.  No eyes, mouth, nose, etc.  Their skin wasn't smooth either.  It was slightly darkened and resembled the texture of a dried leaf.  Once they looked at me I felt an immense sense of fear and panic and I ran back out of the church.  I could hear them following me.  I escape and cross the street.  I stop and look back.  I never see anything else but the door I left open as I left and the sky looks very dark.  Nearly charcoal grey.  It was sunny and partly cloudy at the beginning.

I've had that dream many times and each time I feel like I inch toward an understanding.  It haunts me.  I wish I could draw or paint so I can put it down for people to see.

That is a wonderful recollection of a repeating dream, Shay.  Almost lyrical in nature and there seems to be a treasure hunt aspect to it as well.  Perhaps you are searching for something, though not quite spiritual in nature, despite the fact that your dream begins in a church.  Here is my spin on your dream...  Your dream church is a series of recollections from the spirit realm, where your spirit resided after your previous life ended.  Here are stored (the file cabinets) the memories from that earlier life.  More than that though, you were surrounded by a loving group of spiritual guides who have diligently prepped you for your present life.  One guide in particular was especially helpful (the band leader) and you were able to retain a memory of him (and the others, to a smaller extent) in your early years of childhood.  I believe that there is something special that you have been drilled for, something that you will accomplish in this present life.  Your dream ends with you escaping the people (your guides) with the dried leaf faces.  I think they were definitely scaring you away, though in fact, they were doing it on purpose and out of love, not as a threat of doing you any bodily harm.  That is why they didn't continue the chase, and remained inside the 'church.'  I think that they want you to continue on into the sidewalks and streets that you were escaping to.  Perhaps when you dream it again, you will cover more ground and possibly even see a glimpse of what it is that you are searching for.       


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Re: Dream Stuff
« Reply #119 on: September 02, 2018, 07:16:33 PM »
Just an editorial comment...

There's a woman who emails at least two-three times a week telling me I'm in her very weird dreams. 

I get it that it may resonate with me and I may have an insight for her but after months of it, it gets really old.

Yes, she was a FWB and yes, she wants to return to the land of ahhs but I'm not driving to Los Angeles to do 30 minutes (plus cuddling) of anything unless there's four figures involved.

Eh, nevermind...